Jakarta to boost ranks of seafarers to 60,000 [SINGAPORE] Fresh from what some consider a surprise inclusion on the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) "White List", Indonesia is aiming to boost the ranks of its international seafarer contingent to nearly 60,000 by 2007, by upgrading its private maritime training bodies.
Hitachi Zosen, NKK to merge shipbuilding units
CMA CGM ventures into cruising
Ship sales
Air and Land Transport
India finds shortage of bidders for state airlines [NEW DELHI] The Indian government's auction of the two state-owned airlines, Air India and Indian Airlines, appears to have gotten off to a bad start because of widespread fears among international corporations that politicians will interfere in the management after financial control has passed to the private sector.
Regulator may block Ansett bid for Hazelton
SAirGroup coughs up 150m euros for ailing Sabena
Korea Air raises capacity to Tokyo
Inchon airport's fee to be 20% higher than Kimpo's
Capitalise on China links, HK urged WITH the return of sovereignty to China, Hongkong's traditional maritime role is changing, experts say, and the term "port" should not be narrowly defined as the traditional hub for shipment and transhipment but "broadly as the preferred place for conducting various kinds of economic activities including financial, information and marketing".
Jakarta to boost ranks of seafarers to 60,000 [SINGAPORE] Fresh from what some consider a surprise inclusion on the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) "White List", Indonesia is aiming to boost the ranks of its international seafarer contingent to nearly 60,000 by 2007, by upgrading its private maritime training bodies.
Hitachi Zosen, NKK to merge shipbuilding units
CMA CGM ventures into cruising
Ship sales
Air and Land Transport
India finds shortage of bidders for state airlines [NEW DELHI] The Indian government's auction of the two state-owned airlines, Air India and Indian Airlines, appears to have gotten off to a bad start because of widespread fears among international corporations that politicians will interfere in the management after financial control has passed to the private sector.
Regulator may block Ansett bid for Hazelton
SAirGroup coughs up 150m euros for ailing Sabena
Korea Air raises capacity to Tokyo
Inchon airport's fee to be 20% higher than Kimpo's
Capitalise on China links, HK urged WITH the return of sovereignty to China, Hongkong's traditional maritime role is changing, experts say, and the term "port" should not be narrowly defined as the traditional hub for shipment and transhipment but "broadly as the preferred place for conducting various kinds of economic activities including financial, information and marketing".
Jakarta to boost ranks of seafarers to 60,000 [SINGAPORE] Fresh from what some consider a surprise inclusion on the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) "White List", Indonesia is aiming to boost the ranks of its international seafarer contingent to nearly 60,000 by 2007, by upgrading its private maritime training bodies.
Hitachi Zosen, NKK to merge shipbuilding units
CMA CGM ventures into cruising
Ship sales
Air and Land Transport
India finds shortage of bidders for state airlines [NEW DELHI] The Indian government's auction of the two state-owned airlines, Air India and Indian Airlines, appears to have gotten off to a bad start because of widespread fears among international corporations that politicians will interfere in the management after financial control has passed to the private sector.
Regulator may block Ansett bid for Hazelton
SAirGroup coughs up 150m euros for ailing Sabena
Korea Air raises capacity to Tokyo
Inchon airport's fee to be 20% higher than Kimpo's
Capitalise on China links, HK urged WITH the return of sovereignty to China, Hongkong's traditional maritime role is changing, experts say, and the term "port" should not be narrowly defined as the traditional hub for shipment and transhipment but "broadly as the preferred place for conducting various kinds of economic activities including financial, information and marketing".
OOCL upgrades South Korea-North China service A 300-TEU ship will replace third-party feeders on route linking Pusan and Xingang.
MSC to launch Northern Europe-India, Pakistan service The service will start March 3 on a fortnighly basis, with an upgrade to weekly sailings in May.
TNT Post Group, British Post Office act to save joint venture The two companies are preparing last-minute concessions to obtain European regulatory approval for their three-way mail venture with Singapore Post.
Time for real Customs reform Large importers don't believe ACE is the answer, but rather see a system of filing single monthly or quarterly returns much the same way they file Federal, state and local taxes.
BNSF will build competing line to Texas chemical plant
Report: End Calif. bunker fuel tax
Everglades common-use terminal to open in April
DuPont subsidiary adopts FreeMarkets after successful pilot
Bill to encourage e-commerce standards works through Congress
IATA launches online aircraft marketing and trading portal
MSC agrees to increase traffic at Port of Le Havre
GoCargo's contract bargaining tool adopted by Mitsubishi
La FEFC table sur la poursuite de la croissance Ainsi quévoqué récemment, la FEFC, via le Eastbound Management Agreement (EMA) qui couvre le secteur Europe-Asie a annoncé quelle poursuivait son programme de restauration, soulignant quune croissance soutenue des volumes allait se poursuivre cette année Et de préciser que les prédictions pour le premier semestre indiquaient quil y aura relativement peu de nouvelle capacité offerte par les membres de la conférence pendant cette période et quelle devrait être absorbée par la croissance du trafic. Donc pour le 1er avril interviendra une adaptation de 250 dollars par container de 20 et 40 pieds. Une autre adaptation interviendra en octobre.
Jusquà 130.000 trajets de transit en moins par lAutriche en 2001 Vendredi dernier, le président de la Cour européenne de Justice a décidé de suspendre la nouvelle réglementation en matière décopoints jusquau jugement sur le fond. Selon Sören Rasmussen, le représentant de lIRU auprès de lUnion européenne, les écopoints seront dès lors épuisés en octobre prochain. Si une solution rapide nintervient pas, on court à la catastrophe pour le secteur du transport, a-t-il dit.
F. Traen (MBZ): La libéralisation de certains services portuaires nest pas forcément une bonne chose... Evoluer vers une formule de marché libre pour le remorquage nest pas une bonne solution et il en va de même pour le lamanage. Tel est le point de vue qua développé Fernand Traen, le président de la MBZ, la société qui gère le port de Bruges-Zeebrugge, au cours dune manifestation organisée conjointement par la MBZ et la Maritieme Mediavereninging Noordzee (association des journalistes maritimes de la mer du Nord), à loccasion de son prochain départ en retraite. Ainsi quil nous la laissé entendre, la proposition de directive de la Commission européenne sur la libéralisation des services portuaires mérite de faire lobjet dun débat fondamental.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher