Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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ANITA and Trasportounito denounce improvvido the block of the traffic goods for the snowed ones
Boredoms (Confcommercio/You make Conftrasporto): "we allow the circulation Sunday"
February 10, 2012
"It is inconceivable that the economy of a Country for the risk of snowing can itself be stopped". It has emphasized ANITA president (National Associazione Enterprises Automotive Transports), Eleuterio Arcese, in a letter sent this morning to the Mario Monti, Prime Minister, and to the ministers of the Inside and the economic Development, Cancellieri and Passera, after the prefettizie decrees of limitation of the commercial traffic because of the bad weather.
"I comprise the activation of plans of emergency for bad weather. However - Arcese has explained - it is unacceptable that the traffic is blocked goods on strategic areas of the Italian territory for presumed snow". "The prefectures, rather than to worry themselves to create transit corridors and to allow the normal development of the activities, although with some slow down - it has observed - they have arranged indifferenziati prohibition also in perfectly percorribili zones. Such provisions demonstrate the inability of our Country to face the emergency bad weather".
"It does not have sense then - it has continued the ANITA president - to invest resources in order to equip the vehicles for the winter, if to the snowed first a block prevails. It seems paradoxical that a Country that it wants to exit from the economic crisis to the first worsening of the meteorological conditions decides of interdire the circulation to heavy means. Without to consider the uneasiness that such block provokes to the drivers that they risk to remain blocked for days on the roads. We could close the companies in the winter period and then put the dependent in redundancy fund".
"I reserve myself to estimate - it has concluded Arcese - sets in action lawyers in order to ask the compensation for the damages deriving from the lacked delivery the goods and for the caused uneasiness to leading".
According to Trasportounito they pile to 250 million the damages at the expense of the road haulage "to cause - it has denounced the association of the road haulage - of a management dilettantish and not coordinated of the participations snow". "The "flat snow", for a long time set up from the ministry of the Insides and the Highway patrol, and finalized to supply the lines guides on procedures, prohibition and modality of the participations - it has found Trasportounito - completely are disregarded and ignored until by first snowed of the last week. It is completely lacked the previewed involvement all the actors, everyone for own competence, in the definition of the participations also of emergency and the territory to the total has been abandoned discrezionalità of prefettizie decrees, talora exaggeratedly prudent, that they have forced thousands of Tir to park uselessly on secondary street arteries and in improvised pause areas, being profitable impossible the respect of the engagements assumed for the delivery of the goods".
"The "flat snow" - Trasportounito has remembered - previewed, among other things, a co-ordinate management of the emergency, a particular activity by the highway concessionaires, "the temporary" arrest warrant of heavy means in equipped areas of storage, timely technical participations on the street mantle, an activity of pre-emptive communication; moreover a selective system of authorization that for example allowed with endowed means of chains and rubbers from snow to operate. In reality - it has accused the association - the plan of the snow has led in most banal blocks and prohibition, even if the roads were introduced accessible, without some type of assistance and information, with improbable shunting lines on provincial roads while the freeways were practicable or, at least, would have had to be it".
A denunciation for improvvidi the assumed provisions in order to face the meteorological emergency reaches also from vice-president Confcommercio and president Fai Conftrasporto, Paolo Uggè, that it has addressed to minister Passera a urgent message so that allows with the companies of road haulage to make circular their means in the day of Sunday which way in order to recover, even though marginally, the losses endured with the blocks snow of these days.
"The exorbitant decisions and sometimes exaggerated deriving from alarms on hypothetical snowy precipitations - it has evidenced Boredoms - are determining a generalized paralysis also whereby shine the sun or however precipitations are not happening. All this already damages the economy and the enterprises of road haulage in serious difficulty". "The government - he has added - takes part therefore with a provision that is in its powers and allows in the day of Sunday the circulation of heavy means. It would be a revenge of the good sense on imbecile and harmful alarmism".
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