Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The future development of the port of Genoa is on the sea
Introduced the lines guides for the new Portuale Town development plan that include a series of hypothesis from the only comun denominator of the displacement to south of the dams breakwater and the fillings
July 4, 2012
. This substantially previews the lines guides for the new Town development plan Portuale (PRP) that they are illustrated today to the Harbour Committee from the summits of the guided Harbour Authority from president Luigi Merlo, that has emphasized the extremely positive acceptance to the new document of planning synthetized in the approachable presentation having clicked on the image to side.
"There is piaciuto the method, that it anticipate multiple scenes", has confirmed the new president of the genoese association of the shipping agents Assagenti, Gian Enzo Duci, having reassumed the opinion of the other members of the Committee. The proposed scenes in order to offer to new areas to the development of the port in fact are varied, but all joined from an only comun denominator: the port will be expanded towards south, on the sea, realizing new outer dams on higher grounds and widening with fillings to meridione the current terminalistiche areas. Such participations would be realized in or more zones of the port, according to the different hypothesis. The sieve of these scenes will constitute the next step, longer and arduous now, that it will have to carry to a definition of the PRP to subject to the approval procedure.
The objective prince of the new one slowly is to adapt the port of the capital of Liguria to the changed requirements of the marine traffics, in the first instance to the increased dimension of the ships, leaving from the portacontainer, than already container has been shown to carry until cargo ability of 22.000 teu, to go to the great cruise ships of last generation. The primary scope of the PRP is to remove current constraints to the operativity of the port: one of more penalizing is the dimensional limit of the basins and the circles of evolution of the port of call, than the access or an adapted operativity does not allow with the mega-ships. An other, than is not under the directed control of the Harbour Authority, is that of the aerial cone defined in order to allow the operation in safety of the genoese airport, that it is situated between the harbour basins of Sampierdarena and Voltri, cone that does not afford to place on the harbour terminals the cranes of the height necessary in order to enliven cargos on the larger ships. Between the different hypothesis, the lines guide preview also the ricollocazione of the airport track beyond Apennines or its positioning on the sea, on the falsariga of the Island of the Airport planned from the architect Renzo Piano in its "fresco" for the waterfront genoese ( on May 25, 2004 and 28 July 2005).
The new one slowly previews to totally eliminate partially or the first tie in or more harbour areas realizing exactly new outer dams that allow to widen the basins and the circles of evolution. The Harbour Authority of it has assumed the displacement to sea until a 500-600 distance meters from the current line of the outer dam, putting down the new works on a ground that arrives to the depth of -50 meters, that is at the best bathymetric reached today from marine engineering. Such work would allow also considerably to widen the superficial ones of or more terminalistiche areas.
Draft evidently of participations expensive complexes and. Two examples: the construction of a new long outer dam is planned very seven kilometers to sea of the basin of Sampierdarena with an investment that would pile to about 1,396 billion euros. Realizing instead the single increase of Bocca of East that allows access to the same basin would be necessary a new dam of 2,6 kilometers, project that is practically the only one of which up to now the execution is previewed with certainty and that 550-590 million euros will cost. Be a matter of assets pure publics, the harbour agency considers that the financing sources cannot that to consist in state, direct imposition fiscal and deep transfers European with the eventual finding of new sources deriving from the cession of assets publics or the resources generated from a effective autonomy financial institution granted to the Harbour Authorities. However - it has evidenced Merlon - they are works from which the survival of the port depends.
As well as on the sea the models of assumed development of the port from the lines not harbour functions guide for the new PRP affect also the entire harbour comprensorio previewing the reconversion of which retrieved areas delocalizzando, but the retroportuali areas go also to beyond the limits the physicists of the port including, with the previewed implementation of the infrastructural connections and of new technologies.
The total objectives of the new one slowly - Marco Sanguineri, managing of the Service has explained planning and studies of the Harbour Authority - are of an integration of the port in the international net, of an increase of its competitiveness, its productive ability and its environmental sustainability, let alone the creation of value for the territory.
The first objective of Merlon and its collaborators is while to define more precisely which, between those assumed, will be the true line guide of development of the port of Genoa to introduce to the Harbour Committee, in the 2013, and meantime to possibly start planning for the essential participations so that, with or without the new Portuale Town development plan, the port of Genoa is not excluded by main the guiding ones of world-wide the marine traffics.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher