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Piero Lazzeri is reconfirmed president of Fedespedi for three years 2012-2015
The three years that we have crossed - has found Lazzeri - it has been particularly difficult for the spedizionieristico section and in the near future decisive challenges for the category will be played
July 2, 2012
Piero Lazzeri is reconfirmed president of Fedespedi - National Federazione of the International Shipment Enterprises for three years 2012-2015 from the assembly of the organization met today to Milan behind closed doors.
Lazzeri has traced a budget of its first three years of presidency in the course of which Fedespedi has been made promotrice of the requests of own associates towards the world of the institutions in a marked from crisis and characterized general economic context from some phenomena between which a hyper normative production (new discipline on the semifinished activity of radiometric control of the metallic ones, modifications to the institute of the Warehouses VAT, introduction of the minimal rates of the road haulage, introduction of the normative List Black, solo in order to cite some of the new dispositions introduced in the last period) that it has ulteriorly burdened the field penalizing the enterprises and theirs ability to compete on the market. "The three years that we have crossed - has explained - it has been particularly difficult for national the spedizionieristico section and the effects of the crisis have hit hardly also our field are from an economic point of view, are occupational".
Lazzeri has remembered also the strengthening of the organizational structure of Fedespedi happened through the constitution of two new internal operating sections (Services to the Enterprises and Territorial) times, respective, to support the companies associated in the search of new opportunities and the facilitation in some withins (financial, insurance Development, etc) and to consolidate the presence on the national territory of the Federation, today represented from 31 territorial associations after the birth, happened in 2010, of Assospedizionieri Sardinia.
Lazzeri has specified that the project launch in 2009, at the beginning of its first mandate, face to the creation of a "associative Network" in order to favor the general increase of national the spedizionieristico system through the connection, the coordination and the collaboration more and more hard between the associated enterprises, the territorial associations and the Federation, will be implemented ulteriorly through the opening of new territorial associations and new operating sections in a position to supplying a support still more effective to the associates from the fiscal point of view (to follow and to deepen the normative evolutions is for the political action of Fedespedi on the institutional tables, is in order to help the associates in the interpretative phase and application of the same ones), the industrial relations (to supply a picture of the giuslavoristiche criticalities of the spedizionieristico field) and the international relations (firstly to search new opportunity of business for the enterprises and projects financed for the Federation).
"In the near future - it has found Lazzeri - decisive challenges for the category will be played. Our effort must be stiff better to characterize ours dresses of true technicians of the field in a position to supplying studies and statistics to the world of the institutions and the administrations that show the gap economic, cultural and normative between Italy and the remainder of Europe and that, at the same time, evidences possible actions and initiatives times to increase to the competitiveness of our Country on the international markets as, for example, real policies of administrative and normative simplification in the processes of import and export of the goods".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher