Freight rates seen as unlikely to recover much RECOVERING container volumes are improving the outlook for shipping lines, but may not be enough to sustain a rebound in freight rates badly needed by the lines, according to Saloman Smith Barney.
Tougher anti-piracy solutions sought
ExxonMobil to sell cheaper, heavier grade bunker fuel
China gears up to modernise logistics infrastructure
Air and Land Transport
Airlines facing most serious challenge ever: analyst GLOBAL aviation faces its biggest challenge yet with several airlines in a precarious financial situation and at risk of folding, an industry expert said yesterday.
Ansett sale fails and it teeterson brink of collapse again
US, HK officials in fresh talks on more air services
Narita may open more business jet slots
Auckland Airport set for healthy H1
Hainan Air buys 3 Gulfstream jets
Thinking global to stay ahead IIN his three years at SembCorp Logistics Ltd, chief executive officer Koh Soo Keong increased its share value fourfold, tied up with Kuehne & Nagel International AG, Europe's largest sea-freight company and is poised to expand in Japan by buying a freight operator there.
Freight rates seen as unlikely to recover much RECOVERING container volumes are improving the outlook for shipping lines, but may not be enough to sustain a rebound in freight rates badly needed by the lines, according to Saloman Smith Barney.
Tougher anti-piracy solutions sought
ExxonMobil to sell cheaper, heavier grade bunker fuel
China gears up to modernise logistics infrastructure
Air and Land Transport
Airlines facing most serious challenge ever: analyst GLOBAL aviation faces its biggest challenge yet with several airlines in a precarious financial situation and at risk of folding, an industry expert said yesterday.
Ansett sale fails and it teeterson brink of collapse again
US, HK officials in fresh talks on more air services
Narita may open more business jet slots
Auckland Airport set for healthy H1
Hainan Air buys 3 Gulfstream jets
Thinking global to stay ahead IIN his three years at SembCorp Logistics Ltd, chief executive officer Koh Soo Keong increased its share value fourfold, tied up with Kuehne & Nagel International AG, Europe's largest sea-freight company and is poised to expand in Japan by buying a freight operator there.
Freight rates seen as unlikely to recover much RECOVERING container volumes are improving the outlook for shipping lines, but may not be enough to sustain a rebound in freight rates badly needed by the lines, according to Saloman Smith Barney.
Tougher anti-piracy solutions sought
ExxonMobil to sell cheaper, heavier grade bunker fuel
China gears up to modernise logistics infrastructure
Air and Land Transport
Airlines facing most serious challenge ever: analyst GLOBAL aviation faces its biggest challenge yet with several airlines in a precarious financial situation and at risk of folding, an industry expert said yesterday.
Ansett sale fails and it teeterson brink of collapse again
US, HK officials in fresh talks on more air services
Narita may open more business jet slots
Auckland Airport set for healthy H1
Hainan Air buys 3 Gulfstream jets
Thinking global to stay ahead IIN his three years at SembCorp Logistics Ltd, chief executive officer Koh Soo Keong increased its share value fourfold, tied up with Kuehne & Nagel International AG, Europe's largest sea-freight company and is poised to expand in Japan by buying a freight operator there.
Schubert testifies on port security U.S. Maritime Administrator Captain William G. Schubert, yesterday gave details on how grants to upgrade seaport security are to be awarded.
EC approves Spanish "tonnage tax" The European Commission decided to approve the Spanish tonnage tax scheme.
Bergesen in final negotiations on LNG-contract Norway's Bergesen has reached a preliminary agreement with Nigeria LNG Limited for the employment of four LNG-carriers
EMFF offers 500 cSt heavy fuel in Singapore In response to customer demand, ExxonMobil Marine Fuels (EMMF) is now able to supply a heavier grade of bunker fuel at the port of Singapore
GE power for Italian carrier GE Marine Engines' LM2500 aeroderivative gas turbines and main reduction gears have been selected for use aboard the Italian Navy's new Andrea Doria aircraft carrier
Shipping severely hit by gales Shipping along the North Sea coasts was again severely hit by gales exceeding force 12 over the past few days. The car carrier Golden Fan, which was bound for the inner port of Bremerhaven, had to be berthed at the Columbuskaje due to the strong storm. During the berthing manoeuvre, which was assisted by the tugs Weser and Jade, the aft line broke. A third tug of Unterweser-Reederei had to be immediately deployed to berth the Golden Fan after a difficult turning manoeuvre was carried out on the Weser. Picture: Ralf Witthohn
Bergesen lands $2bn LNG deal Bergesen has clinched one of the most valuable shipping contracts in the history of the industry with a deal to supply four new liquefied natural gas carriers to Nigeria LNG for more than 20 years.
Daewoo planning 6m share buy-back Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering has announced a share buy-back of 6m shares, riding the wave of an orderbook now swollen with 20 LNG vessels.
Former Renaissance vessels near charter Cruiseinvest said yesterday it was in the final stages of negotiations on charters for four of the six former Renaissance Cruises vessels it has laid up in the port of Marseilles.
Schubert: Marad pushing box pre-screening, port worker ID cards The Marad chief told a Senate subcommittee that his agency is moving ahead with its seaport security plans.
FMC probing Fla. tug franchises The agency has ordered a hearing into whether a Florida port violated federal shipping law by granting exclusive rights for tug services.
Port Everglades offers dock fee discounts
Changes at Crowley Maritime Corp. unit
Nucor chief boosts steel import curbs
HUAL, Cosco in China ro-ro agreement
Pier 1 will build Savannah distribution hub
Chesapeake canal still closed after Mon. collision
Descartes loss widens, names new co-CEO
LTV asset sale near: Report
Port of Aden receives fifth crane
UPS Logistics Group to manage U.S. supply chain for M'lnlycke Health Care
Liaison Seine-Nord: le projet senlise La situation dans le dossier de la liaison Seine-Nord, qui doit permettre de relier le bassin de la Seine au grand réseau fluvial européen via lEscaut et la Lys, est assez sombre. Le choix du tracé (fuseau) nest toujours pas déterminé. De même, la décision de lancer les études davant-projet na pas encore été prise. Ce second point est le plus inquiétant, car cest de lui que dépend la crédibilité des déclarations du gouvernement français quant à la volonté dengager le projet dune façon irréversible.
Simon Transportation obtient la protection du Chapitre 11 Dick Simon Transportation, un des plus grands transporteurs routiers américains de charges complètes, a déposé le bilan lundi dernier et a demandé la protection du Chapitre 11 (quil a obtenu) pour tenter de sortir de la grave crise financière quil traverse. Pour ce faire, il procédera à la vente dune grande partie de son équipement. A lissue du plan de redressement, son parc devrait avoir été réduit de 40% à 1.500 tracteurs et 2.200 semi-remorques. Il licenciera une même proportion de personnel. Dans les milieux du transport routier aux Etats-Unis, on se demande quel est le rôle de Jerry Moyes, le patron de Swift Transportation, dans cette affaire. Il avait pris le contrôle de Simon en octobre dernier.
Rouen veut développer davantage le cabotage Quand on parle du port de Rouen, on ne peut sempêcher de faire un rapprochement avec Anvers et Hambourg, étant donné quil sagit dun centre maritime dhinterland dépendant dun grand fleuve, la Seine, et proche des marchés, en loccurrence le grand bassin parisien. Au fil des années Rouen est devenu une grande plate-forme logistique où se cotoient tous les modes de transport, de même quy sont pratiquées toutes les disciplines inhérentes à la manipulation de tous les types de fret, car il s agit dun port multivalent. Sa localisation à lintérieur des terres lui assurant par rapport aux ports côtiers un certain avantage en matière de coût de transport, le maritime étant de 20 à 30% moins cher que le transport terrestre, ce port français entend mettre cette situation à profit pour développer davantage la cabotage.
Le bénéfice net de NS a baissé de 44% Les résultats de NS ont sensiblement baissé lannée dernière. Le bénéfice net généré par les activités opérationnelles normales a régressé de 44% à 88 mio. dEUR. Le bénéfice dexploitation a quant à lui diminué de 162 mio. dEUR en 2000 à 38 mio. dEUR lannée dernière. Le CA a affiché 2,4 mia. dEUR, contre 2,5 mia. dEUR en 2000. La qualité et la prestation de services ont continué à régresser lannée dernière. La direction de NS avait décidé à la mi-2001 de privilégier les projets visant une amélioration de la qualité de base, programmes qui se poursuivent dailleurs cette année. Les efforts de qualité devraient encore peser longtemps sur le résultat dexploitation.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher