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To risk the deep ones for the infrastructuring of the ports in Sites of reclamation of National Interest
It emphasizes the deputy Vico (PD), that he tomorrow promises to battle on article 15 of Decreto Development in voting
July 17, 2012
They are . The denunciation the deputy tarantino of the PD, Ludovico Vico, emphasizing that a anotation risks to make to collapse the hypotheses of development of the port of Taranto, after a season that instead left to foresee the birth in river to the Jonio of a diversification hope, and promising to battle in classroom on article 15 of Decreto Development in voting tomorrow morning. Article 15, as it remembers the dossier for the examination of the bill "urgent Measures for the increase of the Country" elaborated from the Service Studies of the Chamber of Deputies, that we publish below for the part reported to such article, includes between the resources initially transferred to for interventions infrastructural the Harbour Authorities and to revoke in absence of start of the procedures of contest to the aim of the reassignment to other infrastructural projects in the same field, also the destined resources to participations of the Harbour Authorities that operate in sites of reclamation of national interest in the cases in which relative the notices of contest not they are published to the date of publication of the decree-law.
"That article - Vico has explained - shapes a beautiful and good prank that is consumed to the damages of our territory, after only some month it makes the presidency of the Council signed the agreement for the development of the traffics container in the port of Taranto, after the mission of acceleration for the infrastructuring entrusted in the hands of the commissioner to acta and after the overcoming of the state of associate-economic-environmental emergency".
"Now article 15 of Decreto Development - it has continued the parliamentarian - size clearly the deep civil servants for the harbour infrastructural works assigned to the Harbour Authorities that operate in the Sites of reclamation of National Interest as it is exactly the port of Taranto. So the Outer Dam, the dredging of the area of the polisettoriale pier, the overwhelmed case of, the reconfiguration of the dock of the polisettoriale pier, the requalification of the large squares in root, the consolidation of the same dock and the ways of race side earth, could remain to the pole".
"Draft - it has accused Vico - of incomprehensible a political and economic choice that damages Taranto, but risks to push the country towards myopic politics of development in the already shaking balance of the international traffics goods in the area of the Mediterranean. The schizophrenia sign remains then - it has found - that comes from Rome that signature comes to an agreement in all finery involving four ministries quite and then it takes back all in hardly thirteen weeks".
Chamber of Deputies - XIV Legislature - Dossier of documentation
Service Studies - Department productive activities - Department finances, Office Relationships with the European Union
Documentation for the examination of Bills
Urgent measures for the increase of the Country
D.L. 83/2012 - A.C. 5312
Cards of reading
n. 660
3 July 2012
Article 15 (Dispositions financial institutions in harbour matter of infrastructuring)
1. To the aims of the performance of article 2, codicil 2-novies, of the decree-law 29 Decembers 2010, n. 225, converted, with modifications, from the law 26 February 2011, n. 10, the disposition of which to the last period of the codicil 2-undecies of same article 2, it is applied to the deep ones transferred and chargeed to works whose notices of contest are published to the date of effectiveness of it anticipates I decree. The financings re-entering in the foretold fattispecie are not revoked and the relative resources are destined to the purposes established from same article 2, codicil 2-novies, with priority for the investments of which literally a), second the modalities and procedures of which to article 2, codicils from 2-novies to 2-undecies, of the foretold decree-law n. 225 of 2010.
L'articolo 15 includes between the resources initially transferred to for interventions infrastructural the harbour Authorities and to revoke in absence of start of the contest procedures, to the aim of the reassignment to other infrastructural projects in the same field, also the destined resources to participations of the harbour Authorities that operate in sites of reclamation of national interest in the cases in which relative the notices of contest they are not published to the date of publication of the decree-law. The purpose of the disposition, based on the illustrative relation, is that to assign ulterior resources to the infrastructural participations in the harbour field.
The disposition takes part on the revocation of the deep civil servants transferred or assigned to the harbour Authorities for the realization of infrastructural works, against the lacked publication the ban of contest for the allocation of the work within the fifth year from the transfer or the allocation, and on their destination to infrastructural participations in the harbour field, measures both having from article 2, codicil 2-novies of the D.L. 225/2010 and to put into effect itself, based on such disposition, within on March 15, 2011.
To the recalled disposition over it has been date performance with I decree of the Minister of infrastructures n.357 on October 13, 2011. Such I decree has characterized in 131.359.740, 72 euros the which revoked total resources.Object of revocation the relative amounts have been sums (are indicated between parentheses) destined to the harbour Authorities of:
Bari (21.182.049, 70 euros which revoked and overturned to the budget of the State; 51.500.000 euros quotas financing of mortgage still available near the subject backer and yielded to the new financed subjects);
Genoa (8.699.808 euros which revoked and overturned to the budget of the State; 43.681.075 euros quotas financing of mortgage still available near the subject backer and yielded to the new financed subjects);
Gioia Tauro (50,060, 29 euros which revoked and overturned to the budget of the State);
Salerno (3,157, 04 euros which revoked and overturned to the budget of the State);
Savona (117,226, 68 euros which revoked and overturned to the budget of the State;
Catania (1.300.407, 46 euros quotas financing of mortgage still available near the subject backer and yielded to the new financed subjects);
Piombino (4.825.956, 55 euros quotas financing of mortgage still available near the subject backer and yielded to the new financed subjects).
The resesi sums so available (are those overturned ones in the budget of the State are those deriving from yielded quotas mortgage) are assigned:
to the harbour Authority of Savona (68.909.740, 72 euros) for the co-financing of the project of realization of the terminal containers of Vado Ligure;
to the harbour Authority of Cagliari (1.250.000 euros) for the support to the activities of transhipment;
to the harbour Authority of Gioia Tauro (5.200.000 euros) for the support to the activities of transhipment;
to the harbour Authority of Taranto (6.000.000 euros) for the support to the activities of transhipment;
to the harbour Authority of Genoa (50.000.000 euros) for the project of banchinamento and filling of the watery mirror to East of the wharf Delta of the port oils of Multedo.
Article 2, codicil 2-undecies of the D.L n. 225/2010 according to excluded from the revocation the deep ones transferred or assigned to the harbour Authorities for the financing of works in marine ports of call from ricompresi administered they in sites of reclamation of national interest of article 1 of the law n. 426/1998.
The dispositions of which to article 15 they circumscribe the exclusion now, arranging that the same one only operates for the works whose notices of contest turn out published to the date of effectiveness of I decree. The sums re-entering in such fattispecie are not destined to the same characterized, in the respect of a fixed total limit for year 2011 to 250 million euros, the other sums object of revocation and described purposes from letters a), b) and c) of recalled article 2, codicil 2-novies of the D.L. 225/2010 and that is to say:
realization of great harbour infrastructures re-entering in the law-objective (law n. 443/1988; in the limit of 150 million euros in 2011);
financing of the harbour Authorities whose ports mostly are interested by activity of transhipment (in the limit of 20 million euros in 2011) [66];
the financing of the harbour Authorities that introduce cantierabili projects (in the limit, for 2011, of the residual quota and that is of 70 million euros).
A particular priority must be attributed to the realization of great harbour infrastructures re-entering in the law-objective (law n. 443/2001).
One remembers that the law n. 426/1998 have allocated for interventions of reclamation and environmental restoration of the polluted sites, comprised areas and marine, lacuali, fluvial mirrors of water and venticinquennali Lagunari there limits of engagement of 27.000 million Liras to pass from the year 1998, of 5.600 million Liras to pass from the year 1999 and of 16.200 million Liras to pass from year 2000. For the same purposes moreover the expense of 130.000 million Liras for year 2000 is authorized, while for the next years it was previewed that stability law was provided now by means of refinancing in table C of the financial law (). The definition of the participations was sent back to a national program of participations whose predisposition was entrusted the Ministry of the atmosphere, of understanding with the Conference State-regions and felt the competent Parliamentary commissions. As first participations of national interest, the law characterizes the following ones:
Venice (Marghera Port);
Naples oriental;
Gela and Priolo;
Cengio and Saliceto;
Massa and Carrara;
Casal Monferrato;
Shoreline Domizio-Flegreo and aversano Agro (Caserta-Naples);
Pitelli (La Spezia);
Pieve Vergonte.
Sesto San Giovanni (industrial areas and relative rubbish dumps);
Naples Bagnoli-Coroglio (industrial areas);
Pioltello and Rodano.
Brescia-Caffaro (industrial areas and relative rubbish dumps to clear);
Falconara Marittima;
Serravalle Scrivia;
lakes of Mantua and chemical pole;
Orbetello former area Sitoco;
areas of the shoreline vesuvian;
industrial areas of Porto Torres;
industrial area of the Val Basento;
the territory of the basin of the river Bag, with reference to the municipalities of Colleferro, Segni and Gavignano of the province of Rome, and to the municipalities of Paliano, Anagni, Ferentino, Sgurgola, Morolo and Supino, of the province of Frosinone;
the industrial area of the Municipality of Milazzo;
catchment basin of the Sarno river.
As it is seen in these territories turn out you anticipate the harbour Authorities of Brindisi, La Spezia, Manfredonia, Marina di Carrara, Naples, Piombino, Taranto and Venice, that they could turn out therefore interested from the disposition.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher