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In 2012 a new record of demolition of the ships is attended
Mark Williams (Braemar Seascope): "this year 1985 as year of peak of the demolitions could easy be exceeded"
February 3, 2012
In the 2011 activity of demolition of the ships it has reached the elevated level of 41 million gross capacities in tons (tpl), quota never recorded from 1986 when the million tpl were demolished 43, volume in its turn exceeded the year precedence when the absolute record was established of
demolitions with a total of 44 million gross capacities in tons.
According to the British society of shipbroking Braemar Seascope, this year could be marked a new record. "If in the 2012 macroeconomic conditions they continue to being disappointing and if the prices of scrap irons remain to their recent high levels - it has explained in charge of the field the searches of the English company to London, Mark Williams - this year 1985 as year of peak of the demolitions could easy be exceeded".
Observing that Baltic Dry Index has made to mark historical minimums and remembering that also the ‘80 have been difficult years for the market of the shipping, Braemar Seascope has evidenced that remain however the question mark which will be the number of the ships that will come correspondents to the demolition yards because of the impact of the crisis on the marine transport.
Braemar Seascope has found that, moreover world-wise, the demolition yards have a total ability much limiting being of an activity carried out mainly on the spiagge where the hulls and the structures are cut using ossiacetilenici tubes. Online theoretical - it has explained the society - many ships could be sold for being demolished, but the yards could send back their dismantling fintantoché will not reach the more propitious moment.
The price for the demolition of the ships - Braemar Seascope has remembered - remains next to about 500 dollars for LDT (light displacement tons), figure that suggests as the question of the steel contained in the ships remains elevated. Moreover in the next few years the ability to demolition of the yards could grow: the president of China Is been Shipbuilding Corporation - he has explained the company - has recently declared that the half of the Chinese yards could fail in next the two or three years and many of these plants could be converted to the activity of demolition so as, in theory, it could be the European yards, even if - has found Braemar Seascope - in Europe the demolition activity does not appear promising under the economic profile.
According to the data collected from Braemar Seascope, in the 2011 total volume of rinfusiere sold for the demolition it has been pairs to 24,2 million tpl, therefore advanced to the 12,0 million one tpl totaled in 2009 during the demolished crisis of the credit and to the 11,5 million one tpl in 1998 after the crisis Asian financial institution so as to the 15,0 million one tpl demolished in 1986, year in which on 31 July BIFFEX it touched the minim of 554 points. 2011, although for tanker the market have not been favorable, have not been instead a year record for the demolition of the tankers: if in the four years from 1982 to 1985 - Braemar Seascope has remembered - they are demolished beyond 20 million tpl of oil tankers, in the 2010 they are sold for the demolition 14 million tpl and last year the level has been of 8,4 million tpl, and such trend - it has specified the British society - is confirmed by the data of January 2012.
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