Darwin set to be gateway to Asian trade with new rail link AUSTRALIA's northernmost city Darwin will become the gateway to Asian trade with Australasia when a new railway link expected to save shippers about a week at sea is opened in 2004.
ITF starts major drive in Europe
SMOU to raise profile in training of seafaring officers
Korea, EU reach informal pact on newbuilding prices
Air and Land Transport
Many airline pilots will be traumatised by attacks on US THE stress of watching hijacked commercial jets slam into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, possibly killing more than 6,500 people, during last week's attacks will leave many airline pilots and flight crews traumatised, experts said.
FedEx profit down 27% as express shipments slump
The corporate jet: an executive perk or a necessity?
Darwin set to be gateway to Asian trade with new rail link AUSTRALIA's northernmost city Darwin will become the gateway to Asian trade with Australasia when a new railway link expected to save shippers about a week at sea is opened in 2004.
ITF starts major drive in Europe
SMOU to raise profile in training of seafaring officers
Korea, EU reach informal pact on newbuilding prices
Air and Land Transport
Many airline pilots will be traumatised by attacks on US THE stress of watching hijacked commercial jets slam into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, possibly killing more than 6,500 people, during last week's attacks will leave many airline pilots and flight crews traumatised, experts said.
FedEx profit down 27% as express shipments slump
The corporate jet: an executive perk or a necessity?
GAO denies protest of FGH order Friede Goldman Halter, Inc., says that its Halter Marine, Inc., has been informed by the Government Accounting Office (GAO) that a protest made by a competing shipbuilder was denied. The award of a contract for three Logistic Support Vessels (LSV's) to Halter Marine has been affirmed.
Project America sails ahead Northrop Grumman Corporation and American Classic Voyages Co. today announced they have reached an agreement,that enables the continued and uninterrupted construction of two 1,900-passenger cruise ships.
US Coast Guard denies ban on vessels from 24 countries US Coast Guard officials have strongly denied reports of a blanket ban on the vessels of 24 largely Muslim or former communist countries entering US ports. Speculation and confusion around...
Shipowners seek summit on premiums for war risk SHIPOWNERS are set to meet underwriters and insurance brokers in the next few days in an effort to stop hull war risk premiums getting out of hand. Experts at a leading rating agency have m...
Port authority set to rethink $9.5bn investment plan THE Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is to undertake a sweeping reassessment of its $9.5bn capital investment plan for the next five years following the terrorist attacks that levelled the...
Schubert next Marad chief Texan William G. Schubert, a former Marad staffer and graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, has been selected as the nation's next maritime administrator.
Continental: 12,000 jobs to go The carrier will reduce its workforce by 20% and its flight schedule by 18%, amid the drastic decline in passenger traffic.
Insurance crisis could ground Euro airlines Carriers may halt services next week after insurers drastically reduced third party liability coverage following the terrorist attacks in the U.S.
WTC relief a moving effort A New Jersey trucking firm is transporting supplies to recovery operations at the World Trade Center.
Mega-boxport proposed for Scotland
Deringer opens Miami facility
Industri-Matematik names two VPs
Port of Portland names Bill Wyatt executive director
David Green (IRU) dénonce lirréalisme du Livre Blanc Le Livre Blanc sur la politique commune des transports nest pas un cadre réaliste pour lavenir. En effet, si lanalyse de base est la bonne, on peut sinterroger sur les remèdes qui sont proposés, car on ne retrouve pas les trois conditions indispensables à la réalisation du développement durable (innovation, incitants et infrastructure). Au contraire, on mise sur un transfert massif vers le rail, alors que, même dans lhypothèse - irréaliste - dun doublement du volume de fret ferroviaire dici à 2010... le transport routier de marchandises augmentera de 33% au lieu de 38%. Cest ce qua déclaré à Bruxelles le président de lIRU, David Green. La Commissaire européenne aux Transports, Loyola de Palacio, lui a répondu que le Livre Blanc doit être considéré comme lébauche dun paquet de mesures qui doivent encore être prises. Elle a également averti que le risque existe que si la congestion routière ne diminue pas sensiblement dici 2010, certains voudront quon prenne des mesures dirigistes.
Iscont Lines va séquiper de nouveaux containers reefer La concurrence, animée par les grands mega-carriers, est très forte sur la route que nous fréquentons, mais jusquici, nous sommes toujours parvenus à nous adapter aux circonstances et nous avons malgré tout lavantage dassurer des escales directes et une bonne qualité de services. Jacob N. Allalouf, un des deux actionnaires de larmement Iscont Lines, qui assure un service régulier containérisé entre lEurope du Nord, Israël et Chypre, fait résolument preuve doptimisme, malgré les difficultés du moment. Dici 2002, Israël devrait sortir de sa récession et les conflits avec les Palestiniens finiront par trouver solution, estime-t-il. Je mattends à une nouvelle période de prospérité, nous a-t-il dit lors de la manifestation organisée avec le nouvel agent de larmement en Belgique, la firme Iscont Lines Agency(1), une filiale à 100% dEimskip Rotterdam.
La réforme de la SNCB passe à la Chambre Le conseil des ministres a approuvé jeudi dernier en deuxième lecture le projet de loi dIsabelle Durant concernant la réforme des structures de la SNCB. Il va partir à la Chambre où le projet sera discuté à partir du début du mois doctobre. La concrétisation de la réforme est attendue pour la fin de lannée.
De Palacio ne veut pas forcer les armateurs à augmenter leurs équipagesLa commissaire européenne Loyola de Palacio nest pas favorable à un projet visant à obliger les armateurs à engager du personnel supplémentaire pour accroître la sécurité à bord des vraquiers. Elle estime que la situation diffère trop de navire à navire. Telle est la réponse de de Palacio à un courrier du parlementaire européen néerlandais Erik Meijer.
ITF launches European week of action Substandard ships come under scrutiny in Europe over the next five days.
Carnival to sail through rough waters Carnival shares have plunged by about 40% since the terrorist attacks in New York.
CP Ships obtains financial backing The soon-to-be spin-off has secured a $255m private placement to finance new containerships.
ChevronTexaco set for bigger share of spot chartering Chevron Shipping and Texaco International Marine are expected to merge officially in early October.
Stelmar confirms third quarter earning projections The company's long term contracts help prop up the third quarter earning projections.
Northrop and AMCV strike newbuilding deal The US shipbuilder agrees new delivery dates and price for two cruiseships ordered by American Classic Voyages.
Troim linked to top job at Kvaerner Speculation naming John Fredriksen's lieutenant Tor Olav Troim (right) as a candidate looks wide of the mark.
China tightens up on ferry safety Authorities are moving to put passengership safety in the hands of bigger players.
Grocer foils Fredriksen Food retailer Stein Erik Hagen (left) is Norway's richest man, keeping Big John in second place.
Samudera reviews prospects Singapore-listed Indonesian owner is a expecting a slight improvement in returns despite slowdown.
Lawyers chase Russian owner for Nakhodka damages Prisco Traffic goes to court to fight blame for oil spill off Japan in 1997.
Dramatic fall in Japanese yard newbuildings Export orders at Japanese yards have fallen by nearly 50% from a year ago according to the JSEA.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher