Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The unions ask minister Passera to take part in order to avoid a catastrophic outcome of the Tirrenia event
the minister - Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti emphasize - "cannot more assist inert to the destruction of an important economic activity of the Country". Federmar-Cisal, "imminent the social disaster"
March 19, 2012
The unions exhort the government to take part so that the possible failure of the European Union of the procedure of privatization of Tirrenia, that it previews its acquisition by the Italian Company of Navigation (CIN), does not have a catastrophic outcome on the future of the company. The sale is object of a started groundbreaking investigation at the beginning of this year from the EU commission ( on 19 January 2012), cession that - it has preannounced in recent days the minister of Infrastructures and Transports, Corrado Passera, probably it will be rejected by the EU ( on 6 March 2012).
The general secretaries of Filt Cgil, Franco Nasso, Fit Cisl Giovanni Luciano and Uiltrasporti, Luigi Simeone, have turned an appeal to Passera emphasizing that the minister "cannot more assist inert to the destruction of an important economic activity of the Country". In a letter the representatives of the unions have asked "an immediate and urgent participation and a convocation in order to know the intentions of the government".
According to the three trade-union leaders, "every solution for Tirrenia will have necessarily to respect the business oneness any hypothesis that had to determine the spacchettamento of the production, through confidences for lines would see the firm contrast of the unions". "In lack of an immediate participation - they have announced - the reaction of the workers will not be able that to be hardest and commensurate to the gravity of the situation".
In an official notice the general secretary of Uiltrasporti, Luigi Simeone, has found as "the Tirrenia event has arrived at this point to a dramatic phase. The devastating participation of commissioner Almunia - it has explained - puts to risk services, territorial continuity but above all thousands of places of work. To expect to annul the laboriously realized contest, to cancel the occupational guarantees, to operate the confidences for lines prohibiting to the Italian companies the participation, is not competition but it is the devastation of a State that must react to safeguard of the economic and territorial stability of a Country as ours, than cannot continue to being land of conquest in spite of the reciprocity that is not never asked to others if not to Italy".
"The government Monti - he has continued Simeone - cannot stutter without giving to precise indications and clear confidences; minister Passera must represent the interests of an entire Country that for its territorial characteristic cannot dispense with a public service of marine transports and that therefore it cannot see cancelled an entire productive truth, on the base of a fantomatica competition that has not never carried benefits to the Italian nationals"
"The services of Tirrenia - it has observed the general secretary of Uiltrasporti - cannot prescind from its workers; we have stipulated an agreement for their reuse and we will defend it on all the ships, in all the ports and all the squares. The measure is full, nobody can think of being able to manage Tirrenia as a mere event of bureaucratic order between Brussels and Rome. The next days could become dramatic if it had to last Hush of the government that we have newly invited to I confront and that we will continue to speed up from the squares of Italy in the next hours".
For the Federmar-Cisal, "the situation that have been come to create and the uncertainty for the social destinies of the Tirrenia that achieves some run the risk to seriously damage under the managerial aspect the public company, engaged among other things in this period - Alessandro Pico has remembered the national secretary - to organize the programs and to collect the reservations for the summery period".
"Today to minister Passera and mister Monti, than nothing has made - he has emphasized Pico - wants to remember yesterday that between two days (, ndr) expires also the contract of sale between the CIN and Tirrenia in Extraordinary Administration and the lacked one I in open sea renew in relation to the mass to contest of the lines without obligation of purchase of the existing ships and the staff carrying newly the safeguard established with an appropriate trade-union agreement of the two thousand places of job between navigating and administrative staff. In short it returns the social disaster imminent".
Federmar-Cisal has announced that "in order to draw the attention around these problems in the attempt to find the solutions more adapted to resolve them", the union "in innovation absence and/or of assurances it is seen forced to on March 29, 2012 put in calendar a first day of strike of the staff of the company".
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