Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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ECSA, a modernization of the technical-nautical services are essential condition for the improvement of the efficiency of the ports
Riva: in front of the current crisis economic financial institution and, this objective is more important that never
September 28, 2012
Taking part to the convention on the topic "Unlocking the growth potential", than one has held tuesdays and Wednesdays slid to Brussels and has been organized from the Mobilità head office and Trasporti of the EU commission, the president of the European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA), Juan Riva, has illustrated the demands for the European shipowners in the within of the definition of a political new for the ports in existence in the EU, beginning from a new normative picture for services technical-nautical.
Riva has evidenced that already in the half of the Nineties the improvement of the efficiency of the ports and the harbour services is identified as a fundamental objective for the increase of the economy of the European Union and has emphasized as, in front of the current crisis economic financial institution and, this objective is more important that never.
In particular - the president of the association of the European shipowners has said, "as found in precedence arguments, the harbour services probably constitutes the first element on which it is necessary to take part with a modernization. These services - Riva has explained - would have to become account that are key elements of the logistic chain".
"The towing - it has specified Riva - is a normal commercial service and it does not have to be considered as a service of general economic interest. Altogether - it has found the president of the ECSA - the market principles are applied; however, practically there are still some cases in which specific measures or local norms they must be adequate".
"The pilotage - it has continued Riva - has been about to some time place on the agenda and ECSA appreciates the engagement of the EU commission on the topic. The possibility to obtain certifyd of exemption from pilotage (PEC), on the base of objective and transparent criteria, would have to be strengthened and the procedure would have to be relevant and appropriate". "Often - it has observed Riva - one forgets that the element base of the pilotage is that the pilot "instructs" the commander of the ship on the base of its acquaintance of the local conditions; however the commander maintains to the control total of the ship and anytime she can put in doubt or to refuse the councils of the pilot. The pilotage can have some elements of public service, but it is not a single thing. It is obvious that safety requirement carry out an essential and fundamental role in the job offered from the pilotage services. However the topic of safety does not have to be misused. A corrected risk assessment for safety is essential, that it involves all the interested parts".
"Last, but not less important - it has evidenced Riva - the technological last news that regards also the pilotage earth would have to be ulteriorly developed. If the ships can be lead in port or made to leave using systems of guide of the ship from earth in unfavorable meteorological conditions it wonders to us because this cannot be made in conditions of beautiful time". According to the president of the ECSA, "the entire topic of the pilotage it would have to be resumed, under investigation enclosed the levels of qualification".
An other topic that - for the European shipowners - must be dealt from a commercial point of view is that of the harbour taxes. "The harbor dues and the fixation of the rates - Riva has explained - would have to be dealt as a commercial issue and would have to be left to the single ports. It is obvious that they would have to be transparent, relevant and negotiable. At the expense of the shipowners - it has specified - they would have to be places only those services that use effectively; the burden of the service would have to be based on the cost of its supply and a port would have to be able to demonstrate it".
The ECSA has restated also its position on the topic of the job in the ports: "that of the job - it has observed Riva - wrongly or reason has been the more delicate issue in the precedence arguments on European harbour politics". "The principle second which the suppliers of services in the ports have flood freedom to involve qualified staff of they chosen without conditions taxes, if not in particular situations tied to the qualifications, safety, national the social norms online with the Treaty - the president of the ECSA has confirmed - must be totally respected. It comes to an agreement in existence that they are questioned - it has added - must be estimated on the base of the legislation EU in vigor".
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