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In the bill Development the government has inserted an article on the autonomy financial institution of the ports
Nerli (Assoporti): favorable that the Parliament makes an ulterior effort in order to return it more adequate to the effective requirements of the portualità. Calabria Region unstops (): the norm strongly penalizes the port of Gioia Tauro
June 18, 2012
Bill "urgent Measures for the increase of the Country"
Art. 14
Autonomy financial institution of the ports
1. To the law 28 January 1994, n. 84, after article 18 are inserted the following one:
"Art. 18-second
(Autonomy financial institution of the harbour authorities and financing of the realization of works in the ports)
Al fine to facilitate the realization of the works previewed in the respective harbour town development plans and the triennial operations plans and for the potenziamento of the infrastructural net and the services in the ports and the street and railway connections in the ports, is instituted, in the state of forecast of the Ministry of infrastructures and the transports, a bottom for the financing of the participations of adaptation of the ports fed on a yearly basis, in the annual limit of 70 million euros, measure pairs to the 1 percent of the VAT and the octrois collected in the ports and in to interpose to you re-entering in territorial administrative divisions of the harbour authorities.
Within on 30 April of every fiscal year, the Ministry of the economy and finances quantifies the amount of the collections of the VAT and the octrois in the ports re-entering in territorial administrative divisions of the harbour authorities and the quota to enroll in the bottom.
The harbour authorities transmit to the Ministry of infrastructures and of the transports the relative documentation to the realization of harbour infrastructures in performance of anticipates article.
The bottom of which to codicil 1 it is left again with I decree of the Minister of infrastructures and the transports together with the Minister of the economy and finances, felt the permanent Conference for the relationships between the State, the E regions the independent Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, attributing to every port the eighty percent of the quota the collections of the VAT and the relative octrois to it and sharing remaining the twenty percent between the ports, with perequative purposes, holding also account of the forecasts of the respective triennial operations plans and harbour town development plans.
For the realization of the works and the participations of which to the codicil 1, harbour authorities they can, in any case, to appeal to forms of compartecipazione of the private capital, second the discipline of the technique of finance of project of which to 12 article 153 of I decree legislative April 2006, n. 163 and next modifications and integrations, stipulating contracts of financing to mean and long term with qualified national and international credit institutions, included Cassa warehouses and S.p.A. loans
The codicils from 247 to 250 of article 1 of the law 24 Decembers 2007 are repealed, n. 244.".
2. To the burden deriving from the performance of codicil 1, estimated in annual euros 70 million to pass from year 2012, reduction of the expense authorization is provided by means of correspondent of which to article 13, codicil 12, of the law 11 March 1988, n. 67.
Past friday the Italian government has approved of the bill "urgent Measures for the increase of the Country" that to article 14 "Autonomy financial institution of the ports" it previews the institution of a bottom for the financing of the participations of adaptation of the ports in which they will meet 1% of the VAT (Vat) and the octrois collected in the ports, until a annual limit of 70 million euros. Such resources will be rereleased to every port in the measure of 80% of the quota the collections of the Vat and the relative octrois to the port, while remaining 20% will be shared between the ports with perequative purposes.
Objective of the governmental provision - the executive has explained - is of giving new impulse to the harbour infrastructuring and the street and railway practicability of connection allowing, moreover, the potenziamento of the development plan of the so-called "freeways of the sea". Moreover such norm aimed at the progressive attainment of the so-called "autonomy financial institution" of the Harbour Authorities, consisting in the possibility granted to the harbour agencies independently to finance the infrastructuring through the rinvenienti resources from the octrois and the Vat collected on the operations carried out in the ports. One moreover allows - it has evidenced the government - a rationalization and optimization of the resources assigned to the single ports, as the taxes confiscated are proportional to the amount of operations carried out and, therefore, tied to the effective functionality of the same port.
Appreciation for the provision approved of from the Council of Ministers is expressed by president of the Association Italian Porti, Francesco Nerli: "a first result - it has explained - that I appreciate, even if the Parliament is favorable makes an ulterior effort in order to return it more adequate to the effective requirements of the portualità". "Assoporti - it has added Nerli - will work in order to complete the autonomy financial institution of the ports that for a long time wishes in order to restart their process of increase".
Vice-president of the Region Calabria, Antonella Stasi, has instead criticized the measure as, retrieving the resources financial institutions from the collections of the Vat, he rules against the ports of transhipment as Gioia Tauro: "draft - it has emphasized - of a norm that strongly penalizes the port of Gioia Tauro because being port of transhipment it does not have operations Vat. Since the bill Development is passed "except understandings" - it has observed Stasi - would be favorable a modification of such provision. To only assign 20% of this deep, 70 million euros, to the other Italian ports comprised those of transhipment, is truly little thing, considered that they are the transhipment port that they allow with the other Italian ports of having the container to clear to earth and to confiscate Vat so".
Passing from national the harbour scene that regional one, friday in occasion of a reunion of the Pact for the development of the Province of organized Gorizia from the provincial agency, the city council member to Infrastructures of the Region Friuli Venice Julia, Riccardo Riccardi, has illustrated the law on the "Discipline of the approved of regional portualità" recently from the regional Council ( on 24 May 2012). Draft - it has evidenced Riccardi - of "an important law, been born through a transparent and shared dialogue with the territory, that it places the premises in order to grow the port of Monfalcone, a strategic infrastructure for the Friuli Venice Julia, of sure national and international relief". The city council member has remembered that the law establishes that the competence on the two regional ports of Monfalcone and Porto Nogaro remainders in head to the Region, in particular regarding the concession of the areas, but with a strong involvement of the institutions and the local actors: for the editing of the Town development plan of the port, fundamental instrument of strategic planning, us will have in fact to be a formal understanding with the Municipality, an inserted indication express in law that has the meaning, as it has observed Riccardi, of "a political acknowledgment".
Riccardi has specified that the law heads to treasure the professionalities and competences that, in the years, have grown around the port of Monfalcone and that they have afforded to obtain certain results up to now, beginning from the Harbour office. The Region will be able for example to delegate specific tasks to the special Company for the port of Monfalcone and to the industrial Consortium. A presided advisory Committee from the city council member is previewed moreover the institution, of which they will take part Municipality, harbour Province, Harbour-office, Company, Consortium, operators with a representative everyone, more two named from the labor organizations.
"The bet, now - it has continued Riccardi - is to attract subject private in a position to investing in able infrastructures and operators to grow the port of Monfalcone ulteriorly, to pick all its potentialities".
In occasion of the encounter the city council member has clarified a point source of worry in a part of the harbour workers for a possible "deregulation" of the norms on the labor market (Filt-Cgil has distributed in occasion of the reunion an insert): Riccardi has restated that the regional provision does not take care of this matter sending back express to the national law on ports 84 of 1994. Nothing will change, in short - it has concluded - regarding the protections and the norms on safety of the job in the ports of Monfalcone and Porto Nogaro.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher