PSA records another good month with 9.6% rise in June PSA Corporation turned in another month of strong growth with its cargo volumes handled in Singapore rising 9.6 per cent over last June's.
US West Coast dockworkers, lines to resume talks on Monday
Le Havre joins US box-screening scheme
Indon ferries don't need IMO cert: M'sia
Air and Land Transport
Competition from low-cost rivals welcome: Lufthansa ONE of Europe's leading airlines, Lufthansa, has welcomed the 'fair competition from low-cost carriers' but feels frustrated by government bail-outs of intercontinental rivals, describing it as unsustainable and 'unfair' competition .
PSA records another good month with 9.6% rise in June PSA Corporation turned in another month of strong growth with its cargo volumes handled in Singapore rising 9.6 per cent over last June's.
US West Coast dockworkers, lines to resume talks on Monday
Le Havre joins US box-screening scheme
Indon ferries don't need IMO cert: M'sia
Air and Land Transport
Competition from low-cost rivals welcome: Lufthansa ONE of Europe's leading airlines, Lufthansa, has welcomed the 'fair competition from low-cost carriers' but feels frustrated by government bail-outs of intercontinental rivals, describing it as unsustainable and 'unfair' competition .
PSA strong growth June 2002 Compared with June 2001, PSA saw a 9.6 per cent growth in Singapore in June 2002, and a 157 per cent growth in its ports overseas.
Take the booz and fly like an angel... Two America West pilots taxiing for takeoff from Miami were ordered to turn the passenger plane back to the terminal on Monday and arrested on charges of operating a plane while drunk, police said.
Rail freight traffic US up in June U.S. rail intermodal traffic rose 8.6 percent (60,211 trailers and containers) and U.S. carload traffic rose 2.1 percent (28,575 carloads) in June 2002 compared to June 2001, the Association of American Railroads (AAR) reported.
Dragon to launch Taipei services Dragonair will launch three passenger services a day between Hong Kong and Taipei on July 22.
Frans Maas expanded in Russia Dutch pan-European operating forwarding group Frans Maas will start operating in Russia this month.
Deutsche Bahn prepares IPO with Stinnes Deutsche Bahn AG planned takeover of Stinnes AG, which we reported yesterday could be a signal that it's readying for a potential initial public offering.
Boeing: 30,000 exit Boeing expects layoffs to taper off at around 30,000 employees, Alan Mulally, head of its commercial aircraft unit, said. Production rates will bottom out in 2003 and improve in 2004, according to Mulally.
Queen Mary 2 forges yard entente cordiale PATRICK Boissier, a chairman and chief executive of Alstom's Chantiers de l'Atlantique, has raised the prospect of Britain and France co-operating on big shipbuilding contracts.
Strintzis cashes in on ferry building fiasco NEWLY privatised Hellenic Shipyards has agreed a multimillion-dollar settlement with Greek ferry company Strintzis Lines for its failure to deliver two new ro-pax ferries that have fallen chronically behind schedule.
Stop your internal squabbling, IACS told INTERNAL squabbling within the International Association of Classification Societies too often overshadows efforts to co-operate with industry to improve standards, according to the International Chamber of Shipping.
Le marché belge du tracteur routier plonge de 25% au premier semestre 2002 Le marché belge du camion (camionnettes lourdes, porteurs et tracteurs) a régressé de 21,2% au premier semestre 2002, chutant de 7.274 unités (au premier semestre 2001) à 5.732 unités. Cest une baisse beaucoup plus nette que ce que prévoyaient la plupart des constructeurs à la fin de lannée passée. Ils sattendaient à une baisse de 10 à 15% pour 2002. Il se pourrait quils aient raison malgré tout: la plupart des marques remarquent une certaine reprise des commandes ou à tout le moins de lintérêt des transporteurs pour des nouveaux véhicules. Notons que cest dans le secteur du tracteur que la baisse a été la plus forte: -24,8%, de 3.682 à 2.767 unités. Cest ce qui ressort des statistiques que vient de publier la Febiac.
E.ON accepte loffre de la Deutsche Bahn Le conseil de surveillance du groupe E.ON a décidé daccepter loffre de la Deutsche Bahn pour lacquisition de sa participation (65,4%) dans le groupe logistique Stinnes. La DB va dès lors lancer une OPA pour les 34,6% restants, qui sont cotés en bourse. Le conseil dE.ON a par ailleurs décidé de procéder à la prise de contrôle total de Ruhrgas, afin de devenir le numéro 1 du gaz en Europe. Enfin, les chemins de fer allemand ont dores et déjà annoncé que les noms de Stinnes et de Schenker seront conservés et que ses unités dexploitation dans le secteur des marchandises (DB Cargo, Railion Benelux et Railion Denmark) seront placées sous la responsabilité organisationnelle de Stinnes.
CFF Cargo supprime 120 postes de travail Afin daugmenter la capacité de concurrence vis-à-vis de la route et dautres entreprises ferroviaires de transport, CFF Cargo, le département marchandises des chemins de fer suisses, va supprimer au cours des prochains mois quelque 120 places de travail, sans licenciement. La mesure naura pas de répercussion pour la représentation belge de CFF Cargo à Anvers.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher