Shareholders okay Cosco shipyard foray COSCO Investments Singapore Ltd's just-approved acquisition of China's biggest ship repair yard will contribute between 20-25 per cent of the group's overall profit, the SGX-listed company has revealed.
PSA boosting top post to face competition
US Navy boards tanker in Arabian Gulf
Finnish ferry runs aground
P&O Princess reaffirms Royal Caribbean acquisition plan
Japan bank awards 2nd phase of Batangas project to consortium
New Bermuda rules to protect shipwrecks
Air and Land Transport
US airlines ready for peak Christmas season AFTER navigating Thanksgiving with flying colours, US airlines are bracing for the second round since Sept 11 of heavy traffic, this time over the Christmas holidays which began on Wednesday.
Govt won't extend insurance for Swiss airlines
EVA Airways names new president
M'sia airfare pact to be reinstated in February
Ansett sale plan vote on Jan 29
Rolls-Royce inks US$1b jump-jet order from Pratt
US Airways agrees to discuss fleet overhaul with pilots
Shareholders okay Cosco shipyard foray COSCO Investments Singapore Ltd's just-approved acquisition of China's biggest ship repair yard will contribute between 20-25 per cent of the group's overall profit, the SGX-listed company has revealed.
PSA boosting top post to face competition
US Navy boards tanker in Arabian Gulf
Finnish ferry runs aground
P&O Princess reaffirms Royal Caribbean acquisition plan
Japan bank awards 2nd phase of Batangas project to consortium
New Bermuda rules to protect shipwrecks
Air and Land Transport
US airlines ready for peak Christmas season AFTER navigating Thanksgiving with flying colours, US airlines are bracing for the second round since Sept 11 of heavy traffic, this time over the Christmas holidays which began on Wednesday.
Govt won't extend insurance for Swiss airlines
EVA Airways names new president
M'sia airfare pact to be reinstated in February
Ansett sale plan vote on Jan 29
Rolls-Royce inks US$1b jump-jet order from Pratt
US Airways agrees to discuss fleet overhaul with pilots
Carnival results hit by 9/11 events Carnival Corporation reported quarterly and full year results severely impacted by the 9/ll effect, but in line with analysts' expectations
Conoco to develop deepwater field A $600 million development project is planned for Magnolia
Yards win another six LNG carriers CONTRACTS for six more liquefied natural gas carriers with a value of almost $1bn have been awarded, rounding off what has been a spectacular year for the sector.
P&O Princess dutifulness questioned CARNIVAL yesterday suggested that P&O Princess may be failing in its fiduciary duty to shareholders through being precluded from discussing the £3.2bn takeover proposal by its larger US rival.
Arrest warrant for Erika master is unjust says lawyer A FRENCH lawyer has attacked as unjust a decision by the magistrate investigating the Erikadisaster to issue an international warrant for the arrest of the master of the wrecked tanker.
Lloyd's faces European fight over regulation BRITAIN is preparing to fight a legal challenge by the European Union to the way in which the Lloyd's market is regulated.
Senate passes port security bill After months of intense negotiations, the Port and Maritime Security Act of 2001 quietly passed the Senate Thursday afternoon.
Kitty Hawk sells charter division The all-cargo airline won approval of a federal bankruptcy court in Dallas to sell its charter division.
Zim shifts Singapore calls PSA Corp. saw its Singapore container terminals suffer another blow as Zim Israel Navigation Co. announced it is switching its Asia-Mediterranean-Pacific service to the much smaller Port of Jurong in western Singapore.
American Airlines Cargo to end fuel surcharge, raise cargo fee
Hino en pourparlers avec MAN ... ou avec Scania? Lhebdomadaire allemand Manager Magazin a révélé que Toyota a entamé des négociations avec un des principaux actionnaires de MAN, Allianz AG Holding, dans le but dexplorer déventuelles coopérations avec la branche Camions du groupe automobile japonais, Hino. Toyota a toutefois immédiatement réagi en qualifiant ces informations de pures spéculations. Ceci nest pas étonnant: selon nos sources, haut-placées et proches du groupe Volkswagen, cest avec Scania que Hino discuterait... à linitiative du groupe suédois. Depuis quelques semaines, les informations sur des négociations exploratoires ou non font régulièrement surface, de sorte quil ne fait pas de doute que de nouvelles grandes manuvres de concentration ont à nouveau commencé.
Flessingue rafle 350.000 t de pâte à papier à Anvers Que Flessingue soit devenu un concurrent direct dAnvers dans le secteur du breakbulk nest pas nouveau. Toutefois son agressivité saccentue et vient une fois de plus de se manifester en saccaparant dun trafic annuel de 350.000 t de pâte à papier que traitait jusquici le port scaldien. Ce transfert interviendra dans le courant des prochains mois.
DFDS Tor Line acquiert le contrôle de Lys-Line Rederi Comme brièvement annoncé hier, DFDS Tor Line va acquérir en date du 1er janvier 2002 une participation majoritaire de 66% dans lentreprise maritime norvégienne Lys-Line Rederi AS. Lopérateur roro, qui mettra environ 150 millions de NOK sur la table dans ce cadre, renforcera ainsi sa position en mer du Nord (plus précisément en ce qui concerne les routes de et vers la Norvège) et accentuera sa diversification vers dautres types de trafic comme les containers. Loffre de services de DFDS Tor Line et Lys-Line resterait inchangée. Les deux armements sont actifs sur la route entre Gand et la Scandinavie.
FedEx: bénéfices en hausse dun quart Au cours du deuxième trimestre fiscal, le transporteur de colis FedEx a enregistré une hausse de son bénéfice de 26% par rapport à la même période de lan dernier. La baisse des prix de carburant et la compensation que lautorité américaine a accordé à lindustrie aérienne après le 11 septembre, ont fait grimper le bénéfice net à 245 mio. dUSD au cours du trimestre qui a été clôturé le 30 novembre dernier. Les revenus dexploitation de FedEx ont augmenté au cours du deuxième trimestre de 4,9%, de 4,9 mia. dUSD à 5,14 mia. dUSD.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher