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On 5 October to Genoa the second edition of Italian Cruise Day will hold
Al via today to Singapore the event Cruise Shipping Asia-Pacific
September 17, 2012
Next 5 October to the Marine Station of Bridge of the Thousands to Genoa will hold the second edition of "Italian Cruise Day", the forum on the Italian crocieristica industry realized from the society of search and advising Answers Tourism, in collaboration with Marine Stations Spa and partnership with Ligurian Ports, that it is classified to the operators of the section of the cruises (shipowning companies, harbour truths, shipping agent, tour operator and travel agents and many other anchor) and, more in general terms, to which they are interested to the field. "Italian Cruise Day - president of Answers Turismo has confirmed, Francesco di Cesar - wants to be the point of reference for which they intend to know intimately the characteristics and dynamics of a field that during the last few years has supplied an increasing contribution to the economy and the occupation of the Country".
Italian Cruise Day, that it is devised as a moment of I confront on the last trends, dynamics, the production processes and the future perspectives of the crocieristico field, will be developed through four sessions of argument - two in plenary one and two in parallel - on general and specific topics of the strong present time for the section faced from the main actors and opinion leader of the field.
More in particular, the plenary session of opening, entitled "the next future of the crocieristica in Italy", it will entrust the construction of a budget in course for 2012 and of a scene for near future to the comments and the analyses of Edoardo Monzani, managing director of Marine Stations Spa, Giovanni Onorato, general manager of Costa Crociere, Domenico Pellegrino, general manager of MSC Cruises, Roberto Perocchio, managing director of Venice Passenger terminal, and Gianni Rotondo, general manager of Royal Caribbean Cruise Line.
To follow the two sessions will be carried out parallels dedicated respective to the produced competition between crocieristico and the other forms of vacation (between the relatori: Massimo Caravita, vice-president FIAVET vicar, and Enzo Carella, managing director of Uvet ITN Travel Network) and to the topic of safety and atmosphere (between the relatori: Pierluigi Cacioppo, general commander of the Body of the Harbour offices, and Ugo Salerno, president and managing director of RINA Spa), encounter this last one in which will be illustrated the engagements taken from companies and ports, but not only, in matter of safety and atmosphere.
The day of study will finish with the plenary session of entitled closing "the real contribution of the crocieristica to the development of the territories" during which it will be confronted to us on the fallen back ones of the crocieristici production and tourism on the involved territories, illustrating what can and must be made in order to extend of the dimension and the beam. Marco Arato, president of Airport of Genoa Spa, Antonio Barreca, general manager of Federturismo Confindustria, Angelo Berlangieri, city council member to Tourism, culture, show of the Liguria Region, Loris Di Giorgio, sales & marketings will take part manager Direction Cruise ships of Fincantieri, Roberto Martinoli, delegated for Italy di European Cruise Council (ETC) and Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), and Marina Monassi, president of the Harbour Authority of Trieste and vice-president of Assoporti.
During the development of Italian Cruise Day, than it will be opened with a keynote speech of Pietro Zanini, general manager of Wärtsilä Italy Spa, will be introduced the second edition of Italian Cruise Watch, the relationship of search on the crocieristico field in Italy cured from Answers Tourism that more contains the updated data and important and the forecasts for the future of the section. The first data of the relationship, official notices in preview this morning in occasion of the presentation of the second edition of the event, show as the esteem for the closing of 2012, confronted with the data to consuntivo of 2011, evidence a contained reduction of the number of passengers enlivened in Italy (embark, disembark and to transits) pairs to -4,2% for a total of 11.026.692 (projection on the total of the 10.706.821 of fleeting movements recorded in 22 able ports to record in 2011 97% of the total traffic), in fort resumption regarding the bending recorded in first semester 2012 (- 10.8%), turned out on which - it has found Answers Tourism - they have recorded factors which the unfavorable economic conjuncture and the emotional effect post Concord. The resumption is obvious also analyzing the single months of the first semester, with a trend of recovery culminated with the closing of june almost in balance regarding the same month of 2011. Increasing the horizon to second half of the year 2012, the formulated esteem evidence as the second half of the year (that seasonally more important for the section) would have to be shut online with the same period of 2011, to ulterior confirmation of the gone back one. It moreover must consider - it has still observed Answers Tourism - as the esteem of closing of 2012 is however advanced of 14.6% regarding 2010, a biennium therefore of strong increase for the crocieristico section respect to other hit fields of the tourist macroindustry mainly from the crisis.
"Although 2012 are a particular year for national the crocieristica industry - Francesco has commented di Cesar - the section have known to react maintaining the foundations intact in order to continue in that distance of increase that have marked the field and that ago of the cruise a case of excellence inside of the tourist macroindustry".
For Answers Tourism, the waited for recovery for second half of the year 2012 would have to continue also in 2013, year in which the - second the regarding forecasts seven Italian ports (Civitavecchia, Venice, Naples, Genoa, Livorno, Messina and Ravenna, truths that alone have represented 70% of happened handling fleeting in 2011) - number of enlivened passengers it would have to return to positive being with an increase of 4.5% regarding the esteem for 2012 on the same ports of call.
Between the innovations of the edition the 2012 of Italian Cruise Day house of the Italian crocieristici ports, an informative space, of exchange and argument on hand of national the crocieristici terminals where to be able to illustrate to the operators of the section and the administrators publics the reached results, the work in being and the projects for the future.
Within Italian Cruise Day will be carried out moreover 6 saturdays October (hours 09,00 - 13,00) Carriere@ICD, the only one career day dedicated to the classified crocieristica to 100 young people under the 27 years of age, already selected from the organizational secretariat of the event between beyond 500 candidacies on the base of a series of criteria estimated to you, interested to working outlets in the crocieristico section. The appointment, in program always near the premises of the Marine Station of Bridge of the Thousands, will develop in a morning of encounters between young people the selected and responsible human resources of some of the main companies of national the crocieristico section between which companies of cruise, harbour companies, marine agencies, tour operator and Network of travel agencies.
While today to Marina Bay Cruise Centre of Singapore the second edition of the event has been opened "Cruise organized Shipping Asia-Pacific" from the UBM, society that realize manifestations on the cruises and the marine field between which Cruise Shipping Miami, Seatrade Med, Marintec China, Naval Shore and Sea Japan. First of the two days of the event it is inaugurated with a ececutive panel of top of world-wide crocieristiche companies that have discussed about the current state and the potential one of the market of the cruises in the region of Asia and Oceania.
Participating to the Christine Duffy panel, president and managing director of the CLIA, it has emphasized the perspective promising of increase of the crocieristico market in the Asian region and appeases, where a rate penetration of 1% would correspond to a total of 300 million crocieristi (the current rate penetration in the United States is of 3%).
The general manager of Costa Crociere, Gianni Onorato, has evidenced the current deficiency of harbour infrastructures dedicated to the cruises in Asia and the limited acquaintance by the consumers of the region of the opportunities offered from crocieristico tourism. "The main problem - it has specified - is that to explain the customers what is a cruise. The second challenge is as offering to destinations and routes that they can be reached in reasonable way from the economic point of view. We - it has explained the manager of Costa Crociere - have a series of home port in the region, but there is the necessity of other ports of port of call that are able to receive the ships. Today this lacks and this is one of the main obstacles to the increase. Main the home port - it has emphasized Honored - would have to be supported from other ports". The general manager of Costa Crociere has found that another obstacle to the increase is that of the cost of the fuel of the ships that operate in the region, that it is elevated to the world because of the distance between the ports.
Also the general manager of Asia Cruise Association, Kevin Leong, has emphasized that the Asian region is not equipped of an adequate number of landings place for the cruises: “the crocieristiche companies - it has confirmed - want to carry the ships to you, but not there are sufficient ports of port of call. There is a development in course and it will want us of the time so that he gives yields”.
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Genoa - ITALY
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher