Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The port of Venice heads to tighten the collaboration with interposing you of Veneto, Friuli Venice Julia and Emilia Romagna
the attempt is to activate a political new of integration in the governance of the traffics of the Mediterranean north-oriental
February 29, 2012
In order to realize the great potentialities that the offshore port of the high Adriatic will be able to express thanks to the new previewed technologies of boarding-disembarkation for this great logistic platform planned to out of the Lagoon of Venice it is necessary to develop a diffuse portualità and more and more tightened collaboration with interposing you of Veneto, Friuli Venice Julia and Emilia Romagna. This, in synthesis, is the convincement expressed in the course of the meeting on the topic "the Port of Interposing to you", held yesterday to Mestre, that it has been organized from the International Propeller Club Port of Venice.
The project of the offshore platform, supported from the president of the Harbour Authority of Venice, Paolo Costa, has collected the consent and the adhesion of the maximum representatives of the trasportistico cluster presents to the table of the relatori: from the president of the Union To interpose to you Reunited (UIR) and of the Interporto of Bologna, Alessandro Ricci, to the representative of the Z.A.I and the Interporto of Verona, Pier Luigi Toffalori, to the vice president of the Union of Italian Inland navigation, Sergio Vazzoler, to the president of the Interporto of Venice, Eugenio De Vecchi, to the representative of the port of Mantua, Giancarlo Leoni.
The objective is to activate a political new of integration in the governance of the traffics of the Mediterranean north-oriental in order to check their escape towards the ports of the Europe north and, online with how much today demanded from the EU, in order to re-balance the portualità of the north and the south of the continent. "Draft - it has found president of the harbour agency Costa - to rearrange a today anomalous system that sees ours retroporti to serve other portualità when we have all papers in order in order to propose the adriatic portualità as via economically more competitive for the direct or coming traffics from the Europe center to the Mean and Far East via Suez". "Papers in order" - it is remembered - that they mean railway traces, equipped docks, street and highway and navigable infrastructures for via of internal water, efficient airports to the service of a logistics of high level of as many productive areas to the search of more and more advance trasportistici systems, essential support for giving greater competitiveness to import-export of this "new and great region of Europe".
In the numerous participations this politics are remembered as decree "Save Italy among other things" easy allowing with the Harbour Authorities of ports classified as "terminals of European corridors" to localize in the port the several phases of the customs operations.
In its participation the representative of the Z.A.I - Interporto Quadrant Europe of the Verona, largest in Europe, has among other things remembered as a sinergica collaboration between interposing you of Veneto and the port of Venice involves the same one interporto of Verona that does not see incompatibility with the trains that today reach you from: "for our part - Pier Luigi Toffalori has explained - there is the full availability to collaborate effectively. So as Venice historically looked to a wider territory of the current borders of Veneto, it will be necessary to look also to a macro-region that goes besides Veneto and it is connected to the other territories of the northeast, but also besides of the Lombardy and Emilia Romagna".
For the Interporto of Venice they are previewed, in agreement with the plans of the Harbour Authority, great opportunities in the within of the reconversion of Marghera Port: from the construction of an electric power plant to biomass to new logistic takeovers to the doubling of the cold stores for the cold chain.
""The Port of Interposing to you" - the president of Propeller of Venice has commented, Massimo Bernardo - has not been a dialogue between deaf neither a self-referential monologue of little "soloists". The presence and the engagement to this "technical table" of many authoritative relatori have demonstrated as there is today the requirement to bury anachronistic local monopolies activating new synergies between private public and, formula this shared and win in the facts as they demonstrate the strategies adopted in the within of the harbour range of the high Adriatic, today become reference of important investments of primary companies of navigation, of financial large groups, but, above all, of a new culture not only relative to the transport, but to the logistic, occupational and social reorganization of those productive areas that represents the true engine in order to throw again in an European optical, the economy of all the Country".
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