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The extraordinary assembly of the Large shareholders of the Navi Veloci approves of a vital increase of classified to Marinvest
To the society of group MSC 50% of the GNV share capital
May 2, 2011
Today the extraordinary assembly of the Large shareholders of Navi Veloci (GNV) has deliberated an increase of the classified share capital in favor of Marinvest Srl through which this last one it will acquire 50% of the share capital of GNV to the flank of Investor Associated with 35%, Idea (9.2%) and to deep Charm (4.6%) ( on 12 October 2010).
Marinvest is the society of the shipowning group Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) that the company of navigation SNAV let alone crocieristica company MSC controls Cruises. The income of Marinvest in the GNV shareholders - they have specified SNAV and GNV in a combined note - happens through an increase of capital against a mixed bestowal, by means of contribution of case and three ships (SNAV Tuscany, SNAV Latium and SNAV Sardinia); parallel Large the Navi Veloci and SNAV have signed an agreement that will allow they to commercialize, through the respective structures and the respective systems of sale, the lines currently operated by both.
The agreement between Associated Marinvest and Investitori, than last February has had the green light of the Guarantor Authority of the Competition and of the Market, it previews the subscription of a parasociale pact that establishes that the board of directors of GNV is composed of six members, three designated from Associate Investor and three from Marinvest. The president of the Board of Directors will be expression of Marinvest, while the managing director will be expression of Associate Investor. Moreover the agreement previews that for a period Marinvest five-year-old it will not carry out activity of exercise of ships ro-pax and ferry "in the basin of the Mediterranean with the exception of the routes (various from the routes object of bestowal) today already served by SNAV" and that the pact "not work with reference to all the routes served from various SNAV from those conferred in GNV", neither with reference to the business of the cruises or other asset of Marinvest.
Large the Navi Veloci and SNAV have emphasized that the union of their forces allows to realize important commercial and operating synergies and to create between the more important truth in the field of the transport of the passengers and the goods via ship in the basin of the Mediterranean. In the 2010 two companies they have transport altogether beyond six million passengers, 800 thousand vehicles to the continuation and 2,8 million linear meters of rotabili. The fleet comprises 30 ships, almost all of property.
Moreover the operation gives rise to endowed compages of an offer of 19 lines (Genoa-Palermo, Livorno-Palermo, Civitavecchia-Palermo, Naples-Palermo, Torres Genoa-Port, Genoa-Olbia, Civitavecchia-Olbia, Ancona-Shovel, Pescara - Shovelled, Genoa-Tunisi, Civitavecchia-Tunisi, Palermo-Tunisi, Genoa-Tangeri, Barcelona-Tangeri, Genoa-Barcelona, Livorno-Malta, Palermo-Malta, Aeolian Naples-Islands, Pontine Naples-Islands) that they could therefore be acquired through systems of reservation of both the companies.
Fundamental point of force of the agreement - they have explained the companies - is the complementariness of the offer of the two companies: on one side Large the Navi Veloci, who rooted to the Center-North and fort of the connections towards the international Sardinia, Sicily and lines towards the Maghreb, Spain and Malta; from the other SNAV, historically he anticipates in Campania and all the Center-South, with lines towards the Sicily, the Sardinia, Croatia, the Pontine islands, the Aeolian islands and the gulf of Naples.
"Draft - the managing director of Large the Navi Veloci has declared, Roberto Martinoli - of an operation of great value and importance, as it regards two companies historically you anticipate in the world of the ferries that a dowry carry a considerable patrimony of traditions and experience. It represents the natural evolution of the collaboration between two companies that managed in tails-sharing, until from 2007, the Civitavecchia-Palermo line. This ulterior development creates to compages in a position to offering a producing range of and services between most complete of the field, are regarding the cover and the frequency of the connections towards the Sicily and the Sardinia, it is for how much it concerns the amplitude of the offer in its complex towards the destinations of mean-along beam, as the Sicily, the Sardinia, Croatia, Tunisia, Morocco, Spain and Malta".
"The agreement - the managing director of SNAV, Raffaele Aiello has confirmed - returns us still more competitive, and this is a condition necessary in order to compete with success on a more and more competitive market and in particularly complex an economic context which that today's one. Firmly they are convinced that the present professionalities in the two companies will once again give an important contribution for the success of the initiative, having given so reason to who it has had the courage to invest in this great operation".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher