Piracy soon to be on UN General Assembly agenda THE International Maritime Organsiation is preparing to bring up maritime piracy at the UN General Assembly, indicating the higher profile the issue is now taking.
Subic Bay port to build 3 cargo terminals
Air and Land Transport
Boeing, Airbus to see new orders fall to US$15b BOEING Co and Airbus Industrie may unveil about US$15 billion in new aircraft sales at the industry's trade show in Paris, half the amount announced at last year's event, analysts said.
Virgin Blue to post trading profit for first 7 months
Qantas NZ directors charged over accounts
US official raises concern over A380 subsidies
France's AOM, Air Liberte file for bankruptcy
Will sky-high e-mail catch on with passengers? NEW YORK International air travellers on a few more select airlines will be able to surf the Web at 35,000 feet from next year, but questions remain over how eager passengers and carriers will be to pay for sky-high e-mail.
Piracy soon to be on UN General Assembly agenda THE International Maritime Organsiation is preparing to bring up maritime piracy at the UN General Assembly, indicating the higher profile the issue is now taking.
Subic Bay port to build 3 cargo terminals
Air and Land Transport
Boeing, Airbus to see new orders fall to US$15b BOEING Co and Airbus Industrie may unveil about US$15 billion in new aircraft sales at the industry's trade show in Paris, half the amount announced at last year's event, analysts said.
Virgin Blue to post trading profit for first 7 months
Qantas NZ directors charged over accounts
US official raises concern over A380 subsidies
France's AOM, Air Liberte file for bankruptcy
Will sky-high e-mail catch on with passengers? NEW YORK International air travellers on a few more select airlines will be able to surf the Web at 35,000 feet from next year, but questions remain over how eager passengers and carriers will be to pay for sky-high e-mail.
Piracy soon to be on UN General Assembly agenda THE International Maritime Organsiation is preparing to bring up maritime piracy at the UN General Assembly, indicating the higher profile the issue is now taking.
Subic Bay port to build 3 cargo terminals
Air and Land Transport
Boeing, Airbus to see new orders fall to US$15b BOEING Co and Airbus Industrie may unveil about US$15 billion in new aircraft sales at the industry's trade show in Paris, half the amount announced at last year's event, analysts said.
Virgin Blue to post trading profit for first 7 months
Qantas NZ directors charged over accounts
US official raises concern over A380 subsidies
France's AOM, Air Liberte file for bankruptcy
Will sky-high e-mail catch on with passengers? NEW YORK International air travellers on a few more select airlines will be able to surf the Web at 35,000 feet from next year, but questions remain over how eager passengers and carriers will be to pay for sky-high e-mail.
WTO pushed on maritime, air talks The International Chamber of Commerce said an early agreement to launch a new round of global trade talks at the World Trade Organization would boost business, investor and consumer confidence.
RightFreight changes its name The new name, Rely Software, more accurately reflects the company's mission, executives say.
Bender protests LSV award to Halter Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc. has filed a protest with the GAO challenging a recent award to Halter Marine, Inc. by the U.S. Army's Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command
Recent Navy Contracts
Keppel Smit orders tugs Keppel Smit Towage Private Limited (KST), has recently signed a contract with Keppel Singmarine Dockyard Pte Ltd (Keppel Singmarine) to build two 3,600 bhp harbor tugs
IMO budget policy 'is not viable' THE International Maritime Organisation's zero nominal growth budget policy is no longer tenable, an independent review has found. The report, "Challenges, opportunities and evol...
Declining interest cuts Liffe-line to Biffex THE shipping industry will lose a window on trends in the dry freight market when the London International Financial Futures Exchange closes the Biffex futures contract in 2002 due to limited inter...
Blohm + Voss fix Galaxy as Nordic Empress burns Blohm + Voss Repair has completed work on the propellers of Celebrity Cruises' 76,522 gt Galaxy . The 1996-built Liberian flag vessel damaged four blades of her port propeller on an un...
Opportunity for O'Neil consideration of the review comes at a highly sensitive time for secretary-general William O'Neil for several reasons. Firstly, his proposal for an extension of his contract beyond thi...
Eval Europe double la capacité de production à Anvers Eval Europe, une filiale de lentreprise chimique Kuraray, a décidé de doubler sa capacité de production à Anvers à 24.000 tonnes par an dici la fin 2003. New Wave Logistics, le prestataire de services logistiques de Kuraray, et/ou Riga Natie, qui assure une grande partie de lentreposage physique de la production actuelle, devront en conséquence procéder à une augmentation de la capacité.
Containers-citernes: Eurovos XL a fait faillite La société néerlandaise de transport de produits chimiques et daliments par containers-citernes Eurovos XL, dont le siège est à Oss et qui est un des plus grands opérateurs du secteur en Europe, a été mise en faillite jeudi par les tribunaux de commerce de s Hertogenbosch et Rotterdam. Trois curateurs (L. Deterink, J. Dingemans et J. Stadig) ont été nommés. Ils tenteront détablir dans quelle mesure il est possible de poursuivre les activités. La nouvelle a fait leffet dune bombe aux Pays-Bas, mais dans le secteur, on se doutait que cela tournerait mal, entre autres en raison des prix pratiqués.
La SNCB se prépare à augmenter sa capacité fret A loccasion de linauguration du Main Hub quexploite IFB dans la zone nord du port dAnvers, léchevin du port Leo Delwaide a lancé un plaidoyer pour un pré-financement par la Flandre du futur deuxième tunnel ferroviaire sous lEscaut à hauteur de Liefkenshoek (voir LL du 14/6). On ne peut quapplaudir à cette idée. Reste à savoir si elle est réalisable. Ce qui est certain, cest quAnvers est confronté sur le plan ferroviaire à des problèmes qui demandent des solutions urgentes.
Pays-Bas: lexploitation de la LGV Amsterdam-frontière belge va à NS/KLM Selon toute vraisemblance et selon des sources très fiables au sein des chemins de fer belges, la ministre néerlandaise des Transports Tineke Netelenbos devait proposer hier vendredi au conseil des ministres de retenir la candidature du consortium dont les principaux participants sont les chemins de fer néerlandais NS et la compagnie aérienne néerlandaise KLM, pour entamer les négociations finales concernant lexploitation de la ligne à grande vitesse entre Amsterdam et la frontière belgo-néerlandaise.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher