MPA chief to head IMO Council MARITIME and Port Authority of Singapore director-general Chen Tze Penn has been elected chairman of the International Maritime Organisation Council, in a move seen as recognising Singapore's growing influence in international maritime issues.
Cruise ships staying longer in S'pore
US needs to find right level of port security
Hutchison Port gets EC nods to buy control of ECT
Air and Land Transport
Ansett administrators see sale to Fox-Lew by end-Jan THE administrators of collapsed airline Ansett Australia said yesterday they expect to sell it to the local Fox-Lew consortium by the end of January, but were still weighing up partial bids from a British nightclub and Richard Branson's Virgin Blue airline.
Crossair raises safety levels at Zurich runway
Airfare bargains for the bold in Malaysia after Sept scare
Russian cargo plane crash: 18 feared dead
Lufthansa to re-think delay of plane orders
Bombardier sees growth in demand for regional jets
MPA chief to head IMO Council MARITIME and Port Authority of Singapore director-general Chen Tze Penn has been elected chairman of the International Maritime Organisation Council, in a move seen as recognising Singapore's growing influence in international maritime issues.
Cruise ships staying longer in S'pore
US needs to find right level of port security
Hutchison Port gets EC nods to buy control of ECT
Air and Land Transport
Ansett administrators see sale to Fox-Lew by end-Jan THE administrators of collapsed airline Ansett Australia said yesterday they expect to sell it to the local Fox-Lew consortium by the end of January, but were still weighing up partial bids from a British nightclub and Richard Branson's Virgin Blue airline.
Crossair raises safety levels at Zurich runway
Airfare bargains for the bold in Malaysia after Sept scare
Russian cargo plane crash: 18 feared dead
Lufthansa to re-think delay of plane orders
Bombardier sees growth in demand for regional jets
Freight market chaos after Enron collapse BANKRUPTCY is staring at some of the shipowners who had contracts with energy trading giant Enron, fast sliding towards its own demise.
Imarex speeds up as online rival falters THE demise of EnronOnline, the failed energy group's derivatives trading site, is poised to accelerate efforts by rival Imarex to enter the dry cargo market.
Dunlop warns over state aid to ferries ONE of the most influential figures in the European ferry business has warned of a "proliferation" of state aid which threatens to distort competition in the sector, writes Julian Bray .
Schubert confirmed as Marad chief The Texas native said he will emphasize the agency's role in the war on terrorism.
FedEx, airlines cut fuel charges The slide in jet fuel prices has prompted several more airlines to eliminate or reduce their fuel surcharges.
EU approves TACA Regulators approved theTrans-Atlantic Conference Agreement, ending a decade-long standoff with some of the world's leading container shipping lines.
STB sets environmental meetings for Texas petrochem rail project
Noord Natie complète sa gamme de services avec A4S Le port scaldien dispose dun nouvel outil avec le terminal A4S (Antwerp for Storage), qui est implanté au quai 245-247 de la Quatrième darse et qui jouxte les installations de stockage citernier de la Noord Natie. Ce nouveau terminal est axé sur le stockage et la distribution de produits chimiques dangereux, laccent étant également mis sur les services connexes à valeur ajoutée, comme la mise en fûts et en sacs, le stockage de containers, le filtrage, le mixage, le réchauffement, léchantillonnage, etc. A4S est le résultat dune joint-venture à 50/50 entre Noord Natie Tank Terminal et le groupe DPS/Atvaris, qui est spécialisé dans la distribution de produits chimiques.
Usinor va disposer dun grand terminal aux aciers à Anvers Un accord définitif a été conclu entre le grand groupe sidérurgique français Usinor, sa filiale anversoise Ocean Logistics et le manutentionnaire Nova-Hessenatie, qui sappellera bientôt officiellement Nova Hesse Noord Natie. Cet accord porte sur lexploitation dun grand terminal aux aciers dans la zone portuaire anversoise de la rive droite.
Pavillon belge: la taxe au tonnage pourrait intervenir début 2002 Si tout se déroule comme prévu, les derniers points du dossier fiscal concernant la flotte marchande belge et lintroduction de la taxe au tonnage pourraient être réglés dans le courant du premier trimestre de lannée prochaine, avec comme conséquence le retour des premiers navires sous pavillon belge au cours des mois qui suivront. La prise en considération, par les autorités fédérales belges compétentes, de limpact que peut avoir une flotte marchande réellement nationale a été facilitée par une vaste étude réalisée par le bureau détudes Policy Research Corporation sur limpact économique dun pôle maritime belge sappuyant sur la flotte marchande et les secteurs du remorquage et des travaux hydrauliques.
BASF et IFB se partagent la capacité du train Anvers-Ludwigshafen Laccord que nous signons aujourdhui est en fait une préfiguration du nouveau monde ferroviaire en Europe: un très grand client du rail, BASF en loccurrence, prend sa destinée logistique en main, mais coopère avec une entreprise ferroviaire pour mieux utiliser la capacité disponible. Cest une combinaison de lintérêt privé avec lexpertise ferroviaire. Cest en ces termes que Marc Dubois, responsable dInter Ferry Boats, a accueilli une importante délégation de BASF à loccasion de la signature dun contrat de partage de la capacité du train Anvers-Ludwigshafen.
DFDS adds another ro-ro at Flensburg Danish ferry owner has declared first of five options at the German yard as profits drop.
Actinor turns a profit But state of market is delaying share restructuring.
Write-off hits Western Bulk Action on long-term contract pushes up Norwegian owner' losses.
Knutsen lands LNG contract Norwegian owner to order small gas carrier for deal with Naturgass Vest.
Novoship tanker grounds off Istanbul No oil spill reported from Marshal Vasilevskiy in the Sea of Marmara.
Losses widen at Eidsiva Norwegian owner has gone further into the red as fleet dwindles.
Loki seeks refinancing as tanker market struggles Loss-making owner of world's biggest tanker will not be able to fully repay debts unless rates improve.
Minoan Lines sinks into the red Greek ferry giant blames financial expenses and depreciation costs for nine-month loss.
EU may broaden subsidy support European shipbuilders have asked for more ship types to be eligible for proposed state aid.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher