PSA faces tough fight in overseas drive PSA Corporation faces stiff competition for prime ports around the world as it continues its overseas expansion drive by focusing on Europe, North America and China, according to new chairman Stephen Lee.
Rates more important, say shippers using M'sian ports
Daewoo yard wins US$348m order
Air and Land Transport
United to lay off 2,700 more flight attendants UAL Corp's United Airlines said it plans to lay off an additional 2,700 flight attendants because of reductions in its 2003 flight schedule as the airline tries to lower costs to avoid bankruptcy.
FedEx seeks 12 weekly cargo flights to HK
Virgin Blue float planned in first half of next year
People-smuggling ring smashed
EasyJet hopes for Deutsche BA pilot work practice pact
PSA faces tough fight in overseas drive PSA Corporation faces stiff competition for prime ports around the world as it continues its overseas expansion drive by focusing on Europe, North America and China, according to new chairman Stephen Lee.
Rates more important, say shippers using M'sian ports
Daewoo yard wins US$348m order
Air and Land Transport
United to lay off 2,700 more flight attendants UAL Corp's United Airlines said it plans to lay off an additional 2,700 flight attendants because of reductions in its 2003 flight schedule as the airline tries to lower costs to avoid bankruptcy.
FedEx seeks 12 weekly cargo flights to HK
Virgin Blue float planned in first half of next year
People-smuggling ring smashed
EasyJet hopes for Deutsche BA pilot work practice pact
Fujian lifts Taiwan barriers Fujian's leaders said yesterday the southeastern Chinese province was ready to re-open direct air and shipping links with nearby Taiwan. "Fujian is ready for 'three links'," Fujian's Communist Party boss Song Defu told reporters on the sidelines of the party's 16th congress in Beijing, referring to direct trade, transport and communication links.
Anne whips the 'spoilt children' of IACS LLOYD'S Register, American Bureau of Shipping and Det Norske Veritas are behaving like "spoilt children" by seeking commercial advantage in joint tanker safety standards, a leading rival has charged.
Growth marks change for IMO Council AN ENLARGEMENT of the IMO's Council has come into force in the run up to next month's crucial Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Security that fundamentally shifts the balance in the UN agency's ruling body.
Nigeria's Mbanefo enters race for top job A SURPRISE entrant in the race to succeed William O'Neil as secretary-general of the International Maritime Organisation has emerged in the form of Monica Mbanefo, writes Andrew Guest.
El Paso pulls out of energy trading EL PASO, North America's leading provider of natural gas services, is pulling out of the energy trading business, writes Tony Gray.
Congestion eases at LA-Long Beach The severe backlog of vessels resulting from the 10-day employer lockout of West Coast longshoremen is diminishing quickly, and the ports could be back to normal in about one week.
UPS to raise rates in January International air rates will rise 2.9 percent, while those for domestic next-day air service will increase 3.2 percent, the company said.
DOT shrugs off open-skies ruling A ruling by the European Court of Justice does not preclude the U.S. from negotiating further open-skies agreements with members of the European Union, the DOT's Jeffrey Shane says.
MSC expands US-Med service
Chiquita renews lease at Wilmington, Del.
Seaboard acquires remaining Tecmarine services
Port employers mulling cost, arbitration issues
Two Indian companies offer truck-tracking services
Hapag-Lloyd clôturera 2002 dans le noir malgré les circonstances Nous parvenons quand même à réaliser une croissance à deux chiffres et transporterons 1,9 mio. de TEU cette année. Toutefois, la baisse drastiques des taux aura un impact sur notre bénéfice, ce qui ne nous empêchera pas de réaliser un bénéfice opérationnel satisfaisant. Dans lensemble, cela constitue une très belle performance dans le secteur, que lon peut attribuer avant tout à notre organisation et à lusage de systèmes IT orientés vers lavenir. Günther Casjens, CEO de larmement Hapag-Lloyd Container Line, faisait ainsi part de son optimisme lors du baptême à Hong-Kong du dernier né de la flotte, le PC Hong Kong Express de 7.500 TEU.
Fercam nouveau partenaire de transport routier italien de Dachser Le groupe de transport allemand Dachser va abandonner en fin dannée son partenaire de transport routier italien Züst Ambrosetti pour le spécialiste Fercam. Le nouveau partenariat débutera le 1er janvier 2003. A partir de cette date, Fercam assurera les transports européens de Dachser de et vers lItalie. Züst Ambrosetti reste toutefois partenaire pour le fret aérien et maritime.
EGL développe ses propres installations à Brucargo EGL Eagle Logistics, un expéditeur américain de fret lourd, va aménager ses propres installations à Brucargo. Cest ce qua annoncé Peter Singleton, le président dEGL pour la zone EUMA (Europe, Moyen-Orient, Afrique), lors dun entretien exclusif accordé au Lloyd à Londres.
Anvers se prépare activement au régime du manifeste 24h avant chargement Vendredi dernier, les agents maritimes traitant des services containérisés intéressant la desserte des Etats-Unis participaient à une première réunion de travail relative aux dispositions à prendre pour être en conformité avec le nouveau régime imposé par les douanes américaines, dans le cadre du programme Container Security Initiative, et qui exige la présentation des manifestes 24 h avant le chargement à bord des navires.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher