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In the 2013 Italian crocieristico market he will be stable
It previews the Cemar, that it attends an increment of 1.6% of the crocieristi and decrease of 4% of the number of ships
September 28, 2012
Also the next year the Italian market of the cruises will be characterized by a substantial stability. It previews the marine agency and tour operator Cemar Agency Network that in 2013 considers will record a light increment in terms of crocieristi enlivened in Italian ports (+1.63% regarding 2012) in spite of a decrease of the number of present ships (- 4%).
In occasion Frills, the workshop "b2b" dedicated to the operators of tourism currently in course near the Fair of Bergamo, this morning president of Cemar, Sergio Senesi, has not specified that the projections indicate that 2013 it will make to record a light increment in terms of enlivened passengers, that they will pile to 10.965.000 units (regarding the optimal result of the 2012 pairs to 10.789.00 embarking or disembarking passengers), of which 6.427.050 in transit and 4.538.870.
Moreover touched substantially stable numbers of the ship in Italian ports (4,884 in 2013 and 4,897 in 2012) and of the number of shipping presents in Italy (47 are previewed, as in 2012). It is attended instead a decrease of the number of cruise ships that will touch the Italian coasts and of the number of involved Italian ports in the crocieristica activity: according to the forecasts, to the term of the 2013 they will be journeyed in Italian waters 142 cruise ships against the 148 of 2012 (- 4%) and the Italian ports that will take part of the crocieristico market will come down from 66 in 2012 to 61 in 2013 (- 7.57%), this - according to Cemar - for effect of I decree "Saves Coasts".
"In the course of 2013 - it has explained Sienese - we will assist unfortunately to a drastic decrease if not to the disappearance of the ports of call in some smaller ports, which Portofino (almost -50%), Ischia and Porto Cervo. Draft of the effects negatives of I decree myself Saves Coasts, with which we have lost about 40.000 passengers in the field of the luxury cruises: in spite of the profuse engagement from the local institutions, the shipowners have with justice favorite to address to near destinations and mainly guaranteed, favoring also so the ports of Costa Azzurra and the Corsica".
"An organized harbour system - it has continued Sienese - would allow an ulterior increase of the traffic fleeting in the Italian ports, with an increment that we can estimate in 2.000.000 of presences. He would be sufficient to improve the receptivity of our ports and to guarantee equipped docks: draft of simple aimed actions that without a doubt they would go to advantage of our discapito Country and to handling in the French ports, Spanish and Croatian".
If in 2012 Civitavecchia has confirmed first Italian port with beyond 2.450.000 enlivened passengers, followed from Venice, Naples and Livorno (than for the first time it has exceeded quota 1.000.000 enlivened passengers), Cemar considers that 2013 will carry important variations in classify of the ports: Genoa will earn two very places exceeding 1.100.000 passengers enlivened, placing itself so in third position after Civitavecchia and Venice and before Naples, Savona and Livorno.
Cemar evidences that in 2013 very five Italian ports will exceed quota a million passengers (Civitavecchia, Venice, Genoa, Naples and Savona), while others three will be arranged between 500.000 and 1.000.000 (Livorno, Bari and Messina). To come down, six ports between 100.000 and 500.000 passengers (Catania, Palermo, Salerno, Ancona, Cagliari and Ravenna) and then still four ports between 50.000 and 100.000 passengers and 12 ports between the 10,000 and the 50.000. They will close classifies it the 31 Italian smaller ports with than 10.000 passengers less enlivened.
"The strong increase of the port of Genoa as also of other ports of the peninsula in 2013 - it has found Sergio Senesi - he is certainly riconducibile to the increase of the MSC ports of call Cruises (beyond 780 touched in Italy with beyond 2.800.000 enlivened passengers), while Costa Crociere and Royal Caribbean on the whole remain stable. To signal also the return in the Mediterranean of Disney and the second ship of the Carnival. A strong closely bound decrease to I decree Saves Coasts sinks Portofino with almost -50%. Naples and Livorno instead will be penalized in 2013 from obvious difficulties in the guarantee of the moorings: a problem that of the Campania port and that Tuscan one will have to face and to resolve, also because it has already wide favorite the near destinations which Salerno and La Spezia".
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