Between now and 2015, the year of the Expo in Milan, the period will be full of opportunities and challenges for the Italian sector of logistics, in particular to the category of agents called upon to make important decisions within a legal framework and economic complex. Piero said today Lazzeri, president of Fedespedi (National Federation of International Shipping Companies), during the annual meeting of the Federation held at the Palazzo Clerici in Milan.
Among the new EU legislation that could be transposed in Italy by this time - said Lazzeri - figure the "Community Customs Code", in particular - has taken - including rules contained in it, stands the provision on centralized declaration, a tool that could represent a real opportunity to attract traffic in Italy, the carrier offering the possibility of "making customs" - clear the goods - from a single country for goods destined for other states of the European Communities.
2015 - continued Lazzeri - is also the year of the Expo in Milan, an event that, in addition to having important implications for economic and employment estimates, respectively, about 3.7 billion euros (in terms of active production) and 70 thousand jobs over the next few years time, will involve about 160 exporters, representing, in fact, an important business opportunity for the economic fabric of Lombardy, but also Italian and, consequently, to the homes of domestic shipments, call to play a leading role in the management of logistics flows of goods coming into Italy.
During the assembly was also underlined the need to focus on the transport policy of the country the issue of logistics services, whose efficiency is increasingly linked to information technology (information and communication technology). Hence the importance for the sector spedizionieristico the so-called "Single Window Customs" and the need for a radical simplification of rules of procedure before and then be able to restore competitiveness to the sector in a country, Italy, where it can take up to 72 documents issued by entities other than for the import of a product and where they can act on the same commodity, up to 17 types of control. Such a simplification, the second Fedespedi, in addition to bringing the Italian regulatory framework in the rest of Europe, would be able to generate, for the domestic market, a reduction of 10% of the cost value of goods handled.
Lazzeri in its report also highlighted the position of Fedespedi about the "minimum cost of road safety", a rule that - according to the Federation - could lead to increases in the cost of road transport even higher to 46%. "The political and economic debate about the logistics - Lazzeri said - can not be focused only sull'autotrasporto.We believe that the Italian market of logistics does not need to establish by decree the rules for the loading and unloading of goods, as well as their compensation, as it does not need to determine which third parties should be the minimum cost of an enterprise. "
"To improve the transport sector - said Lazzeri - we need to amend in its entirety on the logistics sector. It is our belief that the path will not lead to anything but a burden and uncertainty of further litigation is an area already heavily influenced by an unstable economic and regulatory framework. "
During the assembly have been underlined the importance and potential of the logistics sector to the national economy. In Italy, according to the most recent data from ISTAT, the transport sector has produced over 103 billion euros of added value, equal to 7.6% of the country, occupying more than 1.2 million workers (equivalent to 4.9 % of total). Despite these data, the national logistics industry is still largely untapped and misunderstood.According Fedespedi, the critical factors that prevent the national logistics system efficiently its role can be traced to three basic groups: the equipment and infrastructure quality, structure and governance of the logistics cycle (the operators fragmentation, poor coordination operation between the authorities responsible for controls, localized inefficiencies in the individual modes of transport, etc..), the programmatic and regulatory inadequacies.
To cope with this situation and overcome these restraining forces Fedespedi considers strategic link between Italy and the major routes of rail traffic represented by the TEN - T Hall 1 Berlin-Palermo corridor 6 and 24 Corridor Rotterdam-Genoa and investment in rail infrastructure through liberalization of the transport by rail, can increase the efficiency and reliability of the industry.
Fedespedi also considered priority capacity / financial autonomy of the Port Authority and the need to extend beyond the territorial jurisdiction of the same platforms to encompass also the areas retroportuali of "maritime interest."
The proposal by the category of agents is to create a district that includes the port and airport, to absorb them, the stages of production, outsourcing logistics and distribution, a solution that would bring many benefits to the enterprise of production (greater savings all'outsorcing related logistics), logistics (in terms of added value associated with the processing of containers) and the consumer (it is possible to enjoy a significant cost reduction to sales).
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