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Assomarinas, the crisis of the nautical-tourist enterprises "most obvious and is generalized"
The association anticipates the conjunctural cognitive investigation on the course of the market of the harbour services
September 18, 2012
The nautical-tourist enterprises are in suffering and draft of the "most obvious and generalized crisis". It evidences the anniversary cognitive investigation on the activity of the associated enterprises to Assomarinas, the Italian Association of the Tourist Ports adherent to Ucina Nautical Confindustria and Federturismo, that it is introduced last week to Navy of Stabia in the course of the shareholders' meeting of the association.
The conjunctural cognitive investigation of Assomarinas on the course of the market of the tourist harbour services emphasizes as the question of moorings allocates them is in come down fort: from the -15% to the -25%, with tips until the -50% and beyond, as such bending is generalized on all the territory and the rarest exceptions are constituted generally by new structures in phase of starter. Similar (in worse) the course of the moorings in transit. Moreover it is hard the bending of the rimessaggi, practically online with the decrease of the moorings, and this - it has found the association - demonstrates unfortunately that the boats that lack in water are not winged, but they have been gone some elsewhere. Sul forehead of the fuel sales is recorded a decrease that is gone up by the -20% of the two years precedence (2010 and 2011) to -30/40%. The question of services accessories has confirmed the bending of the -20% last year, already preceded from a -10% in 2010, and the equipment sales turn out completely online with the other negatività. At last the course of the sales of places boat is still in phase of inactivity.
Introducing the debate centralized on the topic "Work in progress between recession and programs of development - State treasury. Territory and enterprise", the moderator of the encounter Massimo Bernardo, journalist of "the Nautical" salary, it has evidenced as "it is today necessary having to involve municipalities and local authorities in supporting every entrepreneurial initiative tied to the valorization of the coast estimating with extreme caution all the progettuali proposed new relative to destined structures to the nautical one from diporto that they do not preview the mere widening of existing structures or that already they have not been understood from enforced town-planning instruments or, still, than they are not already next to the conclusion of the approval procedure". To such purpose the president of Assomarinas, Roberto Perocchio, will transmit to the local authorities of the coast a letter, already approved of in the course of the assembly, in which, after to have described to the state of crisis of the field and its devastating consequences on the harbour-tourist enterprises, he emphasizes as "the crisis of the nautical one from diporto has hired structural and not occasional character with the tendency to drag on at least for a quinquennium because of modifying itself of the purchasing power of the consumers; that respect to a national equipment of 150.000 places boat 18,000 moorings are currently under construction ulterior, while others 30,000 are under progettuale appraisal and that only 30% of the nautical units of new construction and breaking in the international market need effectively, as constructed from not barellabili units, of a place boat proceeds on watery mirror".
The invitation turned from Assomarinas to the mayors and the presidents of the Italian marine Regions "to the aim not to prejudice the precarious balance of the existing activities and to guarantee the economic sustainability of the tourist entrepreneurial initiatives under completion or of imminent opening" is therefore that "to estimate with extreme caution the proposed new progettuali".
In the course of the assembly the general manager of Federturismo, Antonio Barreca, has announced a next audition to the Senate in order to introduce a containing document topics and proposals of the Italian tourist industry between which those regarding the tourist portualità: "the action of Federturismo - it has explained - has been of support to the valorization of the coastal resources of our Country with a constant pressing of sensitization in confronts of the government and the parliament from which we expect a concrete sign to safeguard of the field of the tourist portualità of which Assomarinas is authoritative representative in the confindustriale world".
The fiscal adviser of Federturismo, Franco Vernassa, has announced that on the front of the state treasury, in particular for the shipowners, good news arrives from the Agency of the Entrances graces to a next review of the indices of taxpaying capacity (Redditometro): "the possession of a boat - it has specified - would have to record to a lesser degree in the assessments of yield of the contributor. In fact in the new Redditometro - that would have to take effect within year-end - besides the possession of the boat others will be counted 57 goods and services in use to the contributor spreading so the determination of the taxpaying capacity on a wider availability than goods and services regarding single the nine indices of the precedence version of the Redditometro".
Taking part on the topic "Project-financing and tourist portualità" lawyer Stefano Zunarelli has announced an important innovation for throws again of the tourist portualità with the normative new in matter of projet financing: "this - it has specified - is an instrument that on one side for the private investor confirmation the possibility to assume the entrepreneurial initiative for the realization of the structures, from the other gives greater certainty regarding the regime established with fine DPR 509/98 placing finally to the doubts on the administrative procedures to follow itself. This will allow to accelerate the times of realization of the structures and to diminish the risks and the costs of a litigation, today, unfortunately frequent".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher