UK registry wooing tonnage with legal, financial measures ERODED by a 20 year drift towards flags of convenience and a reputation for being a tough regulator, the UK Registry is now aggressively rebuilding its once proud fleet by luring Britain's booming maritime community back.
A tribute to Bill Fallon, Port of New York veteran
HK eliminates double taxation for shipowners
New intermodal terminal for Sydney
Tanker sinks off China coast after collision
Air and Land Transport
Airlines, banks, lessors hit by falling plane values LAST week's attacks in the United States have driven down the value of the aircraft that airlines use as loan collateral, potentially driving financing costs up and profitability down, experts said.
UK registry wooing tonnage with legal, financial measures ERODED by a 20 year drift towards flags of convenience and a reputation for being a tough regulator, the UK Registry is now aggressively rebuilding its once proud fleet by luring Britain's booming maritime community back.
A tribute to Bill Fallon, Port of New York veteran
HK eliminates double taxation for shipowners
New intermodal terminal for Sydney
Tanker sinks off China coast after collision
Air and Land Transport
Airlines, banks, lessors hit by falling plane values LAST week's attacks in the United States have driven down the value of the aircraft that airlines use as loan collateral, potentially driving financing costs up and profitability down, experts said.
Cruise lines beef up security The ICCL says that in the wake of the September 11 outrage, member lines have further increased already stringent security precautions
EC chides France and Ireland for lax post-Erika port state control The European Commission is sending reasoned opinions to France and Ireland for failure to comply with the Port State Control Directive that obliges European Union member states to inspect at least 25% of the ships entering their ports each year.
Airlines face shutdown INSURERS are threatening to add to the already overwhelming woes of the airline industry as they reduce third party war liability cover to impossible levels. As insurers seek to reduce thei...
US military eyes foreign cargoships as war preparations grow LISTS of foreign flag containerships, ro-ro vessels and tweendeckers are being compiled by the US as preparations begin for a possible military conflict, writes Janet Porter. The US Militar...
Seascope Shipping clinches takeover of Braemar Tankers SEASCOPE Shipping, one of London's leading shipbroking houses, has reached a £7.3m ($10.5m) takeover deal with Braemar Tankers after a year of negotiations. The deal follows Seascope&...
LevelSeas goes on line ahead of schedule Onlinechartering platform LevelSeas has concluded its first online fixture ahead of schedule and only hours after it launched its main terms and negotiations software. The fixture was compl...
Aid set for airfreight carriers Air cargo carriers would get some of the $5 billion that the Bush administration plans to offer airlines in compensation for the shutdown of U.S. airspace last week.
WTC relief a moving effort A New Jersey trucking firm is transporting supplies to recovery operations at the World Trade Center.
EU considers aid for airlines The EU may approve state aid for struggling airlines.
FedEx earnings down sharply The slowing economy hurt results at the express provider, which earned $109 million, or 36 cents a share, in the quarter ended Aug. 31, down from $169 million, or 58 cents a share, in the same period last year.
Savoir-faire flamand pour le nouveau complexe décluses du canal de Panama? La Panama Canal Authority est à la recherche de savoir-faire étranger pour la construction dun nouveau complexe décluses sur la voie navigable côté Pacifique. Un consortium franco-belge dirigé par Tractebel, qui devrait bientôt voir le jour, entend proposer sa candidature dans une première phase pour la conception et ensuite pour la construction des écluses. On attend un important apport dAPEC et de lEntreprise portuaire dAnvers, qui disposent dun savoir-faire de taille avec le développement du port dAnvers en termes de construction et dexploitation de complexes décluses. Panama recevra la semaine prochaine une proposition présentant le concept flamand pour un nouveau complexe décluses sur la voie navigable.
Werf & Vlasnatie et De Dijcker créent Antwerp Bulk Cleaning Le manutentionnaire anversois Werf & Vlasnatie et lentreprise de transport routier De Dijcker (basée à Vlierzele en Flandre orientale) viennent de sallier au sein de la joint-venture Antwerp Bulk Cleaning. Elle sera exploitée à proximité du complexe Rubens (les installations de Werf & Vlasnatie) et sera constituée dun hall de rinçage pour le nettoyage de camions-citernes et containers ayant transporté des vracs secs non dangereux. Limplantation sur la rive droite de lEscaut est importante dans ce contexte: aujourdhui, les transporteurs doivent se déplacer vers les installations sur la rive gauche (ou plus loin encore, à Lokeren ou Hoogstraten) pour le lavage obligatoire des semi-remorques citernes. A partir de lannée prochaine ils ne devront donc plus faire ce trajet inutile.
Le trafic fluvial se stabilise en Allemagne Au cours du premier semestre, lensemble des voies navigables allemandes ont vu transiter 118,6 millions de tonnes de marchandises, soit 0,5% de moins que lors de la même période en 2000. Cest ce quannonce le Statistisches Bundesambt sur base des chiffres provisoires du premier semestre.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher