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Introduced the lines guides Slowly for the editing of the new one "of the Ports and the Coasts of the Latium"
"Era from years - it has emphasized the mayor of Civitavecchia Moscherini - than the territory waited for that the institutions favoured the development of the field of the logistics"
March 5, 2012
Past friday president of the Region Lazio, Renata Polverini, has , that it constitutes an analysis preliminary and deepened of the Latium harbour system in order to characterize scenes and objectives to the aim to arrive to a planning integrated and sustainable of the coastal areas of the Region.
The scope - it is explained in the course of the presentation - is to create a harbour circuit that still asserts more inside of the Mediterranean the role of the system Latium, in consideration moreover of its geographic positioning which region to the center of the traffics and the national and international exchanges.
Between the objectives of the plan goods and passengers figure the intensification of the "Freeways of the Sea" for the development of the national transport, the creation of the "Subways of the Sea" for the connection between the ports and with the main coastal resorts, the increment of the places boat and the increase of the shipbuilding industry. The development of tourism and the economies will pass moreover through the increment of the dedicated areas to the nautical minor, with the location of new forms of receptive ability to quality. All in the respect of the environmental and landscaped norms: the management of the territory will have in fact to take into consideration the analyses on the environmental risk carried out on the macroareas, of the idrogeologica compatibility, the phenomenon of the erosion and the zones subject to tie.
To the presentation the regional city council member to Mobility and local public transport is taken part, Francesco Lollobrigida, with the participation of the members of the Cabin of Direction of the Sea, than friday has met, of which representatives of the coastal Provinces, the Anci, the ministries of the Atmosphere, Tourism and the Transports, the Harbour office - Guard Costiera and the Customs corps take part, of the competent regional councillorships and direction.
The outcomes of the Cabin of Direction of the Sea and the presentation of the lines guide slowly of the new one of the ports and of the coasts of the Latium - the mayor of Civitavecchia has commented, Gianni Moscherini - they represent "a moment of strong attention in confronts of our territory, than it very makes us to hope in the prosecuzione of the infrastructural job in order to return our region the logistic platform of the entire Country". "Era from years - it has continued - than the territory waited for that the institutions favoured the development of the field of the logistics, with particular reference to the intermodalità and to the ability to I use of various means of transport".
"The under way distance by now for a long time, with conviction, from the Polverini committee, through the councillorship directed by Francesco Lollobrigida - it has found the mayor of Civitavecchia - is demonstrating action continuity, above all in the marine field. The implementation of the Freeways of the Sea and the studies of project of the Subways of the Sea certainly represents that organic idea of development that serves in order to make to above all take off all the specialistic regional districts in handling of passengers and, hopes, of the goods, creating inside of the Italy platform indispensable primariato in the field. We will follow therefore with particular attention these and other topics contained in the Plan, in particular the thrust to the shipbuilding one and the diporto that it is for the territory of Civitavecchia the restitution of a natural and secular vocation".
Satisfaction for the presentation of the lines guides for the editing of the new one Slowly is expressed also by the mayor of Terracina, Nicola Procaccini: "it has been - it has explained - an important and attended event because it not only sees realized the great job produced from the Lollobrigida city council member, but also because it offers to all which opportunities are engaged in the field new in order to make enterprise, beyond to a realistic one I rearrange of the points of landing place in the Latium and in particular of those places in Province of Latina". "The Plan of the Ports, with the connected district of the nautical one - it has emphasized Procaccini - is already a productive system of great economic weight that interests 500 companies, 2,000 dependent and involve 21 municipalities of the Latium: five in province of Rome (Anzio, Civitavecchia, Fiumicino, Ladispoli, Nettuno and Saint Marinella), eleven in province of Latina (Deep, Formia, Gaeta, Itri, Minturno, Pontinia, Ponza, Sabaudia, Saint Felice Circeo, SS Cosma and Damiano, Sperlonga, Spigno Saturnia, Terracina), two in province of Viterbo (Montalto di Castro and Tarquinia). To these the Thirteenth Town hall of Rome (Ostia joins). Also our city from this new put regional planning in field from the Lollobrigida city council member will find increase moments important, is regarding rearranges of the tourist landings place of Sisto, Attends and of the Trajan port, but also regarding the activation of urgent participations for the defense of spiagge in erosion and the potenziamento of the tourist and commercial traffic from and for the Pontine Islands. Mainly strategic it appears then, regarding the preliminary indications, the passage that is proposed to characterize new forms of receptive ability to quality".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher