Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Not of the unions and from Liguria institutions to the governmental hypothesis of reorganization of the activity of the ship yards of Fincantieri in the region
Roman: "concentration near the plant of Muggiano of the activities of shipbuilding for the military sector and specialization of the yard of Riva Trigoso in the activities of the mechanics and the componentry". The minister remembers that "a national table on the shipbuilding one is activated for a long time"; the unions ask: with who?
February 17, 2011
A plan of rationalization of the activity of from Liguria ship yards of the Fincantieri group, illustrated briefly from the minister of the economic Development, Paolo Romani, strongly is criticized by the workers of from Liguria plants of the company, by the unions and the local institutions.
Answering yesterday to the Chamber to a interrogation on the situation of the shipbuilding one in Liguria, region where Fincantieri is present with the plants of Genoa Sestri West, Riva Trigoso (Sestri Levante) and Muggiano (La Spezia), and in particular on the situation of the yard of Riva Trigoso who - he is specified - would seem that to greater risk of reorganization although is that most productive one and with less absenteeism, minister Romani has remembered as the crisis has hit all the main segments of the navalmeccanico section and - it has added - "this has happened for the deficiency of store clerks and the cancellation of orders that have redefined in negative cargos of job to the extent that many companies, between which Fincantieri, is forced to appeal to the redundancy fund".
Roman has explained that "the ministry of the economic Development has activated for a long time a national table on the shipbuilding one to which they have participated and they participate, besides the interested local institutions, the labor organizations and Fincantieri staff with the scope to face the crisis of the section. Within this I confront are analyzed the situations of the single yards with particular reference those from Liguria ones. The possibility of a rationalization of from Liguria industrial order is emerged - it has specified the minister - that would have to carry to the concentration near the plant of Muggiano of the activities of shipbuilding for the military sector and to the specialization of the yard of Riva Trigoso in the activities of the mechanics and the componentry".
"With regard to the yard of Sestri West - he has continued Roman - the government is engaged together with the local governments, to the Fincantieri and Eni in the predisposition of a program finalized to the realization of the project of upset to sea that has a total cost almost 350 million. With this end in view a technical table is already operating near the ministry of the economic Development of confronts that it will carry within the next freedom of expression to the definition of the engagements of all the interested parts; in particular, for that it regards the government, the necessary resources - about 70 million euros - in the within of the development plan and potenziamento of the harbour activities will be retrieved".
Against the hypothesis of restructure of the activities of Fincantieri in Liguria illustrated from the minister unions and institutions of the region have been lined up. Today the workers of the plant of Riva Trigoso have put into effect a protest garrison blocking the Aurelia and have announced a next general mobilization. Sharing the protest of the attache's of the yard of Riva Trigoso, the Rsu Fincantieri Sestri West has defined "serious and unacceptable" the declaration of minister Romani and has supported the necessity "to defend integrity of the Fincantieri group and the maintenance of all the productive sites and the centers rejecting with force any hypothesis of rationalization of the yards, in Liguria and elsewhere, that it previews closings or displacements".
Also the general secretary of Fiom-Cgil, Maurizio Landini, has rejected as "serious and unacceptable" the declarations of the minister evidencing as the holder of the ministry of the economic Development has cited "the activation of a table on the shipbuilding one in reality never convened". "To the advanced official demand from at least a month from the general secretaries for Fim, Fiom and Uilm to activate I confront on the choices of industrial policies and productive of the Fincantieri and shipbuilding with the presence of all the social parts - Landini has explained - the minister has not never answered neither convened the encounter on which he had engaged himself".
Wondering with who minister Romani is discussing to reorganize the activities and the occupation of from Liguria yards of the Fincantieri, Landini has concluded declaring the outage of the union "to accept some productive neither occupational reorganization neither of Fincantieri neither in Liguria neither in other regions" and being asked "an immediate involvement by the government, of all the social parts in order to define a true one slowly of I throw again and productive qualification of the activities of the shipbuilding one in our Country".
In a combined official notice Fiom-Cgil, Fim-Cisl and Uilm-Uil they have confirmed the gravity and inaccettabilità of the declarations of minister Romani and that "no restructure or reorganization of Fincantieri never is discussed in confronts until today had with the labor organizations. On the contrary - they have specified - a new convocation of the shipbuilding table on the naval one many times over is sped up with letters to which the minister not even has not never answered".
"In any case - they have agreed Fiom, Fim and Uilm - we reject with force any hypothesis of rationalization of the yards, in Liguria and elsewhere, that it previews closings or displacements, comprised that ventilated from the regarding minister the displacement of the activities of shipbuilding from the yard of Riva Trigoso to the yard of the Muggiano to La Spezia. In this situation they grow worry and uncertainty between the workers and is not rinviabile the convocation, by the government, of the shipbuilding national table on the naval one, where to face the topic of the consolidation and I throw again of the activities in all the yards and centers of the industrial group".
According to from Liguria regional city council member to the economic Development, Renzo Guccinelli, "the attitude of minister Romani are inqualificabile. He cannot himself be dealt with lightness and superficiality - he has explained - a serious and worrisome event as that of Fincantieri". "The Liguria Region - it has continued Guccinelli - by him considers unacceptable how much declared yesterday in Parliament. The crisis of the shipbuilding one is serious and the situation of Fincantieri is worrisome. It is not possible to continue in this way. Before devastating Fincantieri for the Liguria appears on prints an industrial plan, then the government, greater shareholder of the company, says that he does not exist; today Roman he anticipate absurd hypotheses and solutions, single because sped up".
"To this point - it has concluded from Liguria city council member - the moment for minister Romani has arrived, in coherence with the engagements that has been assumed in the ministerial table on 28 October, to open I confront with institutions, company and labor organizations in order to understand industrial ideas, plans and projects that the government wants to put in field. It knows but that behind rationalization projects the dismantling of the three sites of shipbuilding production of Fincantieri in Liguria cannot pass".
For the Metropolitan Trade union office of Genoa, the declarations in Parliament of minister Romani "worry and are unacceptable in the merit and the method". "The "specialization of the yard of Riva Trigoso in the activity of the mechanics and the componentry" assumed from the minister - it has explained the labor organization - other is not that the announcement of the masked closing of the same yard. To Fincantieri and Roman, in fact, the heavy occupational and productive reorganization cannot escape that a similar project would have in that truth that until now, is in all respects a place in which ships are constructed. The heavy delays by the property in the investments that give to years local union and institutions claim for the truth of Riva Trigoso cannot be unloaded on the workers and a territory that has all the conditions in order to maintain and to develop its productive vocation in the shipbuilding one".
"It is most serious, moreover - it has emphasized the secretariat of the Trade union office - than the minister, ignoring the pressing demands for the labor organizations to open a real place of I confront on the future of Fincantieri in the Country, you make reference in its declarations to a "national table on the shipbuilding one" that already it would be activated near its office. It is lawful to ask who is the subjects with which the government is estimating the destinies of thousands of workers (2,000 in the single Liguria)"
Also the Metropolitan Trade union office of Genoa has rejected with force "every hypothesis of closing or displacement of from Liguria yards" and has asked "the immediate involvement for all the interested subjects - government, Fincantieri, local authorities and labor organizations - because you set off in the natural centers a real debate that it has to the center I throw again and the productive and occupational requalification of the shipbuilding one in our Country”.
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