Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The ports of and Livorno are inserted in the European Corridor Helsinki - the TV assistant
The Tuscan city council member Ceccobao, taking part to the bureau political of the CRPM to Helsinki, has introduced the "Paper of the Lily" for safety in sea
June 8, 2012
The Council of Ministers of the Transports of the European Union, met yesterday to Luxemburg, has inserted the ports of and Livorno in the European Corridor Helsinki - the TV assistant having approved of the proposal introduced from the vice Italian minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Mario Ciaccia.
"It is a fact - the president of the Harbour Authority of has commented, Lorenzo Forcieri - extremely positive, as it represents an ulterior acknowledgment to European level for our port of call. I express a felt thanks to vice minister Ciaccia, for the support of the proposal of the Italian government to the board meeting Transports".
"We have always supported - it has continued Forcieri - than the port of, whose markets inland are localized along the director multimodale that traguarda towards the Europe North arriving until the Baltic Sea, represented the main port of call of reference of the priority Corridor Helsinki - the TV assistant for the traffics in income and expenditure from our Country. However we will continue to work in the opportune centers so that the relative connection to the line is recognized also the Spezia-Parma, the so-called "Pontremolese", that we consider to re-enter rightfully between infrastructures strategic in order to increase the potentialities of attraction of the commercial traffics of the ports of Alto Tirreno. The line the Spezia-Parma, in fact - Forcieri has explained - besides to afford the direct connection of the port of with its main logistic platforms and to interpose to you of reference and to strengthen the relationship with the area of Milan without to weigh on already congested genoese node, represents a strategic draft also for the other ports of Alto Tirreno, to service of a rich area of productive takeovers. This line can effectively contribute to the improvement of the connections between territories, in coherence with the objectives that are to the base of the new planning of the nets TRY".
Satisfaction for the outcome of the European board meeting is expressed also by the city council member to Infrastructures of the Liguria Region: "the insertion of the ports of and Livorno in the European corridor Helsinki - the TV assistant by the European Council of the Transports - has declared Raffaella Paita - it is a great result also for the action completed from the Italian government". "Sure - it has added the city council member - to have organized to and successively to Genoa the visits and the initiatives of deepening with referring of the communitarian Commission José Anselmo, Valente de Oliveira and Roberto Ferrazza it has contributed to focus the attention on our territory and the strategic importance of our ports".
Positive, for from Liguria city council member Raffaella Paita, also the approval happened always yesterday to Brussels of the passage from 20% to 30% of co-financing of the freeways of the sea: draft - it has specified - of "a good step ahead for having puts up possibility to obtain financings".
With respect to the Pontremolese, the Paita city council member has specified that "on this forehead we are trusting because the Pontremolese is inserted at the moment in the comprehensive net of the European works whose priority is under appraisal. Therefore we are estimating an initiative together with the Harbour Authority of, to september, through a audition to the European Parliament, in order to demand its insertion in the considered nets strategic, also from the point of view of the financings". The city council member has remembered that, to such purpose, a letter to minister Passera has written recently in order to restate the importance to insert the Tyrrhenian-Brenner Corridor in the nets TRIES and has proposed to from Liguria parliamentarians they involvement in order to make pressures on the government.
While, on the front of the marine transport, taking part this afternoon to Helsinki to the bureau political of the CRPM, the Conference of the marine peripheral regions of Europe, to the presence of the vice president of the EU commission, Siim Kallas, the city council member to the Transports of the Tuscany Region, Luca Ceccobao, it has introduced the "Paper of the Lily", the paper for safety of the marine routes written on the island of the Lily for will of the president of the Tuscany, Enrico Rossi, after the dramatic shipwreck of Costa Concordia and the other marine incidents that have happened in waters of the Tuscan archipelago. The Paper of the Lily illustrates the strait tie between problematic inherent to safety of the passengers on the ships and those of the environmental pollution risks and asks participations in order to modify a system of norms and controls that the report has demonstrated inadequate.
"Now - Ceccobao has declared - the EU commission you listen to the marine regions and you obligate the Member States and the companies of navigation to put to the first place safety of the passengers and the atmosphere". "Europe - it has added - must be equipped of modern and effective norms. The proposals that we have launch are: more effective norms and sure endorsements, systems of controls integrated between radar and satellite, standard of quality in order to classify the navigation companies, a cabin of direction in order to signal the routes and to reduce the error".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher