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Al port of Venice the portacontainer can land also in the night hours
Navigation allowed with the units until 300 meters of lenght overall
December 6, 2011
Al port of Venice the portacontainer now can land also in the night hours. With decree n. 144/2011, that we publish below, the local Harbour office in fact has established that the portacontenitori ships until 300 meters of lenght overall with the maximum draught of 9,60 meters can approach the docks also during the night thanks to the efforts completed from the Harbour Authority of Venice in the escavo of the harbour channels, to the collaboration of pilots and tugs let alone to the installation of an luminous path along the channel of access to the port.
The objective is to reach a draught of 11,40 meters within the next autumn.
Decree n. 144/11
The Head of the Marine Arrondissement and Commander of the Port of Venice
SEEN the "Regulations for the marine service and safety of navigation in the approved of port of Venice" with own Decree n. 175/09 in date 28 Decembers 2009 and next modifications and integrations;
SEEN own decree n. 82/10 in date 14.7.20l0 - and next modifications and integrations with which they are profitable famous the limits of draught at the level of medium sea - of the ships that must approach the port of Venice;
SEEN the note prot. APV/37200-CAN-DTEC/14190 in date 25 October 2011 of the Harbour Authority of Venice and next 24 dated communication November 2011;
ASSESSED that the work of accommodation of the new points long light the channel Malamocco - Marghera and in the basin of evolution n. 3 turn out concluded and the system is working;
Taken note of the opinion expressed from the Corporation Pilots Venetian Matting in the course of the reunion held in date 30 November 2011 near this Harbour office which they have taken to part also the representatives of the Harbour Authority of Venice;
CONSIDERED necessary to supply to an update of the norms that discipline the night access of the ships in the channel Malarnocco - Marghera and the basin of evolution n. 3;
SEEN the articles. 17, 62, the 63 and 81 of and Navigation code articles. 59, 64, 66 of Regolamento di Esecuzione;
SEEN the law 28 January 1994 n, 84, I reorder of the legislation in harbour matter and next modifications and integrations;
Art. 1
Article 25 of the "Regulations for the marine service and safety of navigation in the port of Venice" approved of with the Decree 175/09 in date 28 Decembers 2009, in premise cited is repealed and replaced by the following one:
ART. 25 Limitations of general character
In the night hours (from the sunset to the dawn), in the Malamocco Channel – Marghera is allowed navigation with the following limitations, being given the availability of tugs in blank assistance and made the limitations of which to next article 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, provided that the passage of the ships does not give rise to the displacement of the other moored ships:
dry cargo ships of not advanced length to the 300 m. And with not advanced draught to 9,60, and, in case the mooring ME 36/L is occupied, in the limits nocturnes of which to the attached diagram (All. 1). The aforesaid cargo ships of advanced length to 220 m. (tolerance of 2%) and with 9,20 a advanced draught to m., must be endowed of suitable bow thruster;
ships with liquids corrosives of not advanced length to the 150 m. (tolerance of 2%) and 9,20 not advanced draught to m.;
empty tankers of fuel oil or by-product by the combustion (eg. bitumen) and tankers degassed of 220 not advanced length to m. (tolerance of 2%);
ships for the transport of inflammable liquids, of combustible liquids (eccezion made for the fuel oil to which point 25,3) and of gas helter-skelter empty or not degassed is applied to the precedence, of the 180 not advanced length to m. (tolerance of 2%);
ships with on board liquids toxics, inflammable, combustible (to exclusion of the by-product ones from the combustion) or gas helter-skelter of not advanced tonnage to 6.000 tons;
Art. 2
Article 27 of the "Regulations for the marine service and safety of navigation in the approved of port of Venice" with the Decree. 175/09 in date 28 Decembers 2009, in premise cited are repealed and replaced by the following one:
ART. 27 – specific Limitations for the channel the west
In the night hours (from the sunset to the dawn) in the Industrial Channel Ovest, is allowed navigation with the ships of not advanced tonnage to 3.000 tons. For the advanced ships at the best foretold, the following criteria are applied:
in the feature of before channel to the docks Emilia and Liguria (it approaches from the 22 to the 29 included) is allowed navigation to dry cargo ships of the 300 not advanced length with m. and with 9,60 not advanced draught to m. The foretold dry cargo ships of advanced length to 220 m. (tolerance of 2%) and with 9,20 a advanced draught to m., must be endowed of suitable bow thruster.
in the feature of channel upstream of the Liguria dock (I approach 29 excluded) and until it I approach ENEL 1/W (comprised), navigation is allowed on condition that the ship is not of 150 advanced length to m. (tolerance of 2%), the not advanced maximum draught to 7,95 m. and it does not have to carry out a advanced evolution to 180°. In any case navigation is prohibited in reverse.
in the feature of channel between it I approach ENEL 1/W and it approaches it C.I.A. (1/W-4/W) comprised, navigation are allowed with the following conditions:
the ship is not of advanced length to 150 m. (tolerance of 2%), the not advanced maximum draught to meters 7,95 and does not have to carry out a advanced evolution to 180°. In any case navigation is prohibited in reverse.
the ENEL wharf 2/W is completely mackerel of ships and to the ENEL wharf 1/W ships of 130 are not moored advanced length to m. and 20 greater width to m.;
the height of tide is at least to the medium sea for all the transit;
the docks are very illuminated and not there are light sources of strong intensity turned towards the channel;
in the feature of channel comprised between the mooring central intelligence agency (1/W-4/W) and the terminal dock, navigation is allowed on condition that the ship does not have 120 advanced length to m. (tolerance of 2%) and does not have to carry out a advanced evolution to 180°. In any case navigation is prohibited in reverse.
Art. 3
Decree anticipates takes effect the day of its emanation.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher