Asia-N America box volumes at 3-yr high in '01 CONTAINER shipping volumes from Asia to North America hit a three-year high in 2001 with the Sept 11 terrorist attacks having little impact, according to research by a major Japanese shipping line.
NYK consolidates intra-Asian container operations
Int'l lines take Philippine port authority to court
Ship beached off NZ finally freed by tugs
Air and Land Transport
US carriers have improved maintenance oversight: FAA THE crash of an Alaska Airlines jetliner two years ago has prompted improvement in maintenance oversight at all the major airlines in the US, the Federal Aviation Administration said.
Airlines with safety oversight flaws
Firms battle for deals at S'pore show
Virgin Blue earnings set to top A$30m
Airlines can still have VIP lines at security checkpoints
Asia-N America box volumes at 3-yr high in '01 CONTAINER shipping volumes from Asia to North America hit a three-year high in 2001 with the Sept 11 terrorist attacks having little impact, according to research by a major Japanese shipping line.
NYK consolidates intra-Asian container operations
Int'l lines take Philippine port authority to court
Ship beached off NZ finally freed by tugs
Air and Land Transport
US carriers have improved maintenance oversight: FAA THE crash of an Alaska Airlines jetliner two years ago has prompted improvement in maintenance oversight at all the major airlines in the US, the Federal Aviation Administration said.
Airlines with safety oversight flaws
Firms battle for deals at S'pore show
Virgin Blue earnings set to top A$30m
Airlines can still have VIP lines at security checkpoints
Austal gets order for "boutique" cruise ships Western Australia's Austal Ships has secured a contract for two 69 meter "boutique" cruise ships
Trico takes legal action against ITF The International Transport Federation today accused Trico Marine Services of launching an "attack on the fundamental principle of international union solidarity".
Canadian repairer wins cruise jobs According to the Victoria, British Columbia, Times Colonist five large cruise ships will be drydocked at Victoria Shipyards this spring and fall for major refits
New World Alliance slashes capacity THE New World Alliance is slashing capacity by 20% on the Asia-Europe trade as it confirms the suspension of its Asia-Mediterranean service at the end of March.
Trico takes ITF to court as Labour Board appeal fails TRICO Marine Services has launched legal action against the International Transport Workers' Federation, writes David Osler.
No proceedings ruling over loss of the Ievoli Sun FRENCH examining magistrate Dominique de Talancé has decided not to initiate proceedings against any of the parties involved in the loss of the Ievoli Sun, the chemicals carrier which sank off the French Normandy coast on October 31, 2000, writes Andrew Spurrier.
U.S. wants to delay Chinese contract law The controversial law appears to undermine the confidential contracting provisions of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act.
New World Alliance shifts Asia-Europe The carrier group is making extensive changes to its services to adjust capacity.
Port of Miami to upgrade cargo, cruise
Kuehne & Nagel acquires remainder of Brazil venture
CSX World Terminals breaks ground in Dominican Republic
Baltimore lands another vehicle contract
International Shipholding credit rating lowered
China Shipping turns to slot charters for U.S./Med routes
Web-based Carnets available
Holt creditors ask for trustee
Indian operator to provide track-and-trace for containers
ABX Logistics doit trouver 250 mio. dEUR de capitaux privés Selon des informations diffusées par la VRT à ses journaux parlés de 12 et 13h, non confirmées sur Teletext au moment de mettre sous presse, ABX Logistics, la filiale logistique de la SNCB, ne serait pas vendue mais filialisée et devrait attirer 250 millions dEUR de capital privé. Elle recevrait aussi un ultime prêt de 50 mio. dEUR. De plus, elle devrait coopérer avec La Poste pour les colis de moins de 30 kg.
Problèmes en perspective pour les semi-remorques à rideaux coulissants non certifiées TIR Les inspections techniques de cinq à six pays ont délivré un certificat TIR à des semi-remorques à rideaux coulissants standard qui ne satisfont pas aux critères techniques pour une telle certification. Le problème a été abordé la semaine dernière à Genève. Il a été décidé que les douanes seront mises au courant de sorte à renforcer les contrôles. Les semi-remorques certifiées à tort seront arrêtées à la frontière. Les transporteurs risquent de devoir payer une facture salée, car leur cargaison devra être transbordée à bord dun véhicule certifié.
Vers la création dune bourse pour réguler le transit alpin? Le lobby suisse Initiative des Alpes propose la création dune bourse qui vendrait aux transporteurs routiers un nombre préalablement limité de trajets par les Alpes. Cette association a décidé de faire cette proposition parce quelle se dit déçue par le rythme du transfert du transport de marchandises de la route vers le rail, signale lagence de presse suisse ATS.
Océ ferme son centre logistique des Hauts-Sarts Océ Belgium a fermé la semaine passée son unité logistique des Hauts-Sarts, à Herstal près de Liège. Ce centre gérait lensemble des stocks pour le marché belge et luxembourgeois du producteur néerlandais de matériels de gestion de documents (photocopieuses, imprimantes, scanners,...). Cette fermeture est la conséquence de la mise en place du projet international Eurologistics.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher