Proposal for e-highway in straits inches forward EFFORTS to create an innovative and ambitious US$30 million Marine Electronic Highway in the Malacca and Singapore straits moved incrementally ahead following a regional workshop held in Singapore last week.
P&O Princess plan for Royal Caribbean sent to UK regulator
K Line to set up operation centre in S'pore in April
MTL to invest more in China ports
Air and Land Transport
Japan firms to work with Boeing on Sonic Cruiser BOEING Co said it will partner Japanese companies to research and develop materials for building its planned high-speed Sonic Cruiser passenger jet.
Boeing wants win-win partnerships
Cargo a weak link in US airport security: pilots
BA, Lufthansa may see bigger US access with court ruling
LOG Book
Develop logistics services, China urges regional govts PRESSURE is growing on China's local governments to buck up their ideas on logistics, a sector still in its infancy except in a few select areas, generally along the coast.
Consolidator living up to its name
Airports a safer bet than airlines WITH cheap tickets tempting air travellers back to the skies after the Sept 11 slump, investors seeking a recovery play have seen airports as a safer investment than some airlines, analysts say.
Proposal for e-highway in straits inches forward EFFORTS to create an innovative and ambitious US$30 million Marine Electronic Highway in the Malacca and Singapore straits moved incrementally ahead following a regional workshop held in Singapore last week.
P&O Princess plan for Royal Caribbean sent to UK regulator
K Line to set up operation centre in S'pore in April
MTL to invest more in China ports
Air and Land Transport
Japan firms to work with Boeing on Sonic Cruiser BOEING Co said it will partner Japanese companies to research and develop materials for building its planned high-speed Sonic Cruiser passenger jet.
Boeing wants win-win partnerships
Cargo a weak link in US airport security: pilots
BA, Lufthansa may see bigger US access with court ruling
LOG Book
Develop logistics services, China urges regional govts PRESSURE is growing on China's local governments to buck up their ideas on logistics, a sector still in its infancy except in a few select areas, generally along the coast.
Consolidator living up to its name
Airports a safer bet than airlines WITH cheap tickets tempting air travellers back to the skies after the Sept 11 slump, investors seeking a recovery play have seen airports as a safer investment than some airlines, analysts say.
Proposal for e-highway in straits inches forward EFFORTS to create an innovative and ambitious US$30 million Marine Electronic Highway in the Malacca and Singapore straits moved incrementally ahead following a regional workshop held in Singapore last week.
P&O Princess plan for Royal Caribbean sent to UK regulator
K Line to set up operation centre in S'pore in April
MTL to invest more in China ports
Air and Land Transport
Japan firms to work with Boeing on Sonic Cruiser BOEING Co said it will partner Japanese companies to research and develop materials for building its planned high-speed Sonic Cruiser passenger jet.
Boeing wants win-win partnerships
Cargo a weak link in US airport security: pilots
BA, Lufthansa may see bigger US access with court ruling
LOG Book
Develop logistics services, China urges regional govts PRESSURE is growing on China's local governments to buck up their ideas on logistics, a sector still in its infancy except in a few select areas, generally along the coast.
Consolidator living up to its name
Airports a safer bet than airlines WITH cheap tickets tempting air travellers back to the skies after the Sept 11 slump, investors seeking a recovery play have seen airports as a safer investment than some airlines, analysts say.
Proposal for e-highway in straits inches forward EFFORTS to create an innovative and ambitious US$30 million Marine Electronic Highway in the Malacca and Singapore straits moved incrementally ahead following a regional workshop held in Singapore last week.
P&O Princess plan for Royal Caribbean sent to UK regulator
K Line to set up operation centre in S'pore in April
MTL to invest more in China ports
Air and Land Transport
Japan firms to work with Boeing on Sonic Cruiser BOEING Co said it will partner Japanese companies to research and develop materials for building its planned high-speed Sonic Cruiser passenger jet.
Boeing wants win-win partnerships
Cargo a weak link in US airport security: pilots
BA, Lufthansa may see bigger US access with court ruling
LOG Book
Develop logistics services, China urges regional govts PRESSURE is growing on China's local governments to buck up their ideas on logistics, a sector still in its infancy except in a few select areas, generally along the coast.
Consolidator living up to its name
Airports a safer bet than airlines WITH cheap tickets tempting air travellers back to the skies after the Sept 11 slump, investors seeking a recovery play have seen airports as a safer investment than some airlines, analysts say.
Izar yard discounts profitability before 2005 Spanish state-owned shipbuilder Izar has celebrated the launch of the gas carrier Inigo Tapias in Bilbao but warned that it will not reach profitability until 2005.
Carnival 'sweetens' the mix for P&O Princess Carnival restructured its offer for P&O Princess yesterday in a move which improved the deliverability of the bid without materially improving the value.
Bureau Veritas boss slams DNV for 'mean' mentality BUREAU Veritas has hit back at Det Norske Veritas, criticising the Norwegian classification society for its "mean" beancounter mentality in judging success in commercial rather than safety terms.
MSC takes option on Hansa quartet MEDITERRANEAN Shipping Co has exercised an option to acquire four 3,400 teu container vessels from German ship financing group Hansa Treuhand.
Iveco veut porter sa part de marché dans le poids lourd de 11 à 14% dici 2004 Le constructeur italien de véhicules industriels Iveco a lancé mercredi à Turin son nouveau poids lourd haut-de gamme Stralis, qui remplace lEuroStar. Ses ambitions sont grandes, car ce nouveau véhicule devrait lui permettre datteindre une part de marché en Europe de 14% dici 2004, contre 11% en 2001. Et ce avec une meilleure répartition sur les divers marchés nationaux quaujourdhui, a déclaré Michele Pizzinga, le président de la division Heavy Vehicles dIveco. Il a par ailleurs déclaré prévoir une baisse du marché du poids lourd (+16 t) de 10 à 15% cette année, et de 5 à 10% en 2003.
Dernière ligne droite avant la fusion DAT/Virgin? Les groupes de travail DAT devant étudier une possible fusion avec Virgin Express se sont prononcés positivement à légard de cette option. Toute personne connaissant un peu le secteur aérien dans notre pays saccorde à dire que ce mariage de raison uni des partenaires dhorizons très différents. Entre-temps, le nom des investisseurs de DAT sont également connus.Aux toutes dernières nouvelles, la décision définitive ne tomberait quà la fin février.
Liner Est-Ouest: la restauration des taux devrait samorcer cette année Lannée 2002 sera vraisemblablement celle de lamorce dune restauration des taux dans les trafics de ligne containérisés Est-Ouest et de certains trafics périphériques, ceci pour autant que les armements ne fassent à nouveau montre de tendances suicidaires. Des acteurs disparaissent progressivement du secteur Est-Ouest. Après Cho-Yang, cest maintenant NSCSA qui arrête les frais pour se consacrer à des activités maritimes plus rentables. Tout récemment à Londres, un des responsables de CP Ships devait déclarer quau cours des 12 prochains mois des opportunités dinvestissements vont se présenter, dont le groupe devrait tirer profit. En dautres termes des acquisitions vont se présenter.
Netelenbos suspend unilatéralement la réactivation du Rhin dAcier Selon la presse néerlandaise, la ministre des Transports Tineke Netelenbos aurait décidé dès novembre dernier de suspendre les préparatifs pour la réactivation du Rhin dAcier, et cela sans en avertir le gouvernement flamand. Eddy Bruyninckx, le directeur général de lEntreprise portuaire dAnvers, se refuse pour linstant à tout commentaire et dit attendre de voir comment réagira Bruxelles, nous a déclaré la porte-parole Ann Wittemans.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher