Stricken vessel off Europe denied refuge [SINGAPORE] The new millennium may well start off with a bang for the shipping world as the stricken product tanker Castor, laden with 29,500 tonnes of unleaded gasoline, continues to be denied refuge off Europe's south-western coastline.
UPS to buy Fritz for US$450m in common stock
PSA reported to be in talks for stake in Antwerp stevedore
Uniglory to call at Bandar Abbas
Air and Land Transport
FedEx, US Postal Service strike two deals worth US$7b [NEW YORK] The US Postal Service, hoping to save US$1 billion (S$1.73 billion) a year in mail transportation costs, and package carrier FedEx Corp on Wednesday entered into two seven-year service agreements worth about US$7 billion.
US, EU try to resolve Airbus financing row
Aussie, NZ airlines to warn passengers of blood clot risk
Consumer groups voice concerns; Delta mulls options
Stricken vessel off Europe denied refuge [SINGAPORE] The new millennium may well start off with a bang for the shipping world as the stricken product tanker Castor, laden with 29,500 tonnes of unleaded gasoline, continues to be denied refuge off Europe's south-western coastline.
UPS to buy Fritz for US$450m in common stock
PSA reported to be in talks for stake in Antwerp stevedore
Uniglory to call at Bandar Abbas
Air and Land Transport
FedEx, US Postal Service strike two deals worth US$7b [NEW YORK] The US Postal Service, hoping to save US$1 billion (S$1.73 billion) a year in mail transportation costs, and package carrier FedEx Corp on Wednesday entered into two seven-year service agreements worth about US$7 billion.
US, EU try to resolve Airbus financing row
Aussie, NZ airlines to warn passengers of blood clot risk
Consumer groups voice concerns; Delta mulls options
Emery still flying for Postal Service despite contract termination The carrier continues to fly despite the loss of its Priority Mail contract on Jan. 7, shortly before the Postal Service announced a new alliance with rival Federal Express.
DOT approves UPS China flights Also, United Airlines was OK'd for two new flights a week beginning in April, while Federal Express and Northwest Airlines each get one additional flight.
FedEx: UPS-Fritz could violate anti-trust Federal Express voiced concerns that the blockbuster deal will scuttle its talks to buy three Fritz customs clearance units.
New bill would take harbor maintenance tax off budget
Canada Steamship Lines promotes Gerry Carter
Canada's Clarke Inc. scoops up U.S. logistics companies
A Taranto 250 assunzioni per il terminal Evergreen
Due rimorchiatori per La Spezia e Gioia Tauro Scafi si rafforza con nuove navi
E Onorato ordina tre unità d'altura
La logistica sui banchi di scuola
Container Nel 2000 gli scali italiani hanno «sottratto» un milione di teu al Nord Europa La riscossa del Mediterraneo Una ricerca inglese prevede il raddoppio del traffico specializzato sulle rotte del Sud entro il 2015
Spain under fire over Castor ban THE American Bureau of Shipping yesterday accused Spain of taking a "political, rather than subjective" view of the plight of the stricken product tanker Castor and warned that the vessel's time was running out.
Athenian launches fleet renewal programme ATHENIAN Sea Carriers, the company at the heart of the Castor drama off Spain, intends ordering a series of up to four double-hulled product tankers from Croatia's Uljanik Shipyard, writes Nigel Lowry.
Fincantieri buyers eye banks stake A TEAM of domestic financiers is reported to be interested in the 17% stake in Italian shipbuilding group Fincantieri which is now held by nine banks.
Stena Line share buyback a success CASH-strapped ferry operator Stena Line's retreat into the private sector has been formalised when parent group Stena AB's takeover offer yielded it 95.5% of Stena Line's equity corresponding to 97.9% of voting rights, writes Rajesh Joshi, Oslo.
Athenian rallies to its standard THIS is not the first time that January has proved to be a miserable month for Athenian Sea Carriers, the Greek shipping company which has been sweating for the past 10 days on the fate of its damaged product tanker Castor.
Mersey Docks picks AMEC for Twelve Quays MERSEY Docks and Harbour Company has appointed AMEC to build the Twelve Quays ro-ro terminal at Liverpool for the Irish Sea trade.
Daewoo treble coup for Northwest Shelf project DAEWOO Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering has won an order for up to three 138,000 cbm membrane LNG carriers for Australia's Northwest Shelf project.
Newbuilding ready for Pertamina charter SURYA Satsuma, right, is the latest 22,500 cu m LNG carrier delivered by NKK of Japan, writes Hugh O'Mahony.
UPS reprend Fritz Quelle entreprise UPS reprendra-t-il, maintenant quil dispose de tant dargent?, se demandait-on après lintroduction en bourse réussie de fin 1999. Pendant quasiment toute une année, tout le monde est parti du principe que lentreprise logistique américaine jetterait son dévolu sur un prestataire de services européen afin de disposer dune solide base de départ en Europe. La première reprise après lintroduction en bourse concerne toutefois une autre société américaine: Fritz Logistics. Cette entreprise se consacre depuis des décennies à lexpédition, de sorte que suite à la fusion des deux entreprises, la branche expédition dUPS pourra désormais se mesurer à celle de Deutsche Post.
La compétitivité de Rotterdam souffre de la congestion permanente sur le corridor vers Paris Les transporteurs opérant entre Rotterdam et Paris sont davantage confrontés à la congestion que leurs collègues opèrant à partir dAnvers ou Le Havre. Laugmentation moyenne du temps de voyage suite à la congestion des routes sélève à 5,3% à partir du grand port néerlandais, contre 4,8 et 3,3% à partir dAnvers et Le Havre. Seuls les poids lourds qui quittent Rotterdam entre 21h et 02h ne sont pas confrontés à des retards. Sur la relation avec la Ruhr, la différence entre Rotterdam dune part et Anvers et Brême dautre part est plus grande encore. Cest ce que conclu une étude réalisée par le bureau détude néerlandais NEA pour compte de la KNV (Koninklijk Nederlands Vervoer).
Kok et Dewael voient 2001 comme une année charnière sur le plan décisionnel Le ministre-président flamand, Patrick Dewael, a reçu mercredi soir son collègue néerlandais Wim Kok à Bruxelles. Lagenda comprenait notamment plusieurs dossiers infrastructurels tels que lapprofondissement de lEscaut occidental, le Rhin dAcier et la Ligne ferroviaire de marchandises 11. Les deux ministres veulent enregistrer une percée décisive cette année dans ces dossiers, mais de manière plus réaliste, seul celui sur lapprofondissement de lEscaut occidental semble pouvoir déboucher sur des accords concrets. Signalons enfin que Patrick Dewael a clairement fait savoir ne pas vouloir coupler de dossiers.
Durant veut des normes européennes pour la mesure du bruit autour des aéroports Lorsque la Belgique assurera la présidence de lUnion européenne, la ministre des Transports Isabelle Durant veut placer laccent sur les dossiers permettant daméliorer la sécurité des transports, les conditions de travail des professionnels du secteur et la protection de lenvironnement. Cest ce quelle a déclaré jeudi à Bruxelles au cours de sa réception de Nouvel An.
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