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Friuli Venice Julia and Calabria aims at the bonded areas which development opportunity
Conclusive day to Trieste of Global the international convention "connectivity with the Mediterranean Basin"
July 3, 2012
"The bonded area is not alone an idea supported from the Harbour Authority of Trieste, but a project made own from all the Friuli Venice Julia, an opportunity of development for Italy and this part of Europe. Because today it is won or one gets lost all together". It has emphasized today the president of the regional agency Renzo Tondo taking part to the Marine Station of Trieste to the conclusive session of Global the international convention "connectivity with the Mediterranean Basin", promoted from the giuliano harbour agency in collaboration with the World Free Zones Convention (WFZC), in the course of which they are placed to I confront experiences of bonded areas of all the world.
Remembering that the starting point of the project is the Treaty of Paris of the 1947 that assigns to the port of Trieste five free points, an instrument that never are not taken advantage of completely, Round has evidenced that "who has written the Treaty of Paris, at the end of the Second World war, has had a far-sighted intuition: to favor the investments to Trieste to the service of a wide area of Europe. Today with the fall of the borders, with the end of the Cold War and the increase of the European Union - it has added - this intuition becomes current more than ever".
Round it has found that until now the port of Trieste, with its backdrops apt to accommodate oceanic ships, has not expressed all its potentialities: they have weighed - it has explained - the Iron Curtain, the fragmentation of the hinterland, the problems of the railway connections. "The fact that we have wasted time - has said president of the Region Friuli Venice Julia - it wants to say that to greater reason we do not have to more lose some". The first important step - it has found - has been the decision of the minister of the economic Development and Infrastructures, Corrado Passera, to unblock the deep CIPE for the logistic platform of the port of Trieste, and now there is the project to throw again the bonded area: "it is this - it has concluded Round - a game on which, as Region, we want to play completely".
Also vice-president of the Region Calabria, Antonella Stasi, participating to the convention has emphasized the importance of the Free Zones and has illustrated in particular the potential elevated one of the bonded area of the port of Gioia Tauro: "that of the calabrian port - it has specified - is the first and only bonded area not interclusa in Italy, instituted from the Agency of Customs on August 1°, 2003, situated inside of the harbour area of Gioia Tauro. The bonded areas intercluse - it has explained - did not represent a particular type, more integrated with the woven territory and connected to the social and entrepreneurial premises, conceived so as to not to be burdened from fences and points of access places from the State, the formalities and the typical controls of the traditional bonded areas, with applicable customs formality and obligation simplified and second the modalities of the regime of the customs warehouse". Antonella Stasi has denounced as however this great occasion of development has been wasted, being absolutely under used, occasion - he has added - "that the regional government, guided from president Scopelliti, wants to carry to yields, offering a concrete possibility to attract investments and to promote the takeover of new initiatives. That's why incentives, facilities are concentrated and benefit, aim to logistics enterprises industrial that will be able to choose to install themselves to Gioia Tauro, having use of the incentives to the enterprises, of ferrobonus for the shipment of goods via earth and all the facilities on the costs of labor that the government Monti has destined to the South".
"The companies that decide to use the benefits of the open bonded area of the Port of Joy - have continued vice-president of the Calabria Region - the possibility of being able will have to import from extra countries European Union to European Union (and therefore foreign on national) without paying the custom offices and in suspension of tax. The advantage offered today by Gioia Tauro, therefore, that to import the raw materials from abroad, to momentarily suspend the payment of the relative custom duties, that is equivalent taxes (pairs to about 35%) and only successively to the transformation or the assemblage being able to re-export without to pay custom offices. It answers to the requirement by the operators, to have of goods foreign in the national territory of the community, with connected economic advantages to the payment deferred of the aforesaid taxes on goods, at the moment of their final destination. In order to facilitate and to facilitate new productive takeovers - Antonella Stasi has remembered - the Harbour Authority of Gioia Tauro has started the realization of two sheds of 50.000 square metres each to grant leasehold in order to carry out to conditions evidently facilitated not only storage, but also industrial, commercial activities and of services, and above all those of transformation of the goods that journeys along the international routes, thanks to the possibility to bind these last ones to other customs regimes that allow such uses".
Antonella Stasi has concluded being associated to the appeal launch by Marina Monassi, president of the Harbour Authority of Trieste, and evidencing as "a modern approach to the bonded areas would guarantee to Italy great opportunities on the routes of transhipment of the container and the warehouse. That's why the government - he has found - would have to insert inside of the provisions dedicated to the increase, adequate measures for better being able to take advantage of the opportunities offered from the great Italian ports being considered them access door in order to attract new investor in Italy and Europe".
From part its Luigi Grillo has remembered as the Commission Transports of the Senate by him presided has asked "to insert in decrees Development is the autonomy financial institution of the ports is the defiscalizzazione also of harbour areas according to the economic increase. The Carriage free of Trieste - it has observed - must play the fiscal advantages that can make it to become a great attractor for the portualità of Alto Adriatico. Alto Adriatico and Alto Tirreno can be valid competitors for the ports of Rotterdam and Amburgo, for all the goods coming from Far East and directed to the center of Europe. Comprised Germany and Bavaria".
Assistant manager of the Agency of Customs, Walter De Santis, it has manifested the availability of the customs administration to shortly organize "to Rome an encounter between the summits of the Harbour Authority of Trieste and those national ones of the Agency. They go estimated - it has explained - all the opportunities to make to pick to the triestine portualità on one side in order to value its vocation of Carriage free and from the other its ability to interconnection with the net of the international commerce and the globalization".
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