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Under consideration a new railway wagon for the intermodal traffic
It leave the ViWaS project coordinated from the HaCon German. For the first time SBB CFF FFS Cargo participates to a research project of the EU
September 11, 2012
Railway company Helvetic SBB CFF FFS Cargo for the first time participates to a research project of the European Union which partner of ViWaS (Viable Wagonload Production Schemes), a coordinated triennial program from the HaCon German who involves moreover the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT) of the federal Polytechnic of Zurich, the Wascosa Swiss, the Germans Bentheimer Eisenbahn and Eureka Navigation Solutions, the technical University of Berlin YOU Berlin, the Italian IB Innovation Consortium (spin-off non-profit of Interporto of Bologna Spa), the French Fret SNCF and Belgian NEWOPERA Aisbl.
The ViWaS project, that it is inaugurated yesterday to Hanover and it previews a total investment of 4,2 million euros, of which 2,9 million by the EU, will be realized by september 2012 to August 2015 and it is determined to adapt the railway traffic to complete wagons to requirement of the modern logistics and to guarantee of the continuity in the long term. In particular, it has the objective to directly return the international traffic competitive goods on track through the planning of a new wagon for the intermodal traffic allowing a simplification of the operations of cargo and drainage of the container on the connecting line of the customers, creating so new possibilities of transport and railway logistics of maximum efficiency.
SBB CFF FFS Cargo has explained that, in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Zurich and the charter of wagons Wascosa goods, in the within of the project it will develop the new type of railway wagon for the transport of the container apt to directly carry out the operations of cargo and drainage of wagons and container on the connecting line.
The railway company has remembered to have in project the realization of Gateway Limmattal to Dietikon, that it will become a platform for the containerized import and exports that via train is transported by and for the marine ports ( on 25 January 2011). "In future - it has specified SBB CFF FFS Cargo - in the Limmattal gateway the container more will not be reshipped solo from the train to the truck, but generally on other railway means in order to continue the travel on track. Container coming from all the world arrives grouped in the gateway; here they are subdivided and they reach on track the connecting line of the customers or the decentralized terminals of transfer, through existing nets of transport, going considerably to lighten the grindstones of the traffic on the road".
"The project of the gateway - it has emphasized Daniel Bürgy, general responsible for the project intermodal traffic of SBB CFF FFS Cargo - collects much interest in Europe. Naturally, as main company of transport in Switzerland we hope of being able to draw also of the profits from the experiences in the European project". "Thanks to our program - it has added - the traffic to complete wagons will be able to have use of the boom that is living the container traffic. Draft of an indispensable ecological alternative to the street transport, especially for the huge volumes on the averages and long distances".
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