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Al ship yard Fincantieri di Sestri West the new role of "polifunzionale shipbuilding pole"
the understanding between company, rsu business, unions and Genoa Confindustria, that it previews 330 surplus, is approved of today by the assembly of the staff of the plant
February 16, 2012
This morning the assembly of the staff of the plant of the Fincantieri di Sestri West to Genoa has approved of unanimously the understanding reached in the evening between company, rsu yesterday business, unions of category and Genoa Confindustria, agreement of which we publish the minutes below.
Fiom Cgil Genoa has explained that against an initial demand for 370 structural esuberi, the agreement previews voluntary mobility for 60 dependent and the productive continuity of the yard through the new role of "polifunzionale shipbuilding pole". The structural esuberi, obstacle on which the argument has been aggravated - has specified the union - they are identified by the company as surplus that, to the state of workloads, is of 330 units, situation that it will be managed, within how much previewed from the enforced agreements of CIGS (extraordinary redundancy fund) without this gives origin to definitive exoduses, if not on the base of the criterion of not the opposition, that is on a voluntary basis of the dependent.
"This dispute - the general secretary of Fiom Cgil Genoa has declared, Franco Grondona - has been introduced from quickly very difficult because the group, several times, has tried to reorganize, in order not to say to close, the historical yard of Sestri West. With the agreement today we obtain a great result that is that to make to continue to live the yard and with it beyond 700 occupied. Our attention remains high also in relation to the problematic ones tied to the contract companies".
In date… they have met near Genoa Confindustria:
- the Fincantieri S.p.A.;
- the Confindustria of Genoa;
- the Provincial OSL of Genoa of FIM - FIOM - UILM,
- the RSU of the workers of the Site of Sestri West of the foretold Society,
Premised that:
an agreement in Ministerial center is enforced, signed in date 21 Decembers 2011, for uses it of the CIGS for reorganization that interests all the sites of the company;
the shipbuilding section of the naval one pours for a long time in a situation of most serious difficulty for the effects of world-wide the economic crisis. The level of question of new ships drastically is dropped, determining a situation of productive sovra-ability, than ulteriorly it has been aggravated for the income of new operators, above all, in Far East;
the situation of the section has become still more complex for the pressure on the prices that the crisis of the naval market has considerably increased and that politics strongly aggressive mass in field from operating sayings, recently also in the field of the fleeting ships, has emphasized to excess;
the come situation to determine as a result of how much over has returned the start of a plan of reorganization indispensable finalized to the economic re-balance, productive and industrial that the Company has set up in order to guarantee a future to own sites and to place the premises for I throw again of the field;
for the site of Sestri West the situation of taken part crisis goes to impattare on a productive system that ulteriorly turns out penalized from an unfavorable logistics and heavy deficiencies on the infrastructural plan;
the necessity and complexity of problematic to define specific solutions in order to place remedy have found punctual confirmation to you in the Agreement of Program, undersigned in date 28.7.2011, with the Authorities of Government (MiSE and MIT) and the Local Authorities (From Liguria Region - Province of Genoa - Common of Genoa - Harbour Authority of Genoa - Port Oils of Genoa s.p.a.), than it proposes the realization and the widening of the industrial area of the Port of Genoa Sestri, through infrastructural participations (realization of new operating large square through filling of watery mirror, rilocalizzazione of the oil systems to earth, realization of a new offshore buoy), which performance necessarily remains connected to the determination of competence of the aforesaid subjects publics;
of the necessity than on exposed undersigned in date 21.12.2011 for the opening of the CIGS for reorganization makes itself explicit mention in the minutes that interests, from the 1.1.2012, all the sites of the Company and for the start of a process of reduction of the staff based on the mass in stimulated mobility by who he intended to express the will not to oppose itself to the resolution of the job relationship.
All that premising, for how much it concerns the site of Sestri West, the Company will operate in order to value of the structure, in the within of redesigns organizational/productive, in the role of "polifunzionale shipbuilding pole".
In such optical, it is previewed that the site uses the existing basins and docks for the activities of shipbuilding and the workshops, also for mechanical manufactured products of large dimensions.
On the base of such productive configuration, the site will go to operate with the yards of the Adriatic depositor, with which solutions of technical and operating managerial integration will be put into effect/, to the aim to maximize the offered sinergiche potentialities from an integrated system.
The mission of the site could be ulteriorly widened in relation to the works that will find realization in the area, as a result of the filling to sea by the Harbour Authority.
For situated saying the plan of I redesign of the activities, in coherence with the volumes previewed for the segments which it is destined, also delineates the engagement of the Company to follow through with determination a series of incisive measures on the organizational plan let alone, to valley of the filling activities as above, on the system and productive plan to strengthening of the total efficiency of the site.
In parallel with the business actions, he is indispensable, for the objectives of improvement to reach, the contribution of the resources, to realize through a performance that it knows to head with determination to the characterized salvage values.
The RSU are declared available to assure the maximum engagement in the direction of the involvement of the resources, in order to favor of a performance improved in terms of participation, duration, execution and continuity, so as already expressed in agreement 1.4.2009 and the next minutes of the 16.7.2009, also through a better organization of the job.
Moreover, the Parts are engaged, to the aim of protecting the business continuity of the yard, in case of confrontation, to put into effect all the previewed procedures of cooling from agreement 28.10.2000. The O.S.L and the RSU, in relation to the action of suspension of the job that cause interruptions of the activities such to compromise contracts sign, are also engaged to support all actively the possible actions of the Company, extraordinary, stiff ordinaries and to the delivery in the previewed times of the ships in working.
How much then to the problematic one of the future workload previewed how much to the point 9) of anticipates oral let alone from the outcomes of the necessary recovery of efficiency in the structures and the activities, beginning from consequent also to the performance of the program agreement of which in premise, the Company has identified a surplus situation that, to the state, figure in n. 330 units that will be managed, within previewed how much from the enforced agreements of CIGS, without this gives origin to definitive exoduses, if not on base of the criterion of not the opposition, as expected to the point 6) of it anticipates oral.
To the workers involved in the reorganization process they will be maintained, in the within of the enforced CIGS to pass from the 1.1.2012, the integrating measures in support of the yield in the ways, times and amounts previewed according to and for the effects of agreement 1.4.2009, integrated with minutes of the 16.7.2009
With reference to the indicated situation on, the Parts have convene how much follows:
the Company is engaged not to resort to compulsory lay-offs of the surplus;
the Parts are engaged, to the aim to manage the staff interested with the modalities of which in premise, to start quickly from a distance of mass in mobility according to L. 223/91;
the workers will be placed in mobility finalized to the retirement who will express not the opposition and that they will mature pension requirement within the period of same mobility. To working sayings the previewed treatment will be distributed stimulating from the agreement of CIGS cited in premise;
the actions will be set in being all, for how much possible one to the Parts, apt to guarantee to the staff interested to the retirement through a mobility distance, than relative pension requirement they remain those pre-existing to the recent legislative modifications;
will be also places in mobility finalized to the ricollocazione the who requisitioned not having workers of which to the point 3), that they will express not the opposition to the lay-off. To they it will be practiced, for a reason or purpose of boosting to the exodus, the treatment of which to the agreement of CIGS cited in premise;
they could be places in mobility a maximum of 60 workers based on not the opposition; if expressing the opposition did not turn out advanced to the aforesaid number, the Parts are from now engaged to according to sign ulterior agreements of mobility of L. 223/91;
to the aim to manage the staff for which they do not rerun the criteria of not the opposition and therefore it is not possible in the within of anticipates agreement the mass in mobility, the Company will place in being, under CIGS, the following lines of advance action I confront with the RSU:
activation of appropriate professional, functional formative distances and requalification to guarantee an opportunity of ricollocazione of the suspended staff;
selective block of the turn over business;
novation of the job relationship;
ribilanciamento between the number of indirect and directed attache's;
intrasito transfer;
transformation on a voluntary basis of the relationships of job from Time full hand to part time;
individual transfers in business within on a voluntary basis or not opposition;
exoduses stimulated voluntary, also through distances of outplacement through primary society to this used;
Whereby permangano, to the term of the enforced CIGS or of its prosecuzione situations not which reabsorbed in the terms precedence or reason of substantial modifications of the market, the parts will meet in order to define the ulterior actions possible to the aim to diminish the impact on the social plan.
relatively to the modalities of application of the CIGS for enforced reorganization, the Parts reconfirm the mechanisms of positioning in redundancy fund and periodic spin, previewed from the cited CIGS, demand to the Ministry of the Job, specifying that, in consideration of the fungibilità of professional profiles, the individual period of CIGS for the involved workers will become fair, taking into consideration the estate of the production process in terms of costs, times and efficiency. Sayings mechanisms of periodic spin will go to regard all the staff with the exception of which they will mature pension requirement over vigenza of mobility and the workers whom they will make demanded spontaneous of positioning in CIGS without spin. The Parts are engaged to guarantee the effective application of the principles of performance of the spin also through encounters periodicals.
The Fincantieri is engaged to allot in the site of Sestri West the construction of an unit seed-submarine for the transport and the launch of other naval units or portions of they and manufactured products of large dimensions, that a productive continuity will allow, firm being remained the surplus in the entity previously indicated.
In particular, said construction, whose productive start is, to the current, expectable state for the september month, it is able to guarantee 320,000 business hours directed with a engagement of resources that, medium, figure in 250/300 units, with completion to the half of 2013.
To the unit as above the construction of a floating platform for the waste disposal will be able to join solid city, whereby is given keeps on the expressed manifestations of interest with regard to from the Institutions. This would assure ulterior 180,000 business hours directed, carrying the total occupation to about 400 units.
The Parts are acknowledged that in date 20.2.2012, near the premises of the Direction of Site, minutes of happened experiment and definitive conclusion of former procedure art. 4 and 24 of law 223/91 will come undersigned for staff interested.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher