World seaborne trade likely to grow only 2% WORLD seaborne trade which boasted its 15th consecutive annual increase with a growth of nearly 3.6 per cent for 2000 will likely slump considerably in 2001 to just 2 per cent growth, according to a United Nations report.
MPA backs US call to x-ray transhipments
US offers some insurance cover for ships in M-E
Royal Caribbean shareholder sues over P&O Princess bid
Air and Land Transport
World seaborne trade likely to grow only 2% WORLD seaborne trade which boasted its 15th consecutive annual increase with a growth of nearly 3.6 per cent for 2000 will likely slump considerably in 2001 to just 2 per cent growth, according to a United Nations report.
MPA backs US call to x-ray transhipments
US offers some insurance cover for ships in M-E
Royal Caribbean shareholder sues over P&O Princess bid
World seaborne trade likely to grow only 2% WORLD seaborne trade which boasted its 15th consecutive annual increase with a growth of nearly 3.6 per cent for 2000 will likely slump considerably in 2001 to just 2 per cent growth, according to a United Nations report.
MPA backs US call to x-ray transhipments
US offers some insurance cover for ships in M-E
Royal Caribbean shareholder sues over P&O Princess bid
Air and Land Transport
World seaborne trade likely to grow only 2% WORLD seaborne trade which boasted its 15th consecutive annual increase with a growth of nearly 3.6 per cent for 2000 will likely slump considerably in 2001 to just 2 per cent growth, according to a United Nations report.
MPA backs US call to x-ray transhipments
US offers some insurance cover for ships in M-E
Royal Caribbean shareholder sues over P&O Princess bid
Fincantieri Starry-eyed as Princess kicks off boom year EMBATTLED P&O Princess Cruises is to take delivery of the latest in its top-of-the-range cruiseships tomorrow as the cruise industry prepares itself for its busiest ever year.
Carnival savages Fain's track record Now it's personal. Carnival has blatantly targeted the management record of Richard Fain, chairman and chief executive of Royal Caribbean Cruises, in its latest attempt to persuade P&O Princess shareholders to embrace the advances of the market leader rather than a merger with its "underperforming" US rival.
Bunker surveyors fined for taking bribes SINGAPORE has fined five bunker surveyors between S$8,000 (US$4,336) and S$20,000 after they pleaded guilty to accepting bribes from bunker suppliers.
IMO fudge to avoid snags in STCW 95 introduction A "pragmatic" decision yesterday by the International Maritime Organisation has reduced the risk of large numbers of ships being detained on account of their crews not complying with new certificate standards due to come into force on February 1.
Congress gets another port security bill The Port Security and Terrorism Prevention Act, filed by Louisiana Rep. David Vitter, is the sixth piece of legislation regarding port security that Congress has received.
Charter rates rise for first time since May The increase was fueled by a boost in demand for container ships that started in early January, but shipbroker Howe Robinson isn't sure whether this is a "circumstantial blip" or a sign that the market is bottoming out.
U.S., Hong Kong schedule new air talks While talks this week failed to yield an agreement to liberalize aviation, the two sides made progress. They'll meet again starting Sunday.
Frank G. Martin Jr., port industry veteran, dies
Two large port engineering firms merge
Ingram Industries acquires barge operator
TACA International Airlines ends Miami freighter service
Union Pacific posts fourth-quarter gains
CSX Lines upgrades online booking system
Volume, earnings slip at Port of Montreal
Ryanair orders 100 Boeings in $9 billion deal
Danzas merges Scandinavian operations
Panalpina's Indian unit forms strategic alliance
Decline in cargo is first ever for Taiwanese ports
Brenntag va assurer la distribution européenne de Genencor International Brenntag, la filiale de Stinnes Logistics, a conclu un accord de coopération avec lentreprise biotechnologique américaine Genencor International. Stinnes Logistics assurera la distribution européenne de produits de fermentation pour les bières et dautres boissons alcolisées. Le contrat a une durée de cinq ans.
Dunkerque se prépare à la desserte dun mega-carrier Le port autonome de Dunkerque se prépare activement à réunir toutes les conditions qui devraient lui permettre dattirer un grand mega-carrier ou, à défaut, dimportants trafics containérisés dans le contexte Est-Ouest. Le terminal à containers du port ouest est en cours de développement et devrait, dès octobre 2003, être à même de réceptionner des PC de 310 m de long calant 14,20 m de tirant deau. Nous serons ainsi bien positionnés pour la desserte des trafics Est-Ouest étant donné que nous répondrons à deux critères de base, à savoir la fiabilité et les tirant deau allant jusquà 14,20 m en 2004, a dit Bruno Vergobbi, directeur général du PA de Dunkerque lors dune conférence de presse donnée mercredi dernier à Paris.
ECT propose des guichets dédiés aux alliances au Delta Terminal Le manutentionnaire rotterdamois ECT a introduit un nouveau système de guichets sur son Delta Terminal. Les guichets sur lavant-terrain sont désormais répartis selon les alliances, le guichet auquel un chauffeur doit sadresser étant fonction de lalliance/armement pour lequel il roule. Dans la mesure du possible, les collaborateurs de guichets sont également liés à une alliance de sorte à maîtriser linformation propre à un groupe restreint darmements. Les chauffeurs peuvent de la sorte être aidés plus rapidement. Ces guichets dédiésoptimalisent le service aux armements et aux chauffeurs.
La nouvelle stratégie de BTZ sera définie dans les six semaines Le constructeur américain de semi-remorques Wabash National, qui détenait la totalité des parts de la société ETZ, et par là de lopérateur bimodal BTZ, sest défait de lensemble de ses actions (voir LL du 23/01/02). Il les a vendues pour 51% à la société Bimodal Verwaltungsgesellschaft (BVG), une filiale du groupe allemand TX Logistik, et pour 49% à la société ferroviaire Brenner Schienentransport AG (STR), une filiale de lexploitant de lautoroute du Brenner en Autriche, Brenner Autobahn AG. Les deux nouveaux actionnaires deviennent de ce fait détenteurs de la licence RoadRailer pour lEurope. Ils ont lintention détendre sensiblement la palette des trafics.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher