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To Genoa there is less and less job and, it seems, many not even want it
Appeal of Coordination RSU Naval Repairs for the safeguard of the section and the realization of the sixth dry dock
April 6, 2011
When they are the representatives of the workers to invoke the realization of works necessary in order to acquire new businesses or in order not to lose those already in pocketbook are to worry.
Not that traditionally the unions do not have to heart the development of the economic and productive activities, indeed. However of norm they are the entrepreneurial categories to speed up the institutions to adopt those measures structural, infrastructural and normative necessary in order to preserve and to increase the job.
When the union members for a moment stop to take care mostly of the conditions to which the job is conserved or increased and, instead, they implore the institutions to assume decisions that allow with the enterprises to make enterprise, then is well something that does not square.
Us it seems anomalous who the Coordination of the Unitary Trade-union Representation of the section of the naval repairs of the port of Genoa appeal to the institutions, through we print, in order to do so as that the port comes endowed of a sixth dry dock in a position to accommodating the ships of beyond 300 meters of length that - being in existence a new run to naval gigantism - in large number already furrow the seas of all the world. This work - the unions are convinced some - is necessary in order to ask for a hemorrhage of places of work in a field that already suffers from a decrease of the activities of maintenance and determined naval repair from the impact of the total economic crisis on the marine industry.
They have restated, evidenced, whispered and screaied today in the course of a press conference Alessandro Vella, secretary of Fim-Cisl Genoa, Giuseppe Durante, responsible Naval Fiom-Cgil Repair, and other representatives of the trade-union coordination. All the intonations are valid in order to try to make to understand something to someone that evidently it does not want lend ear or that it pretends not to have intended.
"We - Vella has confirmed - say that the sixth basin is had to make". "Also the enterprises - it has added During - need the sixth bathtub. Today Genoa does not have a basin for the ships that are constructed to Genoa".
The ships of which the union members speak are that from cruise constructed in the genoese plant of the Fincantieri to Sestri West, beyond obviously to the many others that the port of Genoa loses annually for the absence of a capacious dry dock. Coordination RSU of the naval repairs is contrary to the assumed displacement of the naval repairs in the area of Sestri West today occupied from Fincantieri, hypothesis that is tested - at least to words - also by Genoa Confindustria. Or better: they are contrary to the loss of the activities of shipbuilding that are carried out in the Fincantieri plant. Moreover the fear is that, with an eventual amalgamation of the activities of construction and naval repair, "places of work get lost".
What it is sure - they have supported (and we do not succeed to give they twisted) - it is that "continuous Genoa to lose places of work and cannot more afford than to lose them". Today - Vella has remembered - in the genoese district of the naval repairs there are 3,000 workers who are suffering of the crisis. In the field they work beyond 90 directed companies, of which four they have already closed down and another ten has appealed to the social shocks-absorber.
"The entrepreneurs - he has continued Vella - are not to wait for the decisions of the institutions". The reference is to the recent disembarkation in the port of Marseilles of genoese Saint George of the Port, partner of holding Genoa Naval Industries (inforMARE on April 21, 2008), than in French earth it has found those dry docks necessary in order to develop own activity. We remember that the other partner of the holding ones, the T.Mariotti Ship yards, has for a long time chosen the Friuli Venice Julia (San Giorgio di Nogaro) in order to realize the hulls of the ships through joint venture CI.MAR. Shipbuilding with the group Cimolai Spa.
The necessity of spaces and structures is such - the representatives of the workers have explained - than the genoese enterprises of the branch of the naval repairs was being organized in order to find spaces in North Africa also before the region became theatre of antigovernmental revolts. The possibility to maintain these activities to Genoa would be: "what they tell us the companies - they have confirmed - is that they have refused job for lack of structures".
The workers ask the institutions to decide in a hurry where to place the sixth basin and they speed up a "compatible solution". "The intention - it has clarified Vella - is not to make a committee against a committee". In recent days, in fact, the Committee is introduced Open Port that has been born to defense of the harbour area close of the center city and specifically against the positioning of the sixth dry dock in the area of the naval repairs. "We consider - the president of the city committee had explained, Fulvio Silingardi - than the area of the port close of the center city is one of the more important economic resources and tourist of Genoa and therefore he goes protected and saved from every possible one scempio, firstly the hypothesis of realization of the sixth dry dock inside of the historical marina Duca of the Abruzzi". However Silingardi had specified that the Committee Open Port considers the realization of the sixth indispensable bathtub for the genoese harbour economy and that the new movement of opinion was constituted in order "to do so as that the structure finds a positioning alternative to that proposal, for an obvious series of town-planning motivations and environmental that we do not want they are underrated".
Giuseppe Durante has remembered that the unions are working with the Harbour Authority in order to eliminate or to attenuate the disturbance factors that the sixth basin and more in general terms the activity than naval repair can bring to the citizenship. Manifesting availability to discuss such problems wide-ranging, but he has emphasized as the well-being of the community is indissolubly legacy to the economic maintenance of the city: "the consumption are if there is the job".
If for the job - yesterday as today - two more two ago four, to Genoa seem that there is who is waiting for a mathematically impossible result.
The appeal of the workers to assume a decision to who it is turned after all? To the Harbour Authority, they have confirmed the union members. At the end last year the president of the agency, Luigi Merlo, had introduced a proposal in order to place the sixth basin to the Giano Pier, location against which the Committee has lined up itself Open Port (inforMARE on December 21, 2010). Ciononostante the authority of Saint George Palace still has today not decided aught limiting itself to introduce a study that suffraga the necessity to realize the sixth bathtub (inforMARE on March 15, 2011).
If the institutions seem to hesitate, the workers have the clear ideas: "in these years - it has accused During - Genoa has lost chosen places of work for of politics". "There are choices strategic to complete - it has added - must put again the industry to the center of the political attention".
A callback, that of During and of the other union members, condivisibile, reasonable and well-advised, species in a period of serious economic crisis as that in course. If not realized to Genoa, the activities of naval repair "will be however carried out from others you leave in Italy or abroad - it has shown Vella - and this to we does not go well". "This - it has said During materializing a already real fear - becomes a social problem".
"It is difficult to explain to a worker because it is not decided", it has concluded During. The institutions - Harbour Authority overhead - are aware of having to preserve the pole of excellence of the naval repairs of Genoa and are in agreement in wanting to protect it and to upgrade. But nobody decides. Why? Also we do not know to make them of a reason.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher