IMO faces tough task putting security measures in place THE International Maritime Organisation faces its most difficult task ever, in controlling how the proposed international maritime security regulations are implemented at the national level, said a senior IMO official yesterday.
Evergreen Marine begins shift to Pelepas port
Former Lorenzo Shipping exec in US$10m tax scam
Air and Land Transport
Virgin Blue sues for access to Sydney Airport gates RICHARD Branson's discount Australia domestic airline Virgin Blue is suing Sydney Airport Corporation Ltd for access to gates at the country's busiest airport, the airline announced yesterday.
Taiwan to seek direct transport links with China
Air Canada plans 'temporary' job cuts from Sept 30
Rolls-Royce's H1 profit plunges 81%
Bank may pick up Air Do stake: paper
China again extends war risk insurance for airlines
Outlook tough, says China Southern Air
PSA tackles challenges of 'demand century' EFFICIENCY is no longer enough for PSA, says group president Ng Chee Keong.
IMO faces tough task putting security measures in place THE International Maritime Organisation faces its most difficult task ever, in controlling how the proposed international maritime security regulations are implemented at the national level, said a senior IMO official yesterday.
Evergreen Marine begins shift to Pelepas port
Former Lorenzo Shipping exec in US$10m tax scam
Air and Land Transport
Virgin Blue sues for access to Sydney Airport gates RICHARD Branson's discount Australia domestic airline Virgin Blue is suing Sydney Airport Corporation Ltd for access to gates at the country's busiest airport, the airline announced yesterday.
Taiwan to seek direct transport links with China
Air Canada plans 'temporary' job cuts from Sept 30
Rolls-Royce's H1 profit plunges 81%
Bank may pick up Air Do stake: paper
China again extends war risk insurance for airlines
Outlook tough, says China Southern Air
PSA tackles challenges of 'demand century' EFFICIENCY is no longer enough for PSA, says group president Ng Chee Keong.
IMO faces tough task putting security measures in place THE International Maritime Organisation faces its most difficult task ever, in controlling how the proposed international maritime security regulations are implemented at the national level, said a senior IMO official yesterday.
Evergreen Marine begins shift to Pelepas port
Former Lorenzo Shipping exec in US$10m tax scam
Air and Land Transport
Virgin Blue sues for access to Sydney Airport gates RICHARD Branson's discount Australia domestic airline Virgin Blue is suing Sydney Airport Corporation Ltd for access to gates at the country's busiest airport, the airline announced yesterday.
Taiwan to seek direct transport links with China
Air Canada plans 'temporary' job cuts from Sept 30
Rolls-Royce's H1 profit plunges 81%
Bank may pick up Air Do stake: paper
China again extends war risk insurance for airlines
Outlook tough, says China Southern Air
PSA tackles challenges of 'demand century' EFFICIENCY is no longer enough for PSA, says group president Ng Chee Keong.
KLM to negotiate with Air France Following the announcement of Delta, Continental and Northwest KLM will pursue its talks with Air France.
OTAL to leave Ceres terminal Amsterdam OT Africa Line (OTAL), the specialist West African shipping line, is to move its port operations in Amsterdam from the Ceres Amsterdam Marine Terminal to the USA Terminal.
IPBCC conference rates higher The India-Pakistan-Bangladesh-Ceylon Conference (IPBCC) notified shippers that it would increase its tariffs and reduce the extra risk insurance surcharge.
Ordering new container ships again The number of orders for new container ships is rising sharply this summer.
Schenker now lead logistics provider of ESAB Schenker's Swedish subsidiary Schenker Dedicated Services AB is now the lead logistics provider for Esab AB, Gothenburg, the world's largest producer of welding consumables and equipment.
Gibraltar tightens security after terrorist arrests THE cruiseship Monterrey pulls out of Gibraltar on Sunday amid tight security while two Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships, Gold Rover and Black Rover, are berthed in the British port.
P&I clubs to thrash out mega-claim overhaul PROTECTION and Indemnity Clubs representing most of the world's shipowners have started a review aimed at helping thrash out their approach to negotiating their overall reinsurance package - possibly the single most important account at Lloyd's.
Muscles from Brussels to show strength at IMO EUROPEAN Union accession states could hold the key to speeding up processes at the International Maritime Organisation, as an enlarged EU flexes its muscles.
Capesize stranded in new Australian mishap A HANJIN-controlled capesize carrying 205,000 tonnes of iron ore grounded on a sandbank in Western Australia yesterday in the third large scale marine accident to occur in Australian waters in just over a month.
FMC opens formal TSA probe The agency will investigate charges that members of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement discriminated against non-vessel-operating common carriers during the 2002-03 contracting season.
Lufthansa air-cargo rate hike The airline eyes a peak-season increase, including 3 percent on shipments from the United States.
Approval for key New York dredging The Port of New York and New Jersey has received approval from the Army Corps of Engineers to deepen a key waterway.
Mærsk Sealand retarde la réception des PC de 8.800 TEU A la veille de la publication du rapport financier semestriel, un groupe danalystes danois considère que le groupe A.P. Moeller a vu son revenu chuter de 54.% à la fin juin, ceci essentiellement à cause de la faiblesse du marché maritime. Pour lensemble de lexercice 2002 Moeller prévoit un bénéfice avant gains sur ventes et éléments spéciaux denviron 6 mia. de couronnes contre 9,9 mia. en 2001. Les revenus générés par les activités pétrolières et gazières ont donné de meilleurs résultats que prévu, grâce à une haute tenue des prix du pétrole.
DFDS réduit ses pertes sur EuroBridge EuroBridge est parvenu à stabiliser ses prestations au second trimestre. Cest ce quécrit le groupe DFDS dans son rapport semestriel concernant le service roro entre Gand et Göteborg, qui avait sombré dans les chiffres rouges depuis un certain temps déjà. Nous ne réalisons toujours pas de bénéfice sur cette route, mais nous sommes parvenus à réduire nos pertes, nous a déclaré le presiding director Ole Frie. Cette amélioration relative - stabilisation à un niveau de perte moins important, dixit Frie - est principalement due aux efforts consentis par toutes les parties concernées en vue de réduire les coûts.
HNN: les synergies avec PSA Corp commencent à se développer Lentreprise de manutention Hesse Noord Natie fait désormais partie intégrante de la scène maritime et portuaire anversoise. Certes, il sagit dune filiale à 80% du groupe PSA Corp de Singapour, mais force est de constater que le management est resté local. Il ny a en fait que six représentants de PSA installés au QG anversois de lentreprise, ceci pour tirer le maximum de possibilités des synergies susceptibles dêtre développées entre Anvers et Singapour. Cette présence est des plus normales quand on tient compte de limportance de linvestissement réalisé.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher