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Indispensable a greater safeguard of the Italian and European navalmeccanica industry
The uncertain future of Fincantieri and the other ship yards. Anti-protectionist obsession of the EU
October 11, 2011
Two all invitations turned to in sight of the next decisive challenges for the future of the ship yards of the Fincantieri group and employee its.
Please: we do not manifest our solidarity to the workers of the company. It is a noble tie feeling, but of which it is too much easy to fill up the mouth. It does not bring some giovamento to the crisis situation and it is not even extended to the attache's of the induced one, true the first silent victim of the state of suffering of the group.
Kindly: for the rescue of the plants and the places of work we do not propose strategies once again notes and partially already pursued, as that which tip to the search and the innovation that certainly it produces turned out but does not ask for worse, or that other that invokes incentives and supports to the shipbuilding one, for which serve money that not is.
We also do not propose prescriptions knowing that at the end we will not make other that to heat soup.
The shipbuilding Italian so as the entire European navalmeccanica has of forehead challenges that for being won need obviously of advanced technology and new projects, innovations that but alone are able to not to overwhelm the gap competitive guaranteed to the concurrent yards of Asia from inferior costs of labor. The western yards head for the excellence, but great part of the job goes to East.
To wind down the production costs to the levels of the competitors orientals is not possible for obvious reasons, that however for the EU they are not so outright. The alternatives are little. Or the road of the USA is covered, than door to abandon great part of the civil production in order to concentrate themselves borne by the State on that soldier (), or the direction undertaken in Europe North with the cession of yards to the Asian competitors, culminated is followed in the passage of the group Aker Yards (now STX Europe) under the control of South Korean STX, or through the closing of plants or still with their conversion to other industrial productions.
This is the disappointing result of politics for the navalmeccanica put into effect from the western nations and above all from the European Union. This last one pervicacemente continues to normally concentrate its shafts on the activities of dumping goods in foreign market put into effect by the Asian yards selling ships to the shipowners foreign countries to an inferior price to that junior clerk in the same exporting country. According to the EU, instead, not there is indefensible competition for smaller the western yards if the price proposed from the Asian yards is determined by the smaller costs of labor or the greater productivity. A principle this - it is well to evidence it – enunciated without to set too many questions on as and because the costs of the yards of Far East less are elevated and on as and because their plants are more productive than those of the European rivals.
In the name of an exasperated liberalism the EU has closed all and the two eyes on historical, economic, political, social and environmental the reasons that allow with the Asian plants to benefit of paltry costs of labor regarding the European standards and Americans.
If in other industrial sections barriers are often raised that are characterized "briefly protezionistiche", the navalmeccanico field is left without any help, penalizing it with rigid constraints in it even confronts of the home market and foreign.
Why, we wonder, other fields - opened as the navalmeccanica to the rigors of the globalization - are dealt differently? Why, in order to remain in naval within, to the shipowning industry granted are measures, as those own of the international Registries, that savings allow on the costs in order to manage the ships and that - adopted in order to avoid the migration of the fleets towards convenience flags - they are assimilable to protezionistiche dispositions? Why, in some measure, placed in existence are norms in order to safeguard the marine places of work of the Europeans threatened from the spreading spread of the non-EU staff?
Why, at last, it has been made so little for the safeguard of the European navalmeccanica? The feeling is that the field - disqualified as "heavy industry" - "is given for lost" in departure.
Perhaps now it is late. It is however right to ask Italy and to the European Union if they intend to guarantee a their future to shipbuilding, it publishes and private, still active and productive. We depend on a positive answer and continuation from adapted initiatives.
We do not intrench the shipbuilding European Italian and within an indefendible blockhouse. Let us expose it to the most open and severe competition, but let us make it with criterion in order to avoid that it does not succeed to survive the time necessary in order to reach the fair future globalizzato world-wide market.
Still a invitation. We do not make that this becomes the flag of that nation that - they say - would border with Fantasilandia and Mouseton. How they support that it is called? Ah, yes: Padania.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher