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With the inauguration of Anno Portuale 2012 Venice makes the point on the strategies of development of the port
Ciaccia: the action of the Harbour Authorities can be effective single within a picture of autonomy and flood responsibility of the agencies
February 13, 2012
The action of the Italian Harbour Authorities can be effective if only realized within a picture of autonomy and flood responsibility of the same agencies, in a position to counting on own resources. It has emphasized today the vice minister to the Mario Ciaccia Infrastructures, taking part to the inauguration of Anno Portuale 2012 to Venice.
In the course of the ceremony the president of the Venetian Region, Luca Zaia, has emphasized that two third party of the harbour traffic is not managed by the port of Venice, "but - he has explained - they go towards north, means that we pay a logistic tax that we cannot ourselves be afforded: we have therefore the obligation, as community, of giving services to our territories. The Venetian Region - it has added the governor - picks this challenge, supporting the height port, but also with the will to recognize that, in these four years, they have been investments for means billion. Because the challenge to pick passes through throws again of these areas, heading also at the intermodalità, with the connection with interposing to you and airport traffic. And we are getting ahead the game with the perspective of the macroregion, because I believe that the corridor the Adriatic-Baltic Sea, the Helsinki-The corridor TV assistant, corridor 5 is all elements on which we must work together".
"The year that has been shut - has declared the mayor of Venice, Giorgio Orsoni - it has seen the port to resist to a deep one and been extended economic crisis that has hit horizontally all the industrial activities of our territory. After the other great occupational basins of the Venetian have heavy contractions quickly. An economic crisis that has been transformed fatally in social crisis and is pulled down on the more fragile layers of our community having assaulted the families that was perhaps felt until now immune from this crisis, being ours a until now rich territory of activity. The social policies of our administration are engaged incessantly on that we at this point consider front line of a most difficult line of battle. A very serious problem of which we are all awares".
"However the port - it has continued the mayor - graces also at work tenacious of the current administration of president Costa, has resistito also in terms of defense of the occupation, recovering on the front of the commercial traffic and the logistics those that is lost in manufacturer. It is clearly to that the cause of this crisis that it has hit also the port of Venice is sure total, but the true hemorrhage of industrial traffic is determined also by the progressive impoverishment of the historical productive activity of the area of Marghera Port. A determined impoverishment also from the too many uncertainties on the destiny of this site. Uncertainties to which the municipal administration has believed of having to place remedy with indications that cannot be equivocated". Orsoni has remembered that it is of these weeks the approval of the new one Slowly of Order of the Territory by the town council of Venice and that this document "says that Marghera is the place dedicated to the industry, as well as to the portualità, and that the industry will be to the center of the development of this territory. It says clearly in short and without infingimenti - it has specified - than to Marghera Port we do not want is more possible also to only think to a speculation of the areas dismesse. Our objective is to attract a new, able industry to respect new environmental standards (the chemical new, the production of renewable energies, the shipbuilding one, the integrated logistics), breaking with a past not lacking in criticality; an industry in which the acquaintance and the innovation they are to the center of the value creation; in which logistics, services and production are integrated and on a global scale".
In its participation the mayor has returned also on the topic of the passage of the great ships in Basin of San Marco, "a topic - he has found - not easy to face. We attend with regard to with confidence - it has added Orsoni - I decree preannounced from minister Clini, that it is in phase of elaboration together with the ministry of Infrastructures; it will serve to all for having clearer the vision and the road to complete making reference to a new and precise normative picture. A topic on which the city is sensitive and that the city expects is resolved in times breviums. It is sure that we cannot forget that the Venetian port of call is important, beyond the two million passengers with all fallen back ones on the economy of the territory, and that therefore the cruises are an economic good for Venice that cannot be questioned. But it is necessary also to contemperare this value with at this point improcrastinabile requirement ambientalmente to return the presence of the great ships in Lagoon compatible. Ships that during the last few years have reached dimensions not more sustainable for the passage in Basin of San Marco, the more valuable and delicate part of the historical center. Various they are therefore the roads that are indicated and are sure that we will succeed to for example find a solution adapted, so as other solutions are found many, as the decision on the transfer of the ro-ro to the new terminal in phase of completion that will move away a great amount of ships from San Marco, but that it will produce also to a drastic reduction of the transit of truck and automobiles on the Bridge of the Freedom".
"They are difficult arguments - he has concluded Orsoni - but I I believe that the city merits a particular attention, for which the Municipality obviously is the subject in front line, but is not the only one, and above all I am not the subject public who has all the competences that he would want to have. He pleases me moreover that in this vision he is looking at yourself to the future with important infrastructures, as the offshore port or the hypothesis of definitive ouster of the great ships from the Lagoon. Perhaps the definitive result will not be this, certainly it will not be shortly. Shortly we will see to assume other provisions, I believe that but the engagement spold from all the institutions for the safeguard of the economic value of the port and at the same time the safeguard of the city that accommodates it, is an important value by all".
From part its president of the Harbour Authority of Venice, Paolo Costa, has evidenced as "the harbour year that today is inaugurated is the quarter of a dedicated cycle, thinks of being able to say with success, to throws again of the port of Venice. I throw again - it has specified - started in the four-year term precedence with the resumption of the escavi, promoted by my predecessor president Zacchello, and already been profitable possible by the certainties of perspective defined - after a which lasted debate almost forty years - in 2003 during approval of the definitive project of Mose, today in advanced course of realization. Today - it has observed - we know that the destiny of the port of Venice conclusive is marked in the moment in which the thresholds of depth of the harbour channels to the income of the three mouths of port of Lido, Malamocco have settled and Chioggia. I -12 m of depth you set up to the mouth of Lido, i -14 m assigned to Malamocco and i -11 m for Chioggia, established thresholds taking into consideration the objectives of hydraulic and morphologic safeguard of the lagoon, in itself constitute an objective heavy limit to the potentialities of Venetian harbour development, but, paradoxicalally, they have, on one side, created a picture of certainties within which programmed and the short development of and medium period today in course has come true and, from the other, stimulated the search of innovative solutions of long period".
In this optical - it has explained Coast - the solution found in the exploitation commercial of the port of height (or offshore) previewed from the special Law for Venice for the removal from the lagoon of the oil traffic is framed, "solution that - it has observed - improves the environmental sustainability of the harbour activity in lagoon; it definitively resolves the problem of nautical accessibility of the port of Venice; it allows to put in value it leave of the rich patrimony of harbour and logistic spaces of Marghera Port, today abandoned from the key industries (petrochemical and metallurgical) that they have characterized it in last century; it affords to put to system, valuing them, other regional harbour ports of call, beginning from Chioggia and Porto East and until terminals still to characterize along the auction of idrovia Venice-Padua; it affords of giving to harbour base own to a rich Venetian logistic system of the interportuali excellence of Verona and Padua; it allows to take advantage of the Po-Venetian idroviaria net at best, at least in the draft from Venice to Mantua".
Also Coast has been stopped on the topic of the transit of the great cruise ships in the Basin of San Marco. "Unfortunately, as still the reports remember us - the president of the Harbour Authority has said - an ulterior emergency, that relative one to the great cruise ships, "burst" to January with the incident to the Costa Concordia ship been shipwrecked to Isola del Giglio, has come to complicate the perspectives of evolution of the section passengers-crocieristico. A section of smash hit for our port, asserted in the 2011 as first “port terminus” (home port) of the Mediterranean that ago of Venice a engine of development also for all the Adriatic arc (you see for example the twinning stipulated with Dubrovnik). A complication - it has added - that has moreover only accelerated the consequent decisions to the reflection already started with the mayor and Comune of Venice - you see the which signed combined protocol on December 14, 2011 ( on December 16, 2011, ndr) - on the limits of compatibility of crocieristico naval gigantism with the Venetian form urbis and on the necessity of a management still more sustainable of the crocieristico traffic in lagoon. Objectives to achieve without “to throw the child with water get dirty”, without to go that is to put in crisis the supply economy that prospers around to a home port and that if of Venice it involves some thousand occupied besides the 1,600 directly engaged in the services to the ships and their passengers”.
Coast is returned to speak also about the technical-nautical services: “the Italian ports, beginning from that of Venice - it has explained - are less efficient regarding the European competitors also because in every port of call a efficient coordination between the various activities carried out on the side earth and the side lacks sea and because these last ones often come carried out in regime of limited competition, if not of monopoly. The Harbour Authority - it has remembered - even is rerun to the ways lawyers in order to claim the right to contribute to regulating the rates of the technical-nautical services, today instead established in headquarters, and in order to start processes of liberalization (in the market or for the market) of the relative markets. A liberalization that would carry benefits to the Italian economic system, but above all to the users of the port of Venice on which the cost of the technical-nautical services to Venice falls back the cost of the technical-nautical services (made pairs to 100, the same ones costs 55 to Trieste, 42 to Koper-Koper and 30 to Rijeka-River), a difference that at the end of the year can involve to Venice greater costs, advanced to a million euro for a single service of intercontinental line. Of it is gushed a “signalling” to the government by the Guarantor Authority for competition and the Market and a sentence of the Council of State ( on December 21, 2011, ndr) - it has emphasized Coast - that they definitively have sanctioned the local competence in matter of discipline and organization of the nautical services technical, affecting in fact the rates of the same ones according to article 14 of law 84/94. If understood and made own from the government and the parliament these indications they would allow to increase the efficiency of the services on the side sea, improving the competitiveness of the entire Italian portualità ”.
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