Star Cruises chalks up narrower Y2001 loss MALAYSIA's Star Cruises Group recorded a narrower US$8.4 million net loss in 2001 compared with its US$29.6 million loss in 2000, despite a massive 47 per cent dive in operating income exacerbated by the events of Sept 11.
Alliance to revamp Asia-Europe services
S Net Freight sets up operations in Japan
Air and Land Transport
BA promises not to sell its stake, says Qantas chief BRITISH Airways has promised not to sell its 22 per cent stake in the Australian flag carrier, Qantas Airways, said Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon.
EADS seeks to team up with ST Engineering
Sydney airport sale may resume next month
S'pore, China to expand air services
Analysts raise doubts over Ansett takeover
Berlin seeks EC nod to aid Lufthansa
Working to overcome terrorist threat COULD a terrorist bomb get through the port in Savannah hidden in one of the more than 800,000 cargo containers passing through each year? 'Yes, it could,' US Coast Guard Cmdr Jim McDonald said.
Star Cruises chalks up narrower Y2001 loss MALAYSIA's Star Cruises Group recorded a narrower US$8.4 million net loss in 2001 compared with its US$29.6 million loss in 2000, despite a massive 47 per cent dive in operating income exacerbated by the events of Sept 11.
Alliance to revamp Asia-Europe services
S Net Freight sets up operations in Japan
Air and Land Transport
BA promises not to sell its stake, says Qantas chief BRITISH Airways has promised not to sell its 22 per cent stake in the Australian flag carrier, Qantas Airways, said Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon.
EADS seeks to team up with ST Engineering
Sydney airport sale may resume next month
S'pore, China to expand air services
Analysts raise doubts over Ansett takeover
Berlin seeks EC nod to aid Lufthansa
Working to overcome terrorist threat COULD a terrorist bomb get through the port in Savannah hidden in one of the more than 800,000 cargo containers passing through each year? 'Yes, it could,' US Coast Guard Cmdr Jim McDonald said.
Star Cruises chalks up narrower Y2001 loss MALAYSIA's Star Cruises Group recorded a narrower US$8.4 million net loss in 2001 compared with its US$29.6 million loss in 2000, despite a massive 47 per cent dive in operating income exacerbated by the events of Sept 11.
Alliance to revamp Asia-Europe services
S Net Freight sets up operations in Japan
Air and Land Transport
BA promises not to sell its stake, says Qantas chief BRITISH Airways has promised not to sell its 22 per cent stake in the Australian flag carrier, Qantas Airways, said Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon.
EADS seeks to team up with ST Engineering
Sydney airport sale may resume next month
S'pore, China to expand air services
Analysts raise doubts over Ansett takeover
Berlin seeks EC nod to aid Lufthansa
Working to overcome terrorist threat COULD a terrorist bomb get through the port in Savannah hidden in one of the more than 800,000 cargo containers passing through each year? 'Yes, it could,' US Coast Guard Cmdr Jim McDonald said.
Ownership change for P&I Club manager The Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc., (SCB) which manages the American Club, the only P&I Club domiclied in the America's has now been demerged from Marsh, Inc.
GlobalSantaFe sells jackup GlobalSantaFe Corporation has sold the Key Bermuda offshore jackup drilling rig to Nabors Drilling International
ABS gets landmark German recognition Germany's See-Berufsgenossenschaft has approved ABS as a recognized organization for conducting safety surveys on German-flag vessels.
Star Cruises hit by September 11 slump Star Cruises, the world's fourth largest cruise line, said yesterday a slump in business following the September 11 attacks resulted in a loss of HK$16m for the year ended December 31, based on Hong Kong accounting standards.
Bulker rout after Cyprus flag tests An elderly panamax bulk carrier that was deemed a risk to her crew has been scrapped as a result of the Cypriot maritime administration's first longitudinal strength tests, which got under way last year.
AP Møller profits set to shine as new laws lift lid on performance AP Møller will reluctantly publish more detailed accounts later this year that will make the group's results look dramatically better, writes Janet Porter.
Kiln volume to be lifted 74% by key agreements THE underwriting capacity of Lloyd's firm Kiln is set to rise sharply this year following two key agreements.
DHL slates new U.S. op center The logistics provider will centralize its domestic network control, and some global oversight, in Arizona.
Lines sue over Manila fee hikes Carriers want a Philippines court to rescind a 10% increase in cargo handling fees at Manila's two international terminals.
BLG acquiert 50% du groupe allemand Harms Les groupes brêmois BLG logistics et E.H. Harms sont arrivés à un accord sur la prise de participation du premier dans le second. Rappelons quen décembre dernier, notre publication-soeur DVZ révélait que des négociations étaient en cours (LL du 28 décembre 2001). Ce même jour de lannée passée, on apprenait que Bremerhaven perdait son leadership européen dans les trafics automobiles, étant détrôné de justesse par Zeebrugge. Lacquisition par BLG de 50% du transporteur de voitures Harms sinscrit dans le contexte de cette lutte. Bremerhaven (majoritaire dans BLG) veut devenir plus attrayant en offrant une palette de services plus large.
Evergreen Marine a lancé ses nouveaux services pendulaires Pour larmement taiwanais Evergreen, le mois de février 2002 marque la fin dune époque, celle des services tour du monde east et westbound. Une page de son histoire est ainsi tournée. Un autre chapitre commence: celui des services pendulaires. Pour les chargeurs, cette mutation implique peu de changement étant donné que les fréquences restent hebdomadaires à jour fixe et larmement a veillé à maintenir la même couverture de marchés.
Steve Stevaert: Chaque franc affecté à la voie deau est bien investi Le nouveau terminal roro pour charges lourdes construit le long du canal Albert à Geel via un partenariat public-privé entre le Dienst voor de Scheepvaart (80%) et lexploitant Roro-Trans a été inauguré officiellement vendredi par le ministre flamand de la Mobilité, Steve Stevaert. Le projet cadre dans le programme de murs de quai du gouvernement flamand, dont le ministre Stevaert est le grand artisan. Il a dès lors profité de loccasion pour défendre sa politique en la matière devant une colonne de 460 tonnes et 73 m de long, embarquée le lendemain à destination de lExtrême-Orient.
CMA CGM à la recherche dexpéditeurs-logisticiens Comme tout méga-carrier qui se respecte, larmement CMA CGM entend simpliquer totalement dans la logistique, lobjectif étant dassurer un service plus complet à la clientèle, cest-à-dire offrir une logistique intégrée sinscrivant dans le contexte dit supply-chain, daider la croissance et par la même occasion de mieux contrôler les flux de trafic. On sait que larmement a déjà mis en place une organisation appelée Logistics Link, qui est opérationnelle en Asie et en Europe où un partenariat a été réalisé avec Giraud Logistic. Larmement veut aller plus loin. Ainsi que le président J. Saade la confié à notre confrère Trade Winds, larmement cherche maintenant à acquérir un groupe dexpédition-logistique de taille moyenne, soit en Europe, soit aux Etats-Unis, groupe qui a une présence tant en Asie quaux USA et traite un trafic de lordre de 100.000 TEU dans chaque sens avec lEurope.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher