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Fincantieri dispute, Fiom-Cgil proclaims eight hours of strike
Cgil of Genoa asks an encounter local institutions, Cisl and Uil. Fim-Cisl flays the declarations of Marta Vincenzi: "the affirmations of the mayor of Genoa - accusation Flour - are serious and irresponsible"
January 11, 2012
Considering the outcome of the encounter between minister Passera and the unions on the plan of reorganization of the navalmeccanico group Fincantieri, held yesterday to Rome "insufficient" ( of 11 January 2012), Fiom-Cgil has announced the proclamation of eight hours of strike to carry out itself in the course of the current month in order to modify the separate agreement undersigned in December.
The encounter yesterday with the minister of the economic Development, Corrado Passera - Fiom-Cgil has explained - "has not modified the situation that has determined with the agreement separated on the reorganization undersigned on 21 December. In the course of the reunion, Fiom-Cgil has manifested to the minister the necessity of an participation of the government in order to modify the plan introduced from the company, above all in the parts that determine the cancellation of the productive mission of the yards of Sestri West and Castellammare di Stabia, cut to the organic ones of beyond 1.200 attached ones and the ulterior outsourcing of functions and activity".
"The Fiom - it has specified the labor organization - has proposed to start a true one confronts on the industrial choices necessary in order to realize a productive diversification that is able of giving a future to all Fincantieri, in a structural relationship with that it happens in the European dimension. The Fiom has evidenced, moreover, the necessity of a urgent participation in order to guarantee adequate and a loyal division of the workload between the yards. This to the aim to guarantee the continuity of the job in all the sites, beginning from those in more critical situation, which Ancona and Sestri West, and to allow the spin of the workers in redundancy fund with a sure tempistica".
Fiom-Cgil has emphasized that "the minister has declared the engagement to search industrial solutions in order to maintain the activity in the eight yards. But it has only generically been engaged to verify with the company the situation of workloads, and it has not been engaged to fix in fast times an encounter in order to discuss about the industrial developments of the group. Moreover, it has not given some availability to take part on the total process of reorganization defined from the separate agreement".
"With this choice, conflicting - he has continued Fiom-Cgil - also the government in the facts risks to load all the weight with the crisis with Fincantieri on the shoulders with workers and workers, guaranteeing a separate agreement of reorganization shared from the more representative union between that you do not anticipate in not validated company and from the consent of the dependent of the group. A separate agreement that does not contain concrete guarantees for the future of the yards of Sestri and Castellammare for which, in the facts, without new a slowly industrial one remains the uncertainties determined from the plan. In spite of the explicit demand by the Fiom, the minister has not considered to program ulterior encounters regarding the dispute, being reserved himself to monitor the reorganization process but without to assume concrete engagements in order to support a field in deep crisis and to adequately protect the workers involved in this process".
Fiom-Cgil therefore has restated to consider the outcome of the insufficient encounter "in order to answer to the demands manifested from the workers in the assemblies and through the carried out initiatives of fight. For these reasons - it has concluded the union - Fiom-Cgil confirmation the state of agitation and the support to all the initiatives that will come programmed regarding this scene - beginning from those today in course to Genoa, Port Marghera and Palermo - and declare, for the January month, eight hours of general strike of all the workers and all the workers of the group, against the separate agreement and for its modification, to be carried out with modalities that will be decided by the national Coordination summoned Fincantieri for 16 mondays January to Rome".
While today Cgil of Genoa has sent to the president of the Liguria Region, Claudio Burlano, to the president of the Province of Genoa, Alessandro Repetto, to the mayor of the capital of Liguria, Marta Vincenzi, and to confederal Cisl and Uil a urgent demand for encounter on the situation of Fincantieri. Remembering that last month a letter between these institutions and Cgil had been undersigned, provincial Cisl and Uil in which an encounter for being able wondered the government to estimate the possibility of the redistribuzione of workloads between the several productive sites to the aim to move away the closing to all purposes and effects of the genoese productive site and being found that the outcome of the encounter yesterday has instead confirmed the scene more negative for the future of the genoese ship yard of Sestri West, the genoese section of Cgil has asked the institutions and the confederal labor organizations a urgent encounter in which to estimate the situation together and eventual the ulterior ones initiatives to protection of all the workers of the plant of Sestri West.
From part its, instead, Fim-Cisl has negatively judged the action of protest put in existence today to the genoese yard. "How much is happening to the Fincantieri di Sestri - the general secretary of Fim-Cisl Giuseppe Farina has declared - is the result of an irresponsible action of local politics, than rather than to worry itself to get ahead the potenziamento projects on which they have been engaged and to confirm therefore in the facts the interest towards the yard and the workers of the Fincantieri, they are limited to incite populisticamente same against the truth and the good sense, being demonstrated more attention and sensibility to gain an electoral dividend rather than to resolve the problems of the workers".
"In particular - it has observed Flour - the affirmations of the mayor of Genoa are serious and irresponsible and risk to feeding tensions and violences, as well as to prejudice the future of the yard and the job to Genoa. In a difficult situation of the shipbuilding market and the Fincantieri - the representative of Fim-Cisl has explained - the encounter yesterday, has been positive for the workers and the perspectives of the company: when a part of the union assumes unreasonable attitudes and outside from the truth, the role of the institutions and politics would have, with responsibility, to value the positive things of the encounter of you were with the minister, and to make own part in order to manage with seriousness a difficult dispute".
"We make an appeal all - it has concluded Flour - so that it prevails the responsibility and the unit, elements necessary in order to win the challenging challenge on the salvation of Sestri and all the Fincantieri".
A hard critic regarding the declarations of the mayor is expressed also by Cisl Genoa and Liguria: "to mayor Marta Vincenzi - law in a note - we say that rather than to take care of trade-union negotiations (all our politicians have perhaps not read the agreement, but they speak by hearsay) says to us when the work for the upset to sea of the plant of Sestri will leave West, and if he is available to the project To put molding on as previously demanded".
"Cisl - the note to signature of the regional and provincial secretaries continues Sergio Migliorini and Antonio Graniero - sentence firmly the declarations of mayor Vincenzi: if not she had to be to us a general strike would have to be turned to inefficiencies of the local government in the management of public transport, of the services to the person, the theatre, the historical center, the honor of the city, the periphery and the state of the participated ones of the Municipality, invaded and occupied from the politicians from she named. We wish that no other institution is associated to this boutade extemporaneous of the mayor".
"Cisl - the note concludes - is working in order to recompose the world of work, between workers and unions, claiming but the exercise of the democracy, always which displayed from others: whoever wants to go to work must be able to continue to make it, species who exclusively does not have the protection of the shocks-absorber and weevers of own daily job".
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