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Governor calabro Scopelliti asks new minister Passera an encounter on the port for Gioia Tauro
Calogero (CGIL Flat of Gioia Tauro): necessary rather to indicate from quickly development ideas
November 28, 2011
The president of the Region Calabria, Giuseppe Scopelliti, has sent a letter to Corrado Passera, new minister of the Economic Development, Infrastructures and the Transports, with the objective to obtain an encounter in order to discuss about the crisis that has hit the port of Gioia Tauro and of the strategies for its I throw again.
"The crisis that gives 2009 has invested the port of Gioia Tauro - Scopelliti has written - risks to having of the important fallen back ones on the entire economy of the Calabria Region and all the Meridione d' Italy. The problematic one joins in relative a more general issue to the transhipment, whose development quickly has a strong contraction that has provoked a consisting reduction of the volumes and the hires, with negative repercussions on all the Italian harbour system".
In the Scopelliti letter it has evidenced as the calabrian port is considered the greatest harbour terminal than transhipment of the Mediterranean, with old volumes of traffic only from the port of Port Saïd, and that however not for long less than a year it is abandoned by the Danish company Maersk, number one to the world in the marine transport of container, with the consequence that today the only customer turns out to be shipowning group MSC. "This - it has found - has involved a decrease of volumes on the port of call and a reorganization of the forces job, considered that MCT (Contship Group), the terminalista company for the port of Gioia Tauro, has declared a esubero of staff, starting from the July month the redundancy fund for beyond 450 people".
In the missive the governor calabro has remembered as last month of May, on initiative of the former minister to Infrastructures, Altero Matteoli "is activated a table with the participation of the ministries of the Economic Development and the Job, the Calabria Region and the social parts, to the aim to characterize urgent measures for a solution to the current crisis that involves the port of Gioia Tauro let alone in order to characterize and to support a concrete action of I throw again of this infrastructure".
Emphasizing the particular moment of international economic crisis and the importance of the exposed problem, Scopelliti has concluded the letter asking minister Passera "for wanting to promote a specific encounter to the aim to continue a job that we hope can carry from the new national government and the ministry from represented she, important answers for Gioia Tauro".
The initiative of the president of the Region sourly is criticized by the general secretary of CGIL Flat of Gioia Tauro, Antonino Calogero, second which the "letter of Scopelliti to Passera is indeed disappointing; it does not contain strategic breath - it has explained - and above all does not value how much has put in field and fact in the past few months, pure graces to the sacrifices, still in course, of the workers. Anyway - it has found Calogero - also the surrealistic idea that, through the travels at home of Aponte, could be to set upright again the port seems to be itself broken".
The trade-union representative has observed that "we are living an epochal moment in the Country and who governs is called to decisive choices for the future estate of Italy. In this optical the same approach of demand for participation must, also for us calabrians, to change. Servants to begin to set itself with the clear ideas, looking to the merit and indicating from quickly development ideas, in order to stop the decline, but above all in order to deserve confidence and to demonstrate that the participation that one wonders points, not to the pocket or the speculation, but to the increase and to I throw again. We will not accept more - she has continued Calogero - participations pad or pies that would serve, perhaps, to only save the spirit, not succeeding to create I throw again structural and competitive of the port. Fortunately minister Passera is competent man and knows, sure, of its dynamics that moves around the port of Gioia Tauro and in the transhipment. In fact, we would have favorite that they give quickly characterized a strategy and engagements were assumed".
"It worries to us - it has emphasized the general secretary of CGIL Flat of Gioia Tauro - how much is happening in turn for the world, for last to Tangeri; this restates with force that for our port not is future without logistics and not there is logistic without intermodalità. Not only this! By now it is sure that, for being competitive and far-sighted, the logistics and the intermodalità we must make them quickly and better of the others! We wonder, therefore, than sense it has a letter of demand for encounter from "the only begging" tone? Without an assumption of responsibility and a engagement that advance payments the one which everyone is ready to do so as has only the sense of who it is trying to move on the others the problem, to the aim to preconstitute eventual scapegoats".
"Today - it has concluded Calogero - satisfied Italy the crisis of politics and is engaged in a government of national salvation. One of the crucial points for the escape from the crisis will be the ability that we will have to put to us in field in order to favor the resumption and the increase, throwing again the South approaching it the remainder of the Country. An essential condition so much so that the ministry of the Cohesion is instituted with wide powers. Our port, for what it represents, can still be the lever on which investing, in order to call back to grow the Country. This will only happen that together with responsible social parts there will be also a competent Region and in a position to elaborating proposed and in concrete terms realizable ideas. Scopelliti must understand that it is for all game a new challenge without tactics or alchemies. In the past few months CGIL, CISL, UIL and UGL have not only defended the places of work, but they have known to develop proposed and concrete measures for I throw again of the port. In Scopelliti bottom it did not have to make other that to enclose to the demand our platforms. We consider therefore that the next encounter must serve to strengthen in a engagement common in order to return the Calabria credible and to deserve the confidence of the government for the future".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher