Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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CNA-Fita writes to Monti: the dear diesel oil is a still unsolved and indefensible emergency
the association proposes sterilization of the Vat on the octrois, a decided liberalization of the distribution fuel and an European Stock exchange of the oil
February 28, 2012
Survey of the price to the pump in the 27 Countries members of the European Union (Fonte: CNA-Fita)
27 February 2012
Unleaded petrol
Price to consumption
Price (VAT excluded)
Price to the consumption
Price (VAT excluded)
Rep, Czech
Low countries
United Kingdom
Average European
The association of the CNA-Fita road haulage has written to the Mario Monti, Prime Minister, asking sterilization for the Vat on the octrois, a decided liberalization of the distribution fuel and an European Stock exchange of the oil. In the opened letter, that we publish below, the national president of the association, Cinzia Franchini, defines “wild” the price of the diesel oil that - it emphasizes - “with 1,736 euros of average has put Italy on top of the list of the 27 Countries members of the European Union, branding it to fire as the domestic market in absolute dearer than all”. CNA-Fita evidences in fact as such price places Italy outside from the European market, with about 0,27 cent in more regarding the average European to 27 that fixed the price to the pump to 1,465 euros.
Cinzia Franchini explains that, if does not take corrective action in times breviums, will be unavoidable the protest of the category and also the useful relative participations the trimestralizzazione of the reimbursement of the octrois will come made useless from these crowds run to the rise of the prices to the pump.
In the letter the Franchini advances three proposals that CNA-Fita in the short one as in the long period it considers for a resolutive approach for the problem beloved-diesel oil necessary. In the short period the association proposes, online with the precedence participations of the government, sterilization of the Vat on the octrois, a provision - according to CNA-Fita - “that would place end to the awful phenomenon of the taxes on the taxes been profitable still more onerous from the same increment of the share Vat recently introduced”. In the medium long period, instead, the association of the haulers invites the executive to a “more determined and unflinching participation in the liberalization of the distribution of fuels so that the market can independently fix a ceiling price the price to the pump, based on the encounter between offer and question”. To such CNA-Fita purpose it remembers that already from on 25 July the association it has joined to the proposal of liberalization made from the Faib-Confesecenti and Fegica-Cisl called “Free gasoline”. At last the CNA-Fita invites president Monti “to make authoritative promoter in Europe for the institution of a “European Stock exchange of the oil” that it can put the most possible protected from the volatility of the prices domestic markets.
Dear Prime Minister Mario Monti,
We are aware of the hard job that is laboriously getting ahead and as She we consider fundamental to liberalize the Italian economy who gives time too much has remained hostage of expensive oligopolies.
We comprise therefore its to act because as operators of the road haulage in times not suspiciones, before the others, we yes, “are liberalized”. Then, that is in 2005, it was spoken about wild liberalization, while today of wild in this country there are very other things. First of all the price of the diesel oil that with 1,736 euros of average has put Italy on top of the list of the 27 countries members of the European Union, branding it to fire as the domestic market in absolute dearer than all.
The price of the diesel oil is dangerously flying to quota two euro, but I assure Them that already an euro and eight haulers represent dramatic and for us inconceivable a psychological threshold. Italy, therefore, although its efforts do not take part, at least for the fuel, of that European only market where the average of the price to the pump is of euro 1,465 cent. From the European Union they very divide us beyond 0,27 cent, that is about 19% in more with a level than taxation also abnormal and advanced it to the European medium taxation. Dalla Francia divides 0,33 cent to us, from Germany beyond 20 cent, Spain 35 cent, Austria 33 cent, not to mention the Slovenia from which they separate 43 cent very to us.
This is the price that satisfied Italy for the only and true liberalization that the road haulage and together with he all the Italian productive system would deserve. This is the price that we all pay for the lacked liberalization in the distribution fuels, and for an excessive taxation. A price, therefore, than will in spite of everything hold us outside from Europe.
Ours are not rimbrotti, piagnistei or gripes but dramatic ascertainments that dishearten anyone decide to make enterprise in our country. The disheartenment is still greater if it is thought that the guarantees for little on the front of the fuel have not carried no added value. We have paid for having however an obsolete system of refining and in order to outside maintain to the price to the pump market.
As CNA-Fita we have demonstrated in the facts to know to be responsible as well as propositivi, but the emergency diesel oil is such for which it cannot be attended beyond. We have appreciated this that the Government has placed in being on the front of the new octrois but we consider and urgent necessary participations that in short, indeed the short one, period they can defuse tensions that otherwise will not be able that to lead in worrisome protests. On behalf ours we propose Them a sterilization of the vat on the octrois. A simple provision, immediate and that it would place end to the awful system of the taxes on the taxes. In mean-along period instead we spur It to take part in way decided on our distribution network fuels and on the system that orders it, so that also in Italy the cost of the diesel oil to the pump stabilizes to the medium values of the European market.
We hope that by virtue of the appreciation and of the credibility of the action that the Executive from presided she has known to conquer himself in Europe in these months can be also spold in order to support the opportunity of a “European Stock exchange of the oil”, that he succeeds to put us to the most possible shelter from the volatility of the price of this precious electric power supply.
Sure that its competence and moral integrity will impose Them to be interested to the issue and, if it will consider it opportune, as I wish, to take part with the timeliness and the determination who mark it, the salute wishing them good job.
Cinzia Franchini National president CNA-Fita Transport goods and people
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher