PSA's greenfield project in Japan given national priority PSA Corporation's long awaited break into Japan's ports seems certain to go ahead after Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi declared its Hibiki project one of three key infrastructure developments needed to turn around his country's ailing economy.
Exec director of NY port authority among missing
Air and Land Transport
Shutdown of US airspace causes airport congestion round the world CANCELLATIONS and diversions choked airports around the world yesterday after US air space was closed in the wake of airborne terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.
Typhoon disrupts flights in Japan
Emirates to fly to Perth
CWT seeks alliances in push to go global GONE are the days when third party logistics providers can remain as established local or even regional players.
3PLs likely to see slower growth in future: survey
PSA's greenfield project in Japan given national priority PSA Corporation's long awaited break into Japan's ports seems certain to go ahead after Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi declared its Hibiki project one of three key infrastructure developments needed to turn around his country's ailing economy.
Exec director of NY port authority among missing
Air and Land Transport
Shutdown of US airspace causes airport congestion round the world CANCELLATIONS and diversions choked airports around the world yesterday after US air space was closed in the wake of airborne terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.
Typhoon disrupts flights in Japan
Emirates to fly to Perth
CWT seeks alliances in push to go global GONE are the days when third party logistics providers can remain as established local or even regional players.
3PLs likely to see slower growth in future: survey
PSA's greenfield project in Japan given national priority PSA Corporation's long awaited break into Japan's ports seems certain to go ahead after Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi declared its Hibiki project one of three key infrastructure developments needed to turn around his country's ailing economy.
Exec director of NY port authority among missing
Air and Land Transport
Shutdown of US airspace causes airport congestion round the world CANCELLATIONS and diversions choked airports around the world yesterday after US air space was closed in the wake of airborne terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.
Typhoon disrupts flights in Japan
Emirates to fly to Perth
CWT seeks alliances in push to go global GONE are the days when third party logistics providers can remain as established local or even regional players.
3PLs likely to see slower growth in future: survey
PSA's greenfield project in Japan given national priority PSA Corporation's long awaited break into Japan's ports seems certain to go ahead after Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi declared its Hibiki project one of three key infrastructure developments needed to turn around his country's ailing economy.
Exec director of NY port authority among missing
Air and Land Transport
Shutdown of US airspace causes airport congestion round the world CANCELLATIONS and diversions choked airports around the world yesterday after US air space was closed in the wake of airborne terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.
Typhoon disrupts flights in Japan
Emirates to fly to Perth
CWT seeks alliances in push to go global GONE are the days when third party logistics providers can remain as established local or even regional players.
3PLs likely to see slower growth in future: survey
Insurers wake up to $15bn nightmare The INSURANCE industry awoke today facing the most painful loss in its history. Not only were insurers grappling to come to terms with the colossal expacted financial cost of Tuesday's...
Tales of miracles and anguish as US counts its dead AS the United States struggled to come to terms with Tuesday's horrifying attacks on New York and Washington and to construct a political and military response, workers on the ground in both...
Shipping shares tumble as markets fear global recession Shares in European shipping companies took a beating yesterday ahead of today's expected reopening of US financial markets. And stock markets in Japan and South Korea suffered sharp fa...
Terrorist disruption in the US You are invited to use Lloyd's List to give customers and friends details of your business activities in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks yesterday. Contact
Back-up at West Coast ports Vessel traffic has slowed at West Coast ports amid heightened security following Tuesday's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.
Laviation civile américaine aura du mal à se remettre des attaques terroristes Suite aux attaques terroristes avec des avions civils sur le World Trade Center à New York et le Pentagone à Washington, laviation civile en Amérique et dans le reste du monde pourra sattendre à des contrôles approfondis. Surtout sur le plan de la sécurité, il reste beaucoup à faire. Plus que jamais, un pacte de sécurité global pour la navigation aérienne prescrivant des normes et contrôles sévères simpose afin de réduire au maximum la répétition de ce qui sest passé aux Etats-Unis mardi dernier.
La CE persiste dans ses efforts réduire le transport routier La Commission européenne a approuvé hier mercredi, après des mois de tergiversations suite à des conflits internes, le Livre Blanc sur la politique européenne des transports jusquà laube de 2010. Cet ouvrage opte de manière claire et fondamentale pour une politique visant à donner un nouveau souffle aux transports ferroviaire, maritime et fluvial et visant à promouvoir le développement du transport intermodal. La Commission entend réaliser une grande partie de cet objectif en jugulant le transport de marchandises par la route.
LAutriche refuse le nouveau Diktat de lUE sur les écopoints Le nouveau Diktat de lUE est inacceptable. Cest en ces termes que le Kronen-Zeitung, le journal autrichien qui a le plus fort tirage national, titrait ces jours-ci son article et ses commentaires sur la décision du Parlement européen dabolir la clause de 108 % des écopoints. Cette mesure revient à une libéralisation complète du trafic des poids lourds transitant par le Tyrol.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher