Southern China ports see 20% growth this year DRIVEN by China's soaring export growth, container traffic at southern China's booming Shenzhen ports is expected to rise by 20 per cent this year to six million units, exceeding previous forecasts.
Vietnam to go ahead with cruise terminal
PIL adds calls to Asia-South/West Africa service
Yantian port's H1 profit soars
Air and Land Transport
Gulf Air 2000 crash due to human, systemic errors HUMAN error on the flight deck, combined with flaws in Gulf Air's organisational, management and training systems, were to blame for the crash of the airline's flight 072 in August 2000 that killed all 143 people on board, Bahrain's Civil Aviation Authority said yesterday.
Southern China ports see 20% growth this year DRIVEN by China's soaring export growth, container traffic at southern China's booming Shenzhen ports is expected to rise by 20 per cent this year to six million units, exceeding previous forecasts.
Vietnam to go ahead with cruise terminal
PIL adds calls to Asia-South/West Africa service
Yantian port's H1 profit soars
Air and Land Transport
Gulf Air 2000 crash due to human, systemic errors HUMAN error on the flight deck, combined with flaws in Gulf Air's organisational, management and training systems, were to blame for the crash of the airline's flight 072 in August 2000 that killed all 143 people on board, Bahrain's Civil Aviation Authority said yesterday.
Serious delays Antwerp's PSA-daughter Mainlines and barge operators have been critical of at-times serious delays at the Hesse Noord Natie's (HNN) Antwerp terminal, the newly merged and PSA Corporation-acquired terminal.
OOCL agents in Mexico and Russia Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) announced the appointment of Agencia Naviera De Mexico, S.A. De C.V. (Agnamex) as its new Agent in Mexico.
Descartes Introduces MobileLink: Commerce The Descartes Systems Group introduced MobileLink: Commerce, a wireless routing and scheduling application for real-time event management and financial settlement in delivery operations.
Schenker partner in timber tide online Schenker and IHB, leader for timber trade online, announce their strategic alliance as partners to offer their customers solutions via the Internet.
Australian bank buys Rome airport Macquarie, the Australian investment bank, completed its fourth airport acquisition in 18 months when it bought a 44.7 per cent stake in Aeroporti di Roma for 480 million euro, from Leonardo Holdings, a consortium of Italian companies, which retains a 51 per cent stake.
Evergreen upgrades agency network To enhance its services in the East Mediterranean and Adriatic, Evergreen Marine (Taiwan) announced the appointment of three new agents.
Nichols starts second sternwheeler American West Steamboat Company has begun construction of a second sternwheeler cruise ship at Nichols Brothers Boat Builders in Freeland, WA,
Transocean plans a spin off Transocean Inc. plans to pursue a divestiture of its Gulf of Mexico Shallow and Inland Water business segment.
BIMCO warns of looming officer shortage The world's largest association of shipping companies, says that a present worldwide shortage of around 6,000 ships' officers may grow to 45,000
Selby pit closures will have little effect on coal imports CLOSURE of Britain's largest coalmining complex - with the loss of over 2,000 jobs - is unlikely to mark a major boost for the bulk trades, shipbrokers said.
Shekou deal starts P&O Ports on road to expansion P&O PORTS has clinched its first major expansion project since the group's new executive chairman Robert Woods declared his intention to turn the company into the world's largest port operator, writes Rainbow Nelson.
Cyprus takes on class to aid EU entry Cyprus' maritime administration has issued new, stricter instructions to classification societies in a further bid to boost its control over fleet safety and remove potential obstacles to the country becoming a member of the European Union.
SSY's Cridland joins Seascope COLIN Cridland has resigned as senior director of research and consultancy at shipbroker Simpson Spence and Young, writes Neville Smith.
Lloyd's List Focus- Maritime security under the spotlight LLOYD'S List has made the whole maritime security issue one of its highest priorities, and you will find below a number of the articles that tackle this crucial issue.
New pact will cost UPS 4% yearly The six-year pact gives UPS's 230,000 union employees pay raises, and creates 10,000 new union jobs.
CP Rail plans Detroit tunnel Canadian Pacific Railway revealed plans to convert its Detroit River Tunnel to truck traffic, and construct a new rail tunnel between the United States and Canada. Weblog: CN freight train derails, burns in Wisc.
Creditors object to Holt Ch. 7 changes Unsecured creditors want to stop liquidation of the Holt Group of companies.
Le trafic containérisé dAnvers a augmenté de 13,7% en TEU au premier semestre Le port dAnvers a traité un volume maritime de 64,07 mio. de tonnes au cours des six premiers mois de lannée, une baisse de 2,3% par rapport au premier semestre de lannée dernière, lorsquun volume de 65,59 mio. de tonnes avait été noté. Cette légère baisse est exclusivement le fait de la diminution des vracs. Les diverses ont augmenté de 5,1% à 36,32 mio. de tonnes.
MAN Nfz terminera lannée 2002 sur un break-even noir Le constructeur bavarois de camions et des bus MAN Nutzfahrzeuge a présenté dans les environs de Munich toute une série de nouveautés techniques qui seront présentées lors du salon IAA à Hanovre en septembre. A cette occasion, le président de lentreprise, Hakan Samuelson, a annoncé quil prévoit que le marché ouest-européen du camion baissera cette année de 12%. Bien que des surprises soient encore possibles, on peut voir que le marché reprend confiance, a-t-il dit. Bien que MAN ait inscrit des chiffres rouges au début de lannée, il prévoit que 2002 pourra se terminer en break-even positif.
CMA CGM, Egis Port et CNC-IFB retenus pour lexploitation du terminal Fos 2XL A linstar de ce qui se passe dans les ports du Nord, à savoir Dunkerque, Anvers, Flessingue, Rotterdam, Marseille entend jouer un rôle croissant dans la grande containérisation et dans cette optique a lancé le projet Fos 2XL, qui consiste à réaliser à Fos un terminal ultramoderne pour lequel un futur exploitant vient dêtre désigné suite à un appel doffres lancé en juillet 2001. Le futur exploitant retenu consiste en un groupe composé de larmement CMA CGM, Egis Port, le premier groupe de manutention portuaire français... entreprise dEtat... déjà présent à Fos et les opérateurs ferroviaires CNC et IFB (Inter Ferry Boats). Au total il y avait trois candidatures.
Lancement du projet européen EcoPorts Le secteur portuaire européen présente un nouveau projet qui sera réalisé avec le soutien de la Commission européenne et qui est axé sur une meilleure gestion technico-environnementale via le développement et léchange de connaissances et expériences en la matière. Le projet détude, qui implique un investissement de 4,1 mio. dEUR, vient dêtre lancé à Bruxelles sous le nom dEcoPorts.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher