India's Transworld eyes bigger presence in S'pore [SINGAPORE] Indian shipowners, the Transworld Group, is looking at stepping up its presence here barely a year after it set up a unit, Shreyas World Navigation in Singapore.
Tanker breaks up off Spain
Frontline back in the black with US$181m Q4 profit
Air and Land Transport
Sale decides not to buy four Airbus superjumbos [SINGAPORE] Singapore Aircraft Leasing Enterprise (Sale), part owned by Singapore Airlines, said it decided not to buy four Airbus Industrie A380 superjumbos estimated at US$900 million (S$1.56 billion).
Work slowdown disrupts American Airlines' NY flights
Battle between S'pore, HK heats up SHIPPING registries bring many benefits to the entities running them -- from fees to ancillary business to prestige in the world maritime community. The last has become increasingly important as rules are progressively tightened to ensure the quality of port-state control.
India's Transworld eyes bigger presence in S'pore [SINGAPORE] Indian shipowners, the Transworld Group, is looking at stepping up its presence here barely a year after it set up a unit, Shreyas World Navigation in Singapore.
Tanker breaks up off Spain
Frontline back in the black with US$181m Q4 profit
Air and Land Transport
Sale decides not to buy four Airbus superjumbos [SINGAPORE] Singapore Aircraft Leasing Enterprise (Sale), part owned by Singapore Airlines, said it decided not to buy four Airbus Industrie A380 superjumbos estimated at US$900 million (S$1.56 billion).
Work slowdown disrupts American Airlines' NY flights
Battle between S'pore, HK heats up SHIPPING registries bring many benefits to the entities running them -- from fees to ancillary business to prestige in the world maritime community. The last has become increasingly important as rules are progressively tightened to ensure the quality of port-state control.
India's Transworld eyes bigger presence in S'pore [SINGAPORE] Indian shipowners, the Transworld Group, is looking at stepping up its presence here barely a year after it set up a unit, Shreyas World Navigation in Singapore.
Tanker breaks up off Spain
Frontline back in the black with US$181m Q4 profit
Air and Land Transport
Sale decides not to buy four Airbus superjumbos [SINGAPORE] Singapore Aircraft Leasing Enterprise (Sale), part owned by Singapore Airlines, said it decided not to buy four Airbus Industrie A380 superjumbos estimated at US$900 million (S$1.56 billion).
Work slowdown disrupts American Airlines' NY flights
Battle between S'pore, HK heats up SHIPPING registries bring many benefits to the entities running them -- from fees to ancillary business to prestige in the world maritime community. The last has become increasingly important as rules are progressively tightened to ensure the quality of port-state control.
EU investigates Hutchison control over Rotterdam The inquiry will enable the European Commission to examine the impact on the European container terminal market.
Port operations back to normal in Seattle, Tacoma The earthquake temporarily disrupted cargo-handling activities Wednesday afternoon but caused no major damage.
Port blockade ends in Rotterdam Fishermen blocked more than 50 ships from entering and leaving the port, but the situation was expected to return to normal by afternoon.
Houston succeeds Stark as Vancouver port chief. Gordon Houston will follow Norman Stark, who stepped down after a 10-year reign overseeing the port's modernization and rapid growth.
CN, union enter mediation to avoid strike
American operations returning to normal at JFK
Mitsui O.S.K. assigns Panamax orders
Elite Intl., link up
Columbia Coastal Transport moves HQ
Cathay to add Airbus jets
Germany to extend Deutsche Post monopoly until 2008
British Airways to increase freight rates
ANZDL enhances email service
Barges increase share of Rotterdam, Antwerp container volume
No maritime cheer in Bush budget blueprint A preliminary budget "blueprint" released by President George W. Bush proposes $5.1 billion for the Coast Guard, $545 million above 2001 enacted, to support operational requirements and begin rebuilding the Coast Guard's aging fleet of ships and aircraft. Other than that, there's little for maritime interests to cheer.
FGH and Ocean Rig continue sparring Friede Goldman Halter, Inc. said today that it has stopped work on the Ocean Rig ASA project.
Pilotage: la proposition de directive nest guère appréciée par le secteur La proposition de directive de la Commission européenne relative à la libéralisation des services portuaires ne semble guère au goût des professionnels du pilotage. Ainsi, les pilotes de mer français seraient décidés à mener combat en vue dobtenir une exemption, car ils refusent toute perspective de privatisation et de commercialisation impliquant une concurrence. En mai prochain doit se tenir à Paris une réunion de lassociation européenne des pilotes maritimes, qui devrait être loccasion de rallier dautres groupements de pilotes européens pour faire pression sur la Commission. Il ne fait pas de doute que les pilotes français trouveront un appui de premier ordre auprès de leurs collègues belges...
Démanteler les consortiums réduirait de 25% le coût du transport maritime Un démantèlement des consortiums et conférences darmements (et des exemptions des règles de concurrence dont ils bénéficient en Europe et aux Etats-Unis) et une libéralisation du commerce (notamment par labrogation des monopoles en matière de services portuaires) se traduiraient par une réduction moyenne dun tiers dans les prix du transport maritime dans les exportations vers les Etats-Unis. Les économies que réaliseraient ainsi les chargeurs, se monteraient à près de trois milliards de dollars. Telles sont les conclusions auxquelles sont parvenus les auteurs dun rapport de la Banque mondiale intitulé Trade in international maritime services: how much does policy matter?.
La liaison Nord-Sud offre des perspectives pour le transbordement dans le nord du Limbourg Le ministre-président flamand, Patrick Dewael, a annoncé quil voulait provisionner 2 mia. de BEF dans le budget de 2003 pour achever la liaison Nord-Sud devant relier Eindhoven à Huy via Lommel, Hasselt et Saint-Trond. Selon Guido Vrolinckx, de la plate-forme régionale du nord du Limbourg, cette liaison accroît les possibilités de développement des activités de transbordement dans la région.
Des pêcheurs mécontents verrouillent les ports néerlandais Des pêcheurs néerlandais en colère ont paralysé hier les ports de Rotterdam, IJmuiden et Amsterdam en bloquant laccès aux ports. Ils protestaient contre la lenteur des compensations financières pour linterdiction, décrétée par lUE, de pêcher le cabillaud dans dimportantes parties de la mer du Nord. Cette interdiction est en application pendant six semaines. Les pêcheurs affirment que le manque à gagner se chiffre certainement à 2 à 300.000 NLG par semaine. Ils veulent donc une intervention du secrétaire dEtat à lAgriculture et à la Pêche, Geke Faber, ce que ce dernier a toujours refusé jusquà présent.
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