Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Slowly strategic ambitious of development of the Interporto of Novara
Investments in order little more than 120 million euros in first phase 2011-2015
October 18, 2011
In recent days, in the course of a meeting svoltosi to the Chamber of Commerce of Novara, Maurizio Comoli, Alvaro Spizzica and Mauro Chiotasso, respective president, vice-president and managing director of CIM Spa, has introduced today the strategic plan of industrial development 2011-2019 of the Interporto of Novara. The program altogether previews that operatively could graze 350 million euros.
"CIM - Comoli has explained - today are a healthy society that it has reached turned out economic and operating extremely positive. Now we must grow answering at the same time to two requests: the question more operating spaces, than comes us from the market, and the demand for greater fallen back positive in terms of added value and occupation that with justice comes from the territory".
"The scene in which we operate and in which we intend to invest - has added Picks at - it is decidedly positive. The traffic data are in increase and with the opening of the new ones the Italy north tunnels Swiss will have to manage a double flow of goods regarding that current one. On the base of such forecasts, with this plan we intend to propose us as protagonists of this revolution of system".
"To develop the Interporto of Novara - Chiotasso has confirmed - it first of all means to answer to an unavoidable requirement of the entire North-West quadrant. Novara and its territory in so far as can carry out a fundamental role. The first fallen back positive ones of the presence of the interporto are perceived already today, but the plan previews chosen shared with the finalized local authorities to produce is effects directed in the field of the transports and of the logistics it has turned out induced, which the attraction of productive activities, thanks to the positive effect of the infrastructural equipment".
The Development plan is articulated in three phases. In the first, relative to period 2011-2015, the interporto one will expand with a new terminal that will inside be realized of the current port of call of Novara Small wood, a new equipment of warehouses for the logistics and above all a series of technological services which stations refueling, centers of washing, reclamations, maintenance, but also offices, hotel and catering. Between the participations the creation of an appropriate society of railway maneuver is previewed also in order to optimize the management of the phase of taken and delivery in the large squares.
In next biennium 2016-2017, beyond to an ulterior development of spaces for the logistics on the base of a pre-emptive verification that it will see involved the Regions, the local authorities and the operators of the field, the infrastructuring necessary will be planned in order to tackle at the opening of the new tunnel of base of the Gottardo, whose operativity is previewed by 2016. The impact of the effects of the new director - it has explained CIM - will have to be managed in the opportune times being the previewed doubling of the traffics from the North Europe. "There is the time in order to equip - it has found vice-president to us Spizzica - for this we cannot waste time. The international operators more important speed up to us to proceed".
The last phase of plan (2018-2019) previews the possibility of an ulterior expansion in terms of terminalistica in the event, not remote operativity, than the market (new flows from Genoa, Savona, Frejus) had to demand the increment of the potentialities.
The managing director Chiotasso has emphasized that operatively the Interporto of Novara will reach "the relationship between terminalistica and warehouses of the other large ones to interpose to you national, that he means - has added - to reasonably be able to assume that as to Padua and Bologna the interporto can generate between the three and the job four thousand places".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher