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Coast: the ports of the Napa are one of the privileged points of intermediation of the goods from and for Europe
Encounter with a delegation of the Commission Transports of the European Parliament
March 20, 2012
Last night, in the course of an that in these days is visiting to the Italian Northeast in order to deepen thematic the infrastructural ones, the president of the Harbour Authority of Venice, Paolo Costa, have evidenced the potentialities of the portualità of the Alto Adriatico represented from the Napa (North Adriatic Ports Association), organism constituted from the ports of Koper, Ravenna, Rijeka, Trieste and Venice.
"The ports of the Napa - it has explained Coast - have potential an enormous one, estimated from MDS Transmodal in a study recently publication in at least six million teu (+348%). Sul table - it has observed - the many nodes to melt, but also the many introduced projects; the ports of the Napa in fact are anticipated joined as one of the privileged points of intermediation of the goods from and for Europe".
"Al Parliament - it has continued Coast - we ask to put and to support the decision of the EU commission that it has chosen to above all realize a more balanced feeding between North and South coming Europe of the goods from Far East, identifying in the ports of call nordestini the terminals to sea of three of the 10 priority corridors of the new Core-Network. To be inserted inside of the priority list - it has emphasized - means to have approached the European financings and the other instruments which put on from BEAUTIFUL as the guarantee instrument or project the bond. To the ports of the Napa an important role is up therefore that it must be supported from the realization of all those harbour infrastructures that always guarantee put up ability to attraction of the goods and their intermediation".
In occasion of with parliamentarians European encounter Enrico Marchi, president of Save Spa, society that the Marco Polo Airport of Venice manages, has illustrated the projects of development of the group and those of the Venetian port of call in terms of airport City, having evidenced the value of the intermodal node for the system of the transports of the East North. "With the realization of the project of the intermodal knot - it has found - the airport of Venice will be the first port of call in Italy to being directly connected with the high passing speed. The study of feasibility of the intermodal knot is completed in June last year and is co-financed by the European Union, to demonstration of the value of this work inside of the adriatic Corridor and in the transnational net of the transports".
"In order to continue with our development plans - it has added Marks - we have but need of clear indications and sets in action coherent by our government, on which we lay by great confidence. The same one is said for the adaptation of the airport, firm rates to 2000 and the inferior ones of about 40% to the average European, that they are an instrument essential in order to proceed with the necessary infrastructural adaptations and the cantierizzazione of new works, whose fallen back on the territory it can carry many benefits in economic and occupational terms".
The delegation of the Commission Transports of the European Parliament is guided by president Brian Simpson and is constituted, between the others, from the Italian parliamentarians Debora Serracchiani, Mara Bizzotto, Antonio Cancian and Carlo Findanza.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher