Taipei opens port work to foreign investors IN the latest change of policy involving ports in Taiwan, the harbour agency responsible for the new Taipei port's development of seven container terminals will qualify for 100 per cent foreign investment.
Air and Land Transport
Comair pilots' strike has lasting fallout A walkout by pilots at a regional carrier based here that is entering its 10th week could end up having a more lasting impact than this year's possible strikes at several major airlines.
Taipei opens port work to foreign investors IN the latest change of policy involving ports in Taiwan, the harbour agency responsible for the new Taipei port's development of seven container terminals will qualify for 100 per cent foreign investment.
Air and Land Transport
Comair pilots' strike has lasting fallout A walkout by pilots at a regional carrier based here that is entering its 10th week could end up having a more lasting impact than this year's possible strikes at several major airlines.
Malcom McLean dead at 87 The maritime visionary revolutionized the shipping industry with his introduction of the container ship.
Hutchison acquires ICTI terminals The world's largest private operator of container terminals will get larger, and effectively eliminate an aggressive rival from the field.
US lifts some foot-and-mouth bans Import restrictions have been lifted for some EU countries, but others remain in place.
Small Brazil port attracting major interest More than a dozen companies, including Maersk Sealand and Spain's Port of Bilbao, are vying for control of the container terminal at the port of Itajai in southern Brazil.
ANZDL vessel rescues three
IATA members adopt safety resolutions
Another merger for marine dot-coms
Lufthansa Cargo promotes Vorwerk
CN, CSX Intermodal launch joint service
MAS Air Cargo debuts Houston-Mexico City service
G-Log bags catalogue firm
Lufthansa, Deutsche Post form Web purchasing venture
Global Freight Exchange ramps-up global operations
Tanker lost after colision The bow of the Panama-registered tanker Singapura Timur is all that was visible yesterday after her collision with the Bahamas-registered Rowan near Malaysia's Undan Island on Monday. Mar...
Anti-piracy proposals are put to IMO INDUSTRY-led proposals will be submitted to the International Maritime Organisation today which aim to combat piracy and armed robbery against ships with greater effectiveness, writes Our IMO Corre...
Giant ships prompt new cruise safety drive A new system of continuous safety management on cruise ships was unveiled simultaneously in Norway and the UK yesterday by Lloyd's Register and the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency. ...
Tanker giants Exmar and Golar LNG in merger talks THE liquefied natural gas bandwagon rolled on relentlessly yesterday when the world's two largest LNG tanker operators, Exmar and John Fredriksen's Golar LNG, confirmed that they are in...
Le président de la SAVA craint un chaos du trafic routier aux terminaux de la rive gauche Willy Van Loon, le président de la SAVA, la division anversoise de la Febetra, craint que lacheminement routier des containers de et vers la rive gauche sera chaotique une fois que les terminaux à containers y seront opérationnels, en raison des insuffisances de linfrastructure routière. Sur la rive droite et plus particulièrement sur le Ring, la situation est déjà intenable aujourdhui. Outre laménagement des chaînons manquants, il plaide pour des heures de travail, mais une extension des fenêtres horaires afin de permettre aux poids lourds de rouler en dehors des heures de pointe.
Zeebrugge veut intensifier le trafic avec la péninsule ibérique Une délégation de Zeebrugge est hier arrivé à Bilbao pour une mission de promotion de trois jours de lAssociation Port of Zeebrugge Interests en Espagne et au Portugal sous la direction du nouveau patron de la MBZ Joachim Coens. Zeebrugge veut renforcer les liens avec le marché portugais et du nord de lEspagne en se profilant en tant que porte daccès vers lEurope de lOuest et centrale et comme centre de transhipment pour des cargaisons deepsea. A lheure actuelle, les volumes sur cette relation sont encore limités.
La Commission soppose toujours à la nouvelle structure de lactionnariat dECT La Commission refuse toujours de donner son feu vert à la reprise, présentée comme un accord de collaboration, de lentreprise de transbordement de containers rotterdamoise ECT par Hutchison (Hong-Kong) et lEntreprise portuaire de Rotterdam (GHR). A lissue dune étude approfondie, la Commission vient de remettre par écrit aux parties concernées une déclaration dobjection, selon laquelle la nouvelle joint-venture va à lencontre des règles de concurrence européennes et ne pourra donc recevoir son aval.
Dot com devient-il synonyme de come and go? Le marché du commerce électronique reste en deçà des prévisions des analystes de lannée dernière. Lexemple le plus navrant est la faillite du marché logistique électronique néerlandais LogiGo, qui à peine trois mois après son lancement a dû demander un atermoiement de payement au tribunal dUtrecht. Un peu de réalisme semble dès lors simposer. Ainsi, Freighttraders, la filiale électronique de la multinationale Mars enregistre un énorme succès, tandis que dautres entreprises refusent catégoriquement de proposer leurs produits sur le marché électronique. De plus, il serait trop simpliste de carrément abandonner ce concept électronique, a plaidé Jos Broekmans, président de la Chambre de Commerce et dIndustrie du Limbourg.
Genmar to splurge $274m on 10 vessels The Marshall Islands-registered company's buying spree is line with its initial public offering plan.
Casade General liquidates dry-dock for $25m Proceeds from the sale will go mainly to writing off a $22m debt.
Loki set to trade Jahre Viking to 2006 Norway's Loki is upbeat on market prospects despite continued losses and weaker first quarter rates.
Newport News takeover dispute drags on The US justice department seeks anti-trust related information on General Dynamics-Newport News merger plan.
Costa Crociere secures $220m credit The revolving credit will help pay for construction of three new passenger liners.
Attica profits axed Borrowings on new ships slash first quarter profits for Greek ferry operator Attica Enterprises.
Clarkson hints at fresh acquisitions Shipbroker Clarkson's chairman Michael Beckett is upbeat on the company's prospects.
APL to pioneer safe cargo system DNV system aims to cut massive container damage bill.
Container lines crying out for better infrastructure Major players want to see two or three boxship hub ports created in India, but who will foot the bill?
Join up John says NSA Norwegian shipowner who isn't invited to join national association.
Ro-pax debut costs Guangzhou Shipyard dear The Chinese yard's breakthrough ro-pax newbuilding project is facing delays and hefty cost overruns.
China battles chemical tanker spill fallout Officials in China are fighting the after effects of a chemical spill resulting from a collision.
The World wins ship of the year Knut Kloster concept for floating apartment resort gains award as Nor-Shipping opens.
Novoship in Kazakhstan joint venture The Russian owner is reportedly setting up a tanker company with the central Asian republic.
SPaP sell-off completed The state-owned Slovakian shipping firm will be transferred to private hands.
Algerian millionaire reveals shopping list Industrial tycoon Issad Rebrab has set up his own shipping company and plans to buy six vessels.
Pakistani owners line up for budget A consortium of Pakistani owners is waiting on promised tax breaks to splash out on tonnage.
Losses loom large at Namsos Trafikkselskap Net losses are mounting at the Norway's passengership owner Namsos Trafikkselskap.
Hanjin Heavy books a loss in the first quarter Korean chaebol goes into the red on the back of slower sales volume.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher