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Unioncamere anticipates the Atlas of the priorities and the infrastructural criticalities
Drafted the top ten of the strategic works more important between the 135 considered infrastructural participations of absolute precedence
April 11, 2012
Unioncamere has introduced today the "Atlas of the priorities and the infrastructural criticalities", a list of the strategic infrastructures whose realization is indicated as priority by beyond 800 Italian entrepreneurs who take part of the committees of the Chambers of Commerce, consulted in the within of the investigation realized from Uniontrasporti/Unioncamere.
The analysis, illustrated to Rome in the course of the appointment anniversary on infrastructures realized in collaboration with the salary "Head Horn", own on the perception of the importance of infrastructures near the economic and entrepreneurial community represented inside of the Chambers of Commerce and on the identification, by who daily is confronted with the market and the problems of the economic operators, of the main infrastructural criticalities is centralized from which it suffers the Country.
The first sign that gushes from the Atlas is of unambiguous and a total dissatisfaction - with tips of the maximum uneasiness - for the railroads, of moderated satisfaction for fundamental the highway system and of not acquaintance for the ports. Great dissatisfaction also for the energetic nets and (with a good mix of insufficient acquaintance) for the computerized nets, considered from 64% of contacted a lot behind regarding the other European Countries.
Syntheses and philosophy of the study are expressed in the table on the top ten, the ten strategic works more important between the 135 considered infrastructural participations of absolute precedence, than the majority of the entrepreneurs and consulted economic operators consider not more rinviabili. Operas that in the majority of the cases are of interest of an macro-area and not of a single region.
In the top ten the pedemontano street axis Piedmontese-Lombardic-Veneto occupies the first position. Al according to place for consents places the freeway of the two seas, Orte Ravenna, considered irrenounceable work, although it is not even fired still in definitive way from the Cipe. Al third place the railway axis Monk of Bavaria-Verona, followed from the railway axis (not alternative, but almost, to corridor V) between Ventimiglia-Genoa-Milan-Novara-Sempione. Al fifth place finds the Brebemi, that is the freeway Brescia, Bergamo, Milan, continuation from Asti-Cuneo, therefore from the highway axis Brenner-Verona-Parma-The Spezia. The Salerno-Reggio Calabria, the street corridor ionic Taranto-Sybaris-Reggio and the electrification of the railway draft Aosta-Chivasso close the list.
Uniontrasporti has found that in order to realize at least these first ten priorities pairs to about 73,8 billion euros indicated from the entrepreneurs are necessary an economic engagement, than, rapportato to the entire cost of the Program of Strategic Infrastructures, represents 20%. To the current state they already turn out characterized about the half of the resources, remains therefore residual requirements of 37,9 billion euros.
The analysis of Uniontrasporti evidences as in Italy, nation in which 91% of the goods and 82% of the passengers it moves on the road, the highway net is firm to the pole from at least five years. But, although this, the critics concentrate themselves on other infrastructural nets: 72% of the interrogated ones to champion are discontent of the net and the railway service, 64% of the state of backwardness of the computerized nets, 50% of the ordinary practicability.
Important indications also on the topic of the financings and the resources available. Between the 2008 and 2011 investments for public works have been reduced of 24% in constant values (percentage that becomes of 27% if is considered single Public Administration). And, being to the data available to October 2011, the investments of Public Administration are destined to still be reduced in heavy measure in the next few years: the official esteem of the ministry of the Economy and Finances, updated to september 2011, speak then about a reduction of the investments of Public Administration of the -18% in running values in a 2012 and ulterior reduction of 5.8% in 2013. In this context - it has observed Uniontrasporti - we can say that without the public-private partnership the scene of the public works of the next years will be characterized by deep an ulterior contraction of the expense that will hit in particular the local authorities.
The market of the public-private partnership, based on the data available of the National Observatory of the Public-private partnership - Uniontrasporti has explained - in period 2002-2011 has grown and it has been asserted. Between January 2002 and December 2011 they have been indette 13,382 contests of PPP and the total value of the market, that is the amount of the amounts put in contest, has attested to quota 67 billion euros. It has been passed from 339 contests for a amount of 1,4 billion 2002 to beyond 2.800 contests for 14 billion in 2011.
At last the role of the Chambers of Commerce: 60% of the champion consider that the contribution of the Chambers of Commerce to the process of infrastructural modernization of own territory of reference has been altogether very positive in last the 15 years - appraisals comprised between "discreet" and "optimal". This is obvious above all in the territories of the North the West and the East North where the percentages of approval for the acts of the camerale system exceed the average national. In particular, in the 2010 volume of the resources invested from the camerale system in infrastructures is piled to about 612 million euros - that it represents 87% of the total value - distributed on 520 single participation.
"The Chambers of Commerce, already protagonists of the infrastructural process of the Country - the president of Unioncamere has asserted, Ferruccio Dardanello - intend to continue to give own contribution in order to reduce the gap that compresses the ability to development of the enterprises. Our action, therefore, will continue to being meaningful on the front of the public-private partnership, fundamental instrument in order to exceed the current deficiency of public resources to assign to the infrastructure realization". As for the works - it has continued Dardanello - "it does not have to escape that the railway connection Turin-Lyon to high speed is a strategic work without which is the risk of a marginalization of the Italy system".
Top ten of the infrastructural priorities of the economic world
Denomination work
Type participation
Place works
State performance prevalente*
Completion works
Cost (M€)
Requirements (M€)
Pedemontano street axis (Piedmontese-Lombardic-Veneto)
Street net
Piemonte, Lombardy, Veneto
Works in progress
Beyond 2015
Completion European route E45-E55: E45 requalification (drawn Orte-Ravenna) and requalification New E55 Romea
Street corridor Ionic Taranto-Sybaris-Reggio Calabria
Street net
Calabria, Apulia, Basilicata
Preliminary planning
Beyond 2015
18.849, 67
16.587, 56
Potenziamento and Aosta-Chivasso electrification
Railway net
Piemonte, Valle d'Aosta
Preliminary planning
*Lo state of indicated advance refers to the prevailing condition of the complex of the activities that compose the work, but is possible that there are parts of the participation in various state of advance
Fonte: Uniontrasporti elaboration on data Investigation Administrators Camerali 2011-12, 6° Relationship on the state of performance of the “objective law”
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher