Let same society handle class and ISM cert: DNV [SINGAPORE] The same classification society should be responsible for both a vessel's class and ISM (International Safety Management) certificate, says a leading classification society in the wake of the Neptune Dorado saga.
India's busiest port getting back to work after killer quake
Port shots
Air and Land Transport
TWA sale: investor group plans competing US$6.2b bid [SCOTTSDALE, Arizona], AMR Corp's US$3.5 billion (S$6.05 billion) offer for Trans World Airlines Inc will face a competing bid that is nearly double its size in a bankruptcy auction next month, officials of an investor group said.
Airline mergers bad for competition, will result in poorer service, US Senate hears
Airbus enlists Japanese trader to help boost sales
Delta pilots make strike preparations, talks continue
Sabena pilots strike, flights cancelled
Out to conquer Europe SINGAPORE-based NOL Group's international container shipping arm APL is set to win a much bigger share of the European market. That is the confident expectation of the boss of APL's European region, Ken Soerensen.
Let same society handle class and ISM cert: DNV [SINGAPORE] The same classification society should be responsible for both a vessel's class and ISM (International Safety Management) certificate, says a leading classification society in the wake of the Neptune Dorado saga.
India's busiest port getting back to work after killer quake
Port shots
Air and Land Transport
TWA sale: investor group plans competing US$6.2b bid [SCOTTSDALE, Arizona], AMR Corp's US$3.5 billion (S$6.05 billion) offer for Trans World Airlines Inc will face a competing bid that is nearly double its size in a bankruptcy auction next month, officials of an investor group said.
Airline mergers bad for competition, will result in poorer service, US Senate hears
Airbus enlists Japanese trader to help boost sales
Delta pilots make strike preparations, talks continue
Sabena pilots strike, flights cancelled
Out to conquer Europe SINGAPORE-based NOL Group's international container shipping arm APL is set to win a much bigger share of the European market. That is the confident expectation of the boss of APL's European region, Ken Soerensen.
Let same society handle class and ISM cert: DNV [SINGAPORE] The same classification society should be responsible for both a vessel's class and ISM (International Safety Management) certificate, says a leading classification society in the wake of the Neptune Dorado saga.
India's busiest port getting back to work after killer quake
Port shots
Air and Land Transport
TWA sale: investor group plans competing US$6.2b bid [SCOTTSDALE, Arizona], AMR Corp's US$3.5 billion (S$6.05 billion) offer for Trans World Airlines Inc will face a competing bid that is nearly double its size in a bankruptcy auction next month, officials of an investor group said.
Airline mergers bad for competition, will result in poorer service, US Senate hears
Airbus enlists Japanese trader to help boost sales
Delta pilots make strike preparations, talks continue
Sabena pilots strike, flights cancelled
Out to conquer Europe SINGAPORE-based NOL Group's international container shipping arm APL is set to win a much bigger share of the European market. That is the confident expectation of the boss of APL's European region, Ken Soerensen.
Cosco, Evergreen lead new Europe-Indian subcontinent alliance The carriers, along with Malaysia International Shipping Corp. and Japan's "K" Line, will launch a container service between Northern Europe and the Indian subcontinent by the end of March, the the first time that any of the lines make direct calls on the trade.
Slumping U.S. economy punctures global air cargo Traffic was narrowly up in October to 5.6 million tons, but results were dragged down by North America, the world's largest market, where the U.S. economic downturn resulted in a 1.4 percent decline in volume, to 2.5 million tons.
Mystery suitor bids $1B for TWA Little-known Jet Acquisitions Group has more than doubled what American Airlines said it would pay for Trans World Airlines.
Panama port tops Latin rankings Manzanillo International Terminal in Panama has become the single biggest container port in Latin America, overtaking Buenos Aires in 2000 as more container lines use Panama as a transshipment hub.
Rescue plan save Sabena from bankruptcy - for now
Gateway box lessor gets $24.7M investment
FedEx weighs China strategy, readies Vietnam service
Clerici (Assologistica): «Una liberalizzazione solo di facciata»
E lo scalo ionico punta sulla crescita dei servizi
Mercoledì il commissario De Palacio licenzierà la direttiva Ue destinata a incidere profondamente sugli assetti operativi consolidati Bruxelles rivoluziona i porti Per i terminal gare internazionali e licenze brevi - Più potere agli armatori per gestire le banchine
Cosco fa rotta su Taranto con le nuove porta container
CMA CGM: les records de 2000 confirment le bien-fondé de la reprise-fusion Nen déplaise à ceux qui dans lHexagone ont la critique facile au sujet de la reprise de CGM par CMA et de la fusion de ces deux armements, mais les faits sont là: léconomie française dispose aujourdhui dun grand armement de ligne figurant dans le club des dix megacarriers Est-Ouest et Nord-Sud. Lannée dernière, tous les records ont été battus: 1,66 million de TEU ont été transportés, soit une hausse de 23,2%, et le chiffre daffaires a atteint les 13 milliards de FRF, en hausse de 34% (ce qui laisse supposer que le résultat net aura augmenté dau moins 100%). De plus, toutes les lignes CGM sont devenues rentables.
Flessingue deviendra le premier véritable concurrent de Rotterdam aux Pays-Bas Flessingue est une vraie mutation, estime le professeur H. Welters de lUniversité Erasmus à Rotterdam. Lancien président de lAssociation Maritime Sud (Scheepvaart Vereniging Zuid), lorganisation coupole de groupements portuaires actifs dans le principal port européen, a formulé ce point de vue lors du mini-congrès organisé par le Port Promotion Council Zeeland mercredi après-midi à Flessingue et qui avait comme thème Les ambitions des ports zélandais. La réunion était un franc succès avec 240 participants, dont le gouverneur de la reine en Zélande, Van Gelder. Remarquable toutefois était labsence du président (Mr. Bruinooge) et du directeur (Mr. Philippen) de Zeeland Seaports.
Dunkerque a multiplié ses investissements par trois Traditionnellement, le Port Autonome de Dunkerque (PAD) investissait chaque année 100 mio. de FRF (15,24 mio. dEUR) en moyenne. Lexercice 2000 avait déjà marqué une forte montée en puissance avec 165 mio. de FRF (25,15 mio. dEUR), soit +65% par rapport au niveau moyen précédent. Pour 2001, ce sera 316 mio. de FRF (48,17 mio. dEUR), soit +91% par rapport à 2000. En comparant le niveau moyen avant le redémarrage et celui prévu pour 2001, on constate que le PAD aura ainsi multiplié ses investissements annuels par plus de trois.
Jiangdu scoops Italian tanker pair Italian owner opts for Chinese yard for new product tanker tonnage.
Owners fear further erosion of Greek flag Union of Greek Shipowners president John C Lyras has urged the government to adopt a more shipping friendly stance.
Bosphorus collision Med Glory abandoned with serious damage.
Lauritzen spends $52m to axe holding company Copenhagen listed company to disappear under plan to remove management layer.
Cabot LNG boss shifts to Poten The ex-president of Cabot LNG has made the move from owner to broker.
Europe aims to cut through shipping red tape EU transport supremo Loyola de Palacio wants to make it easier for ships to make frequent calls at European ports.
Kirby leases Dow tank barges The Houston owner has taken 94 of the chemical company's vessels on a long-term basis.
Cammell Laird warns on yard jobs Government told financial backing for cruise order essential.
Uljanik denies cargoship report The Croatian yard says it has no plans to build cargoships for an Italian-Swiss import company.
Osprey names chiefs John Fredriksen has named his new Osprey team.
VLCC resales touted Owners wanting prompt delivery of a VLCC newbuilding may have to pay up.
Cido Shipping makes tanker order debut The car carrier shipping firm is ordering its first ever tanker in a bid to diversify its activities.
Castor tanks emptied Tsavliris complete pollution prevention operation on the ship that nobody wanted.
Profits plunge at Hanjin Heavy Korea's fifth-largest shipbuilder saw income pushed down by rising raw materials costs in 2000.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher